We have been working hard to get our online submission process ready for all content creators who are keen to earn some monetary rewards for their Trainz creations. We are very happy to announce the Trainz Content Creator Program (TCCP) online system is now open for business.
TCCP allows all content creators to sign-in using their existing MyTrainz account and submit their DLC and then share in the ongoing revenues generated. This content can be anything from rolling stock and locos to new sessions and routes.
Once submitted and approved, our content team will process and package the content ready for sale inside Trainz PC, Mac and iOS products as well as on SimulatorCentral.com and 3rd party websites such as STEAM.

Please note, the TCCP online system is for content creators making payware DLC only. For free content we will continue our ongoing support for the Trainz Download Station (DLS).
Submit your content via TCCP now @ https://contentcreators.trainzportal.com
TCCP allows all content creators to sign-in using their existing MyTrainz account and submit their DLC and then share in the ongoing revenues generated. This content can be anything from rolling stock and locos to new sessions and routes.
Once submitted and approved, our content team will process and package the content ready for sale inside Trainz PC, Mac and iOS products as well as on SimulatorCentral.com and 3rd party websites such as STEAM.

Please note, the TCCP online system is for content creators making payware DLC only. For free content we will continue our ongoing support for the Trainz Download Station (DLS).
Submit your content via TCCP now @ https://contentcreators.trainzportal.com