Listing of known problematic commodities (TRS2006+)


Tutorial Creator
Moderators - if this is in the wrong place, please put it in the right place, bearing in mind that it covers multiple versions of Trainz.

Hi Trainzers,

This thread is intended to provide a list of problematic commodities. I am particularly interested in:
  • Commodities that cause script exceptions (the red dot/bug) when attempting to select commodities using the in-game properties boxes (and as a result cause the box to be empty)
  • Commodities that cause Trainz to crash
  • Commodities that are known to be faulty/have missing dependencies.
As this will be a community effort, all who have relevant information are welcome to post here. Please do not use this thread for off-topic questions as this will make it harder to find the information.

When posting, please include the following information:
  • Name and KUID of the offending commodity
  • Effect caused in Trainz (script exception, crash, known faulty/missing dependencies)
  • Version(s) affected if known
Please note that this is not a thread for criticising other creators assets, this is to help people avoid problematic commodities.

I will start things off:

Asset : Rusty Rebar - 40ft - Load,<kuid2:447922:1084:1> (note: the original version of this asset is also affected)
Author : arr
Effect : Causes script exception/empty products list, as well as having a unknown missing dependency
Versions : TS2009 and later

Asset : pit sand <kuid:506034:112000>
Author : wearsprada
Effect : Causes script exception/empty products list
Versions : TRS2009 and later

Asset : cement <kuid:506034:118000>
Author : wearsprada
Effect : Causes script exception/empty products list
Versions : TS2009 and later

Asset : Wood Pulp (Bulk) <kuid:473136:1159>
Author : JohnnyC1
Effect: Faulty Commodity - will cause empty products list
Versions : Probably TS2009 and later
Note - an update to the above asset has been uploaded to the Download Station, which should work OK (<kuid2:473136:1159:1>)

Asset : Ammonium nitrate 88% <kuid2:68213:60005:1>
Author : Dinorius_Redundicus
Effect : Suspected faulty commodity - may cause empty products list
Versions : Likely TS2010 SP4 and later
Note - an update to the above asset has been uploaded to the Download Station and should be available soon, which should work OK (<kuid2:68213:60005:3>)

Asset : CD Cargo <kuid:459958:77003>
Author : rawer
Effect : Missing dependencies - will cause empty products list (dependency is <kuid:459958:77000>)
Versions : TS2009 and later

Asset : ACD Zelsped <kuid:459958:77004>
Author : rawer
Effect : Missing dependencies - will cause empty products list (dependency is <kuid:459958:77000>)
Versions : TS2009 and later

k-27 pilot beam <kuid2:43955:11006:1>
Author : prowler901
Effect : Missing Dependency - will cause empty products list (dependency is <kuid2:43955:11000:1>)

Explosives Goods V4.0 <kuid2:375451:100003:3>
Author: dragonharh
Effect : Problematic due to incorrect product category reference (see post by p-denhert further down the thread).

Note to affected authors

If your asset appears above, and you have uploaded a fix for it (or are certain that the asset is not an issue) , please let me know by posting a reply to this thread.

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Hi Deane,

Thank you for your comments.

I am testing commodities as I go along, so will let you know if any of yours are affected.


EDIT: At least one of yours is affected - stand by for an update.

EDIT EDIT : Just re-checked - all of yours are OK Deane.
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An update - I am testing all commodities on the Download Station (in stages) and will report any problem commodities here on this thread.

An update - I have checked all commodities on the Download Station and all are OK apart from the 3 mentioned above, and any Lime asset not mentioned below.

If you are using a version earlier than TS2009, avoid installing Lime products (apart from the ones listed below) as it will cause Trainz to crash.

lime container,<kuid2:75810:80401:1>


EDIT: Other community members have found problematic assets - the list in the OP has been updated.
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Any legacy commodity that does not have a mesh cannot be upversioned to TB 2.9 or higher.

Any European asset that has accented characters in a filename (German umlaut; French grave, acute, cedilla, circumflex, etc; Scandanavian; and Spanish) is likely to have missing meshes or textures and therefore cannot be upversioned.

Any asset that has textures with uniform color will need fixing. Warning at TB 2.9 but eventually will error. PEV Images2TGA will fix 99%, but any that have compressed images will need to be uncompressed before Images2TGA can fix.

Any legacy asset that has TB <2.9 will get a warning.

Any commodity that does not have a tag 'allows-mixing' will eventually need one at TB 3.4.

Commodities must have a tag category-class. Valid choices are IB bulkload; IC Container; IL Liquid; IP Passenger. There is no specific category for gases.

There must be a tag instance-type. Choices are 'instance' and 'resource'. I have not seen a clear definition to differentiate between these two.

Commodities must have a tag 'mass' (See Content Creation Support, FAQs TIPS and Tweaks, Weight of Material Chart for Content Creators making products 24 Nov 2009) Trainz will use 0.9 by default while asset is less than TB 3.4.

Any commodity that has warnings is likely to change to error at TB 3.4.

Provided legacy Commodities are made compliant the vast majority are good up to TB 3.7.

Any legacy asset that does not have both a thumbnails container AND a thumbnails image will receive a warning but eventually at TB 3.4 will error when upversioned. Use AssetX or PEVs Mesh Viewer to produce thumbnail image.


Wood Pulp (Bulk) kuid:473136:1159 Can't remember what I pinged this for.


Your Ammonium nitrate 88% kuid2:68213:60005:1 will error at higher TBs because you have used an illegal character in filename of your mesh (% is invalid in any filename)


CD Cargo kuid:459958:77003 MD kuid:459958:77000
CD Zelsped kuid:459958:77004 MD kuid:459958:77000


k-27 pilot beam kuid2:43955:11006:1 MD kuid2:43955:11000:1
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It would be nice if you could gather all the problematic commodities into one master list and put that in the opening post of this thread. Include usernames, kuids, authors and some indication of what the problem is. This will save users from needing to read a whole thread to unpick the essential bits.

~ D

@Ian - thanks for picking up that error. In my local copy, I had already removed the % character but I had apparently forgotten to upload it to the DLS. The new version is now on its way to the DLS.
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Thankyou for your comments Ian and Dinorius_Redundicus. I will update the original post in the thread with the new information.


@Ian : Do you know what effect/issue the KUIDs you've posted have/has? If they are problematic I could do with knowing what effect they have and in what versions.
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Any legacy commodity that does not have a mesh cannot be upversioned to TB 2.9 or higher.

Any European asset that has accented characters in a filename (German umlaut; French grave, acute, cedilla, circumflex, etc; Scandanavian; and Spanish) is likely to have missing meshes or textures and therefore cannot be upversioned.

Any asset that has textures with uniform color will need fixing. Warning at TB 2.9 but eventually will error. PEV Images2TGA will fix 99%, but any that have compressed images will need to be uncompressed before Images2TGA can fix.

Any legacy asset that has TB <2.9 will get a warning.

Any commodity that does not have a tag 'allows-mixing' will eventually need one at TB 3.4.

Commodities must have a tag category-class. Valid choices are IB bulkload; IC Container; IL Liquid; IP Passenger. There is no specific category for gases.

There must be a tag instance-type. Choices are 'instance' and 'resource'. I have not seen a clear definition to differentiate between these two.

Commodities must have a tag 'mass' (See Content Creation Support, FAQs TIPS and Tweaks, Weight of Material Chart for Content Creators making products 24 Nov 2009) Trainz will use 0.9 by default while asset is less than TB 3.4.

Any commodity that has warnings is likely to change to error at TB 3.4.

Provided legacy Commodities are made compliant the vast majority are good up to TB 3.7.

Any legacy asset that does not have both a thumbnails container AND a thumbnails image will receive a warning but eventually at TB 3.4 will error when upversioned. Use AssetX or PEVs Mesh Viewer to produce thumbnail image.


Wood Pulp (Bulk) kuid:473136:1159 Can't remember what I pinged this for.


I cant find any errant containers, tags, or characters in this asset, not unless you are flagging the allows mixing 0 tag, you don't mix bulk IB or IL commodities.


OK, I have re-downloaded from DLS and Wood Pulp (Bulk) immediately shows errors:

Error: The tag 'icon-texture' in 'product' points to a nonexistent file: 'woodpulp_icon.tga'.
Error: The tag 'product-texture' in 'product' points to a nonexistent file: 'woodpulp_product.tga'.

These are new validation errors that indicate when a filepath is incorrect, the file is missing or there is no *.texture.txt file. The tags will need to have extensions .texture.
In your case:

Allows-mixing 0 is correct. For other Users this tag and value must be added if tag is missing.
To upversion to TB 2.9 or higher your commodity assets will require a mesh-table container and mesh. You have no meshes in quite a few of your commodities.
Similarly, there is no texture file or image in the asset root folder for either icon-texture or product-texture.


If entries in config point to files that do not exist, then error occurs and asset cannot be used in game. This is probably the reason that people have been having difficulty loading commodities into rolling stock.
Thankyou for the info Ian - I have added the Wood Pulp asset to the original post.

Can I verify exactly what is wrong with the other assets you mention further up, so I can put the correct information for Effect?


OK, I have re-downloaded from DLS and Wood Pulp (Bulk) immediately shows errors:

Error: The tag 'icon-texture' in 'product' points to a nonexistent file: 'woodpulp_icon.tga'.
Error: The tag 'product-texture' in 'product' points to a nonexistent file: 'woodpulp_product.tga'.

These are new validation errors that indicate when a filepath is incorrect, the file is missing or there is no *.texture.txt file. The tags will need to have extensions .texture.
In your case:

Allows-mixing 0 is correct. For other Users this tag and value must be added if tag is missing.
To upversion to TB 2.9 or higher your commodity assets will require a mesh-table container and mesh. You have no meshes in quite a few of your commodities.
Similarly, there is no texture file or image in the asset root folder for either icon-texture or product-texture.


If entries in config point to files that do not exist, then error occurs and asset cannot be used in game. This is probably the reason that people have been having difficulty loading commodities into rolling stock.

Ok, I know why I did not see what you are seeing, I updated the asset and never U/L to the DLS. Errors corrected, and is build 3.3, U/L to DLS and is waiting approval.

@Ian - I've now added the other assets you have mentioned to the OP.

@John - I have added a note below your problematic asset in the OP stating that an update has been uploaded.

Thanks for one of the more useful threads that many less experienced Trainzers can use. I experienced many hours of frustration over this very problem area. Hopefully your thread and efforts will save those who come to Trainz for an enjoyable passtime will not suffer the frustration that a number of us have had to endure as a result. Thanks very much for your dedication.

Moderators - if this is in the wrong place, please put it in the right place, bearing in mind that it covers multiple versions of Trainz.

Hi Trainzers,

This thread is intended to provide a list of problematic commodities. I am particularly interested in:
  • Commodities that cause script exceptions (the red dot/bug) when attempting to select commodities using the in-game properties boxes (and as a result cause the box to be empty)
  • Commodities that cause Trainz to crash
  • Commodities that are known to be faulty/have missing dependencies.
As this will be a community effort, all who have relevant information are welcome to post here. Please do not use this thread for off-topic questions as this will make it harder to find the information.

When posting, please include the following information:
  • Name and KUID of the offending commodity
  • Effect caused in Trainz (script exception, crash, known faulty/missing dependencies)
  • Version(s) affected if known
Please note that this is not a thread for criticising other creators assets, this is to help people avoid problematic commodities.

I will start things off:

Asset : Rusty Rebar - 40ft - Load,<kuid2:447922:1084:1> (note: the original version of this asset is also affected)
Author : arr
Effect : Causes script exception/empty products list, as well as having a unknown missing dependency
Versions : TS2009 and later

Asset : pit sand <kuid:506034:112000>
Author : wearsprada
Effect : Causes script exception/empty products list
Versions : TRS2009 and later

Asset : cement <kuid:506034:118000>
Author : wearsprada
Effect : Causes script exception/empty products list
Versions : TS2009 and later

Asset : Wood Pulp (Bulk) <kuid:473136:1159>
Author : JohnnyC1
Effect: Faulty Commodity - will cause empty products list
Versions : Probably TS2009 and later
Note - an update to the above asset has been uploaded to the Download Station, which should work OK.

Asset : Ammonium nitrate 88% <kuid2:68213:60005:1>
Author : Dinorius_Redundicus
Effect : Suspected faulty commodity - may cause empty products list
Versions : Likely TS2010 SP4 and later

Asset : CD Cargo <kuid:459958:77003>
Author : rawer
Effect : Missing dependencies - will cause empty products list (dependency is <kuid:459958:77000>)
Versions : TS2009 and later

Asset : ACD Zelsped <kuid:459958:77004>
Author : rawer
Effect : Missing dependencies - will cause empty products list (dependency is <kuid:459958:77000>)
Versions : TS2009 and later

k-27 pilot beam <kuid2:43955:11006:1>
Author : prowler901
Effect : Missing Dependency - will cause empty products list (dependency is <kuid2:43955:11000:1>)

Note to affected authors

If your asset appears above, and you have uploaded a fix for it (or are certain that the asset is not an issue) , please let me know by posting a reply to this thread.


Ammonium nitrate 88% (KUID2:68213:60005:1) has been fixed.

Users should wait until Ammonium nitrate 88 (
KUID2:68213:60005:3) appears on the DLS. Note, the version is 3.

This version;

- removes the potentially illegal % character
- now displays the correct product icon (a problem I only discovered after uploading version :2)

~ Deane
After PC meltdown, I had to reinstall Trainz and am now having that empty product list problem. Apperently, when one restores contact from a saved backup, it automatically enables everything that was disabled. I have had this problem before, but it's been many MANY months, so I don't remember what product was the problem. However, I checked last night and verified that I don't ANY of those Shane lists on the first post.

I will have to do what I did before, which is disable a handful of products, go into Surveyor and check the MIN track. If still empty, I go back to CMP, re-enable that group and disable a new group. I do that till I find the list is back. I then re-enable one product at the time till the problem reappears. That tells me which one is at fault. But if I recall correctly, it was actually one of the XBulk products that caused my trouble before, so that is where I will start this time.