Thanks for all your feedback. We've received around 50 new suggestions through
the online suggestion form which we will work through.
We've also added the following items from this forum to the list:
* Linux support (in fact - this one was missed from the list and is almost ready for external testing)
* Disable tools option in Surveyor
* Proper Dual Gauge Track support
* Steam locomotive support in Test Track
Most of the other suggestions are already planned or included within one of the items on the list. If your feature isn't mentioned, please create a new entry using the suggestion form link above.
In answer to some of the points raised here:
Can the "Plus" options be enabled or disabled per install, or is this done globally for all installations?
>> They can be enabled and disabled at will per build.
Any improvements or updates in TRS19 should be immediately available to all TRS19 users.
>> Perhaps you would like us to throw in all the DLC as well? And the 10 or 25% Trainz Store discount, and free FCT?
I'm sorry for the sarcasm, but N3V Games is a business. This means that features that cost us money to develop need to be paid for by the customers. That's how a business works in a capitalist society.
The cold hard facts are that there are a group of people who are happy to pay a small amount each month to add more value to their Trainz experience.
Others aren't happy with paying the extra, and therefore, they don't get access to the extras we offer.
There is a choice you can make, just like whether you fly business or economy, or whether you walk, catch a bus or catch a taxi to the airport.
If you don't see value in the Gold or Silver Class options, then that's fine. But please don't expect to get the exact same things as those paying more for the privilege.
Good way to split the Community by having two tiers.......
>> Actually the Community already has half a dozen tiers - TRS2006/2010/12/TANE/TMR/TRS19.
Compatible content is segregated by trainzbuild number.
Most of the new features in Trainz Plus will be about usability and functionality rather than creating incompatible content.
Later on, if a feature we introduce will not work in 4.6 then we will update Trainz Plus to 4.7 (which will be no different to the step from TANE vs TRS19).
I should also make a few other points clear.
- "Completed" features will be part of an official update
- "In-development" features will be optional
- Some "in-development" features such as the MPS feature, may be provided free while in testing and then become available as an optional extra when completed
- We will be inviting additional beta testers (who have proven themselves to be reliable and effective) to join various testing phases