The moment Auran/N3v takes a freeware driver from the DLS and adds it to Built-in in ANY released version of the game
then the driver becomes what I call Official.
Here you see my driver list of TRS19 build 100240
both Alan and Nicolaas are clearly built-in and not on the DLS.
I'm considering the 60 drivers in TANE which has Auran as the author to be official.
For some reason, N3V decided to not include some assets that were part of TANE in TRS19. Some of these assets are available on the content store in the package called Additional TANE Assets for TRS19. It doesn't include Alan though.
I noticed that I had Alan and was wondering where I got him from (as I've never had Coal County thingymebob). But I did have WSR way back in TC3 days. So he must have come with me through each of the succeeding iterations of the game. He's almost like an old friend!