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When TRS19 SP1 was released, a number of people raised issues that had not been identified during the external beta testing. This thread lists the "Known Issues" that we have seen reported and replicated and also lists "Additional Issues - Unverified" which are issues we have not been able to reproduce.
We would like users who have updated their build to SP1 (on PC or Mac, or on Steam) to read through this list and then do the following:
(i) Respond with "No additional issues" if you have not seen any additional issues that are new to this build
(ii) If there is a new issue to report, please respond with a detailed step by step guide how to reproduce the issue (or use the Trainz Bug Report form).
(iii) If you have additional information on the Unverified problems, please use the Trainz Bug Report form
NOTE: this is not a "wishlist" request, we are looking to hear if you have no issue or have found specific problems that were not present previously.
Known Issues (bugs verified, to be fixed):
Design Issues:
Current workaround: Ctrl-Y, Ctrl-Z Hotkeys (and the ability to bind any other key combo you like).
One report. User reported that a fresh install, updating Drivers and turning off overclocking solved this issue.
"Additional Issues - Unverified" (Need More Information):
Subsequent loads then do not crash. This is possibly an issue with precaching assets and once the assets are precached, the crash does not reoccur.
Requires additional information to reproduce reliably. Please submit bug reports with link to your route and any non-DLS dependencies via this link: Trainz Bug Report.
If we are able to install your route and content set we can almost always identify the content issue and resolve the problem.
For example, we’ve fixed crash issues (internally) with:
* CFD locotracteur loco
* Edit routes/sessions where certain locos had their headlights on
* Using bulk/replace to globally replace CNR Switch Stand Yard 4
Require more information to reproduce:
We would like users who have updated their build to SP1 (on PC or Mac, or on Steam) to read through this list and then do the following:
(i) Respond with "No additional issues" if you have not seen any additional issues that are new to this build
(ii) If there is a new issue to report, please respond with a detailed step by step guide how to reproduce the issue (or use the Trainz Bug Report form).
(iii) If you have additional information on the Unverified problems, please use the Trainz Bug Report form
NOTE: this is not a "wishlist" request, we are looking to hear if you have no issue or have found specific problems that were not present previously.
Known Issues (bugs verified, to be fixed):
- Route has 0 height and no textures (test case provided; <kuid:68830:100557> Wagga to Henty)
- No red spline for non-formed procedural track junctions
- Diurnal Cycle button not working
- Weather resets to default when switching modes
- Road traffic stops at intersections in Surveyor
- Ranked Session score/clock not showing
- Backspace and delete key not working in Save AS dialog
- CM horizontal scroll is missing (when adding new columns)
- Portal (and other MOSWT assets) height offsets by 2.0m when near a dig-hole
- Junctions do not animate in surveyor like they used to
- Delete Ground tool's message no longer offers option to not show message in future
- Several assets have had their version lowered (e.g. <kuid2:56063:700038:1> Caterpillar )
(Fixed: Items listed in this user report are now available on DLS)
Design Issues:
- Undo/Redo buttons now require multiple clicks.
Current workaround: Ctrl-Y, Ctrl-Z Hotkeys (and the ability to bind any other key combo you like).
If you have a multi-button mouse, you can also bind hotkeys to the buttons.
We are investigating various options to expose Undo/Redo or provide better options in future updates.
Note that there isn’t a simple “switch” we can flick to revert to the old menu system.
- Textures are loading slowly
There have been changes to texture streaming and results will differ with each use case. In short, in Performance Settings, with “Use Texture Streaming” unchecked (off), textures will load slower, but at the highest resolution immediately. Some frame skips may occur on some systems due to the cost of loading numerous large textures to the GPU.
With “Use Texture Streaming” checked (on), textures will load faster initially, but at lower resolution. When the system is under load, especially during rapid movement and/or changes to the scene, this may result in a period where an object is visible at lower detail, but frame skips should be avoided.
With “Use Texture Streaming” checked (on), textures will load faster initially, but at lower resolution. When the system is under load, especially during rapid movement and/or changes to the scene, this may result in a period where an object is visible at lower detail, but frame skips should be avoided.
- Screen stuck on "Loading Environment"
One report. User reported that a fresh install, updating Drivers and turning off overclocking solved this issue.
"Additional Issues - Unverified" (Need More Information):
- Missing assets ( that are built in and payware) that were not missing before.
Issue not reproducible by QA. More information required. Most likely indicates that there is a change in the database for some reason. We're keen to find out how these issues are created so that we can improve the process to avoid them in the future.
To attempt to resolve use -> Content Manager/Developer/Rebuild Database and allow the db repair to complete. Once the repair is complete, restart Trainz. There should be no missing dependencies with builtin content. Please advise us if this process resolves your issue.
- A number of <unknown assets> present in Content Manager immediately after install/patching
Issue not reproducible by QA. More information required.
- Content Store errors
The majority of initial issues (which are related to the content set not being fully up to date for the latest product) have been or are being rectified. No known errors currently exist that cause a user-facing issue (other than the error message, which we're addressing).
- ECML and Mojave - Some Tunnels/bridges not set to correct height
CNR (could not reproduce in our testing). Requires additional information to reproduce.
- When opening session/route the game crashes to desktop.
Subsequent loads then do not crash. This is possibly an issue with precaching assets and once the assets are precached, the crash does not reoccur.
Requires additional information to reproduce reliably. Please submit bug reports with link to your route and any non-DLS dependencies via this link: Trainz Bug Report.
If we are able to install your route and content set we can almost always identify the content issue and resolve the problem.
For example, we’ve fixed crash issues (internally) with:
* CFD locotracteur loco
* Edit routes/sessions where certain locos had their headlights on
* Using bulk/replace to globally replace CNR Switch Stand Yard 4
- Adding a new effect layer removes existing turffx layers (appears to be corrupt data in test route)
- ACS Coupling status not "saved"
- JMR signals no longer show coronas in surveyor when paused
- Client cannot connect to MP when using filter Type = Multiplayer
- Cannot "select" any of the MP sessions
- MP Filter not clearing some older sessions
- Mini-map view in Surveyor is not updating when roaming throughout the 3D world
- Map view track overlay shows when in lineside view
- Track Priority Markers default to "0"
- Shadow in Driver from Surveyor only elements
- Surveyor only roads no longer generate traffic outside of Surveyor
- 'default to last used assets' setting does not work for Object mode
- Random Scenery Tool shows incorrect/misleading message when one asset is removed from the list
- Time format changes in save session in Driver
- Cryllic characters show as ?? prior to downloading from DLS
- Mac .dmg window has black text on black background
- Built-in eucalyptus trees "flash"
- Black speckles in Port Zyd (at midday only)
Require more information to reproduce:
- Driver commands not all listed at times
- Submitting items in CM fails some of the time
- Assigning drivers sometimes lists partial driver list
- Name-able signs not showing (then are showing)
- Loco sound - change in behaviour from 100240
- Investigate MOSWT and dighole issues (tunnel entrances)
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