Trainz Plus Beta Build 104252 (PC) & 104339 (Mac) now available


I'm experiencing problems driving steam locomotives (K&L) with cab controls. In DCC all works OK. It's getting worse upon saving and starting driver again. Very strange, never a problem before.

Something is broken, because steam switcher is unable to pull 250 tons on level straight track. Water level goes to 0 even with 100% and so on and on. Nothing works really.

Kind Regards
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"Couple" icon disappears
Running C&O Hinton Div, Avis Yard Work session. After coal unload at start new task "couple" nav icon appears but when I mouse wheel "zoom in" a bit couple icon disappears. I saved session, restarted session, and couple icon refuses to appear again at any camera (zoom) setting.
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I'm experiencing problems driving steam locomotives (K&L) with cab controls. In DCC all works OK. It's getting worse upon saving and starting driver again. Very strange, never a problem before.

Something is broken, because steam switcher is unable to pull 250 tons on level straight track. Water level goes to 0 even with 100% and so on and on. Nothing works really.

Kind Regards

Think the grab points on the controls are offset from where they should be?
Speed is still displayed! In a black microscopic font, but it is... Next boxed version will include a magnifying glass.


Oh thank you! Definitely invisible in a dark cab.

Off to look for other things...
It not the only problem that the in-cab controls are offset but that even sliders (down right) doesn't work.

Kind regards
Thanks for the feedback guys.

* Cab controls offset
known issue, fixed internally.

* Cab control sliders not working?
Buci - we've identified a script problem here but to be sure we're covering your whole bug, please provide loco KUID, which sliders aren't working correctly and what you values you expect to see etc.

* Ctrl-mousewheel field of view controls
Now replaced by a slider in Settings > Interface settings > Field of View

Hmm, more earthquakes in Scotland. Thanks HPL, we'll see if we can get a more permanent fix this time.

* "Couple" icon disappears in Avis Yard
Still investigating.
* Ctrl-mousewheel field of view controls
Now replaced by a slider in Settings > Interface settings > Field of View

If there is no coding disadvantage to changing this, could we please have the option to use the mousewheel for FOV zoom as it's more fluid for screenshots and video production. A check box in interface settings to enable the mousewheel would suffice.
If there is no coding disadvantage to changing this
That is why it was changed. I'm not sure of the technicalities.
I am running a MacBook Pro with 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7... The assets Downloader no longer comes up at game start up? I see the MPH indicator is at the bottom of the screen now, mine is also cut in half, is there no longer any signal indications, MPH for the next block or Elevations that used to appear in the upper right corner?
I am running a MacBook Pro with 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7... The assets Downloader no longer comes up at game start up? I see the MPH indicator is at the bottom of the screen now, mine is also cut in half, is there no longer any signal indications, MPH for the next block or Elevations that used to appear in the upper right corner?

Text bug has been reported. HPL found the actual values are there, but ant-sized. The MPH is over-sized.

The elevation detail is replaced by the route profile and is an option found by clicking on the gear on the left just above the driver's image.
I am getting these error messages when the game is shut down now:

2531.80 ~GSOAsset> Asset was destroyed before clean shutdown
3. Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019 0x000000010e34561f _ZN10CXStremerl8CXStreamLiEElsEI + 36063
4 Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019 0x000000010fc8773b _ZN6Typeofl9wWaterSpecE6TypelDEPK16identifiableType + 1933771

I have 23 error messages like the above (I am to dumb to figure out how to post the screen shot I took)
Regarding the Trainz Bug Reporter... Trainz Plus 104339 is not on the list to select, the highest it goes is MAC 104021, I'm now getting multiple error messages during the game, I was running Canadian Rocky Mountains session Rocky Mountaineer East.
Newsletter says that "TRS19 Canadian Rocky Mountains Beavermouth to Ottertail" is available to Trainz Plus members. How do I download it? No prompt starting TRS19 and in Content Store there is no "Install" button.
you could try searching forSc525.

I don't understand: search sc525 where?

• The route is not in my Content Vault.
• It is listed in Content Store but there is no "Install" button and "Install" is greyed out on right click.
• In-game, no download prompt. If I click More Content, it is listed and when I click it, there is only a "PURCHASE - USD$ 39.90" button. If I click this button, it opens the same pop-up as "Details" in Content Store, with no "Install" button.
I don't understand: search sc525 where?

• The route is not in my Content Vault.
• It is listed in Content Store but there is no "Install" button and "Install" is greyed out on right click.
• In-game, no download prompt. If I click More Content, it is listed and when I click it, there is only a "PURCHASE - USD$ 39.90" button. If I click this button, it opens the same pop-up as "Details" in Content Store, with no "Install" button.

Same here. It's in my Content store but the name does not show.. description and price do. "Info" does confirm it's sc525
Additionally, in both 100240 and 104252 it shows in Content Manager but returns "This asset is payware DLC and is not available in the Download Station" in both.