UK Screenshots for Pre BR Blue. High resolution warning.

Glad they're doing a working condition 9F, gives us a bit more room to work with on BR era routes.
I do wonder whether they'll simply have that Jinty in LMS/BR Black or whether they'll include 16440 in MR Red as like a Preservation livery like the one made for TC3? I've got a real old Hornby 16440 model sitting in a box in storage somewhere, so it'll be so cool to have it on an updated version for T+
Who knows but I do hope they don't stop their since a jubilee and a black 5 won't be too difficult to do hopefully.
Not enough GWR-BR WR in Trainz, thats why i run TSC much more with all the fantastic payware GWR loco's and stock.
If you want to step outside of the DLS there's a surprising amount of GWR locomotives and rolling stock available. I will admit that more than a few of them are older models though.

I have a collection of GWR models in TSC as well and they are very nice, but it's still Trainz where I spend most of my time.
Trainspotting at Polegate Station in the 1950s:

An Ex-LBSCR K Class on a Coal Train Bound for Lewes Station. Probably an excess order for the Eastbourne Gasworks.

Ex-SR Maunsell U Class on Hastings to Brighton Express - looks to be a nonstop service as expresses between the two stations usually call at Polegate.

Ex-LBSCR B4X Class on a stopping service just off the Cuckoo Line. The coaches are out of the time period, but the B4X is not. They worked the Cuckoo Line between Groomsbridge and Polegate until their withdrawal in the early 50s.
31 degree C temperatures here yesterday so I compensated by doing some test shunting at Rathtyen on 'Tristyn in Winter'. The rebuilding at Rathtyen is still ongoing, but trains can run Ok.
Decapod's venerable GWR Class 2021 pannier tank is my present shunting engine of choice while I'm testing out the industry sidings & etc at Rathtyen.




Very inspirational! I wonder if you're using post-processing settings to improve the lighting effects?

Here's a couple of pics from me showing a J50 shunting at Lavenham in the morning getting the wagons ready for the pick-up goods that passes down the branch in the afternoon....


Paul: there's no post-processing of the lighting - I wouldn't know where to start, so it's all as in the game.
Meanwhile, thanks for the J15, with the new suburbans.....
That's super stuff, particularly good to see with Barney and JB's new Mk1 non-gangwayed coaches. Love the rail photographers you've got there - have you set them up like that?
Some screenshots from both my "F&WVJR Flockton Diorama V1.0" and "F&WVJR St.Ives V1.1.1" Routes during playtesting.
I've managed to get Flockton up and running with the signal boxes rule, albeit a little bit complex with the two Signal boxes controlling Flockton Town terminus as FTA and FTB do not seem to like having a 3-track line between platforms 2 and 3 along with the goods loop adjacent to Platform 1. But it works well enough for me to run shuttle trains along the line to the harbour for at least 2-3 round trips in one go which is good. The route is on the DLS as we speak, however I'm still working on a Signal Box rule fitted session to accompany it.


On St.Ives V1.1.1 Meanwhile (Named as such because I completely rebuilt the station points on the north side again compared to 1.1) Gravel Hill sidings have now been upgraded to include a small colliery, Limestone tipple, sidings, and a small branch line to the neighbouring farmyard directly serving the local shearing shed. The reason for this, is due to the Farmer allowing the colliery to be constructed in his paddock on the condition that a % of funds from the colliery go straight to his family, and that a branch line to the farm be built so as to make transportation of livestock, grain, wool bales and other materials on and off farm easier. A special train is arranged at Kelpie's crossing to serve the farm 2 times per month, usually hauled by the local shunting engine of the colliery, be it one of Erinvale Collieries' own engines, or one hired out from the FWVJR.


Because Gravel hill mine was always built as a Limestone tipple, (wanted a gravel one initially but couldn't find any suitable gravel tipples on the DLS) I wanted to keep certain aspects of the original mine from Version 1 and Version 1.1 intact. So, using a bit of imagination, I crafted a system whereby the stone from the colliery full sidings is shunted to the "Stone dump" where the stone is unloaded, sorted in the conveyor system, and the limestone is loaded into wagons for transport elsewhere. there's two run-around lines up the incline to the empty siding, with the main bypass line for bringing up empty wagons, and the line adjacent to the colliery screens to allow the shunting engine to push the loaded wagons, especially filled with stone, to the sidings.



Both St.Ives V1.1 and V1.1.1 should appear on the DLS tonight hopefully.
- Noah
That's interesting stuff tamkowald.
Paul: the photographers are a permanent feature of the route - they're happy to just wait for whatever trains turn up, although most of their photographer colleagues have opted for the preserved Kerwood to Pencombe branch....