Trainz Plus Beta TLR Phase 2 - 128360

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Hello Everyone,

We have another minor update in preparation for TLR - Phase 2. This build has had a content rebuild to resolve an issue with some clutter assets appearing darker, some flora assets appearing low resolution and several other minor fixes.

Please use to report any bugs or issues found.

Change log (128230 to 128360)
  • [Fix] Clutter Effects assets appearing darker and ticker
  • [Fix] Flora assets rendering at lower resolution
  • [Fix] Turntable causing derailment in specific scenarios
  • [Fix] Missing localisations
  • [Fix] DirectX 12 setting causing crash
  • [Fix] Trainz Launcher help link updated
  • [Fix] MPS: Junction creation leading to desync
  • [Fix] MPS: HD ground edits causing regular desync

New Feature: Dispatch Manager

Where to find it:
Dispatch Manager can be located via Tools menu or opened via “Show Dispatch Manager” found under Driver properties, Dispatch Status

What you can do with it:
  • Easy way to monitor all dispatch tasks and identify any issues
  • List all Drivers and their dispatch status
  • List all the industries and dispatch status
  • List all Trains and the list can be broken up into rolling stock and powered trains, or both
  • Find rolling stock for a product
  • Find and claim a task to drive as the player

New Option: Claiming a Task (TLR)
  • Claiming a task will behave differently depending on whether it’s an active task or not.
  • If an active task, the current driver commands will be cleared, and the train will be brought to a stop. The train control mode will be switched to either DCC or Cab control, depending on the session/player default
  • Tasks can be claimed via Dispatch Manager or via Driver Details, under Dispatch Status

In addition to the Dispatch Manager, there is a new vehicle queue editor with reworked UI, and a new Activity Journal.

Update: New Vehicle Queues Editor
  • A new UI can now be found for vehicles. This replaces the old script and will resemble the interface used for Industry queues
  • Accessed by CTRL + Right click on rolling stock in Driver or Edit Details in Surveyor
  • Can add commodities directly
  • New copy and paste feature to copy commodities to other rolling stock

Activity Journal Script API
  • A more compressive logging system in order to track activity with dispatch and AI driving behaviour

How to try TLR Phase 2:
  1. Install the latest Trainz Plus Beta update (128360)
  2. Install "Coal Country (HDT)" (simc:1663)
  3. Drive "<kuid2:661281:110131:1> Coal Country TLR Session"
  4. Feel free to watch the drivers carry out tasks or claim a task for yourself to perform

Key Features:
  • Dispatch Manager
  • New Vehicle Queue Editor
  • Activity Journal Script API
  • Access to Coal Country HDT
  • New Build version 5.6

** Please ensure you have a backup of your local data folder before using it with Trainz Plus Beta **


For Trainz Plus Beta via the Trainz Plus Beta Stream
Trainz Store Only:

PC: Requires Trainz Plus 128230 (PC). This is a large patch 9.7GiB for build 128360

Mac: Please see

Please report any bugs using this link:

Change log (128152 to 128230)
  • [Fix] Delay for Main Menu 3D Train
  • [Fix] Delay on Route listings for first run
  • [Fix] HD Baseboard occasionally not loading correctly
  • [Fix] MPS: Dispatch Manager changing to disabled on idle servers
  • [Fix] MPS: Missing AI Drive commands
Change log (127542 to 128152)
  • Imposters completely disabled
  • Shaders prebuilt
  • Assertion Errors disabled
  • DirectX 12 option has been disabled
  • Content update
  • [Fix] Merge Route causing trains to appear offset
  • [Fix] Stall after saving route/overwrite session
  • [Fix] Overlapping of commodity icon
  • [Fix] Copy Load not working for double stack containers
  • [Fix] Screenshot and Session black thumbnails
  • [Fix] Brake pressure being lost
  • [Fix] Independent brake getting stuck on
  • [Fix] Several localisations issues
  • [Fix] Slow down when changing Filter Visibility
  • [Fix] Scenery assets flickering with camera rotation
  • [Fix] Asset Preview reporting increase triangle and draw count
  • [Fix] Street light night time textures rendered differently
  • [Fix] Track and trains not rendering from saved game
  • [Fix] Opening Edit menu causing lag spike
  • [Fix] MPS Rolling stock not updating commodities
  • [Fix] MPS Assigning Drivers causing Activity Journal error
  • [Fix] MPS Industry commodity adjustment
  • [Fix] MPS Dispatch Manager missing item name
  • [Fix] MPS Driver commands missing from initial route upload
Change log (127161 to 127542)
  • Imposter use is now limited to speed trees
  • Fix: Car movement on roads
  • Fix: Derailments due to coupling with slow performance
  • Fix: Duplicate Commodities shown in vehicle commodity overlay
  • Fix: Failed to take exclusive lock - Rolling stock commodities
  • Fix: Overlapping textures on HD baseboard error
  • Fix: Tutorial 5 AI behaviour change
  • Fix: Bookmarks are no longer cleared when exited from driver
  • Fix: Classic rename assets
  • Fix: Trackside issues
  • Update to Built-in Content
Change log (127058 to 127161)
  • Fix to trackside assets height after track adjustment
  • Fix to cars having wrong orientation on road
  • Fix to cars not disappearing when they reach road end
  • Fix to Scrapbook paste HD to non HD texture overwrite
  • Fix to Scrapbook paste forming ridges when pasted over baseboard edges
  • Fix to Undo of HD edit low-res tile flagged as promoted
Change log (126280 to 127058)
  • Dispatch Manager (new)
  • Living Railroad Dispatch Disable/Enable option under Session Options (removed)
  • Claim Task option (new)
  • Vehicle Queues Editor (new)
  • Activity Journal Script API (new)
  • DirectX12 Beta option (returned)
  • Validation change - validation errors were in specific cases, sometimes hidden from the output, and should now be shown reliably in those cases
  • New Build 5.6
  • Misc Bug fixes
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Quick download and installation. Appears to run ok and I did not observe much difference from the previous patch (which was running very well compared to the earlier assertion error featured builds).
More testing to follow...
Thanks N3V / n3v_laurence !
Am I correct is thinking that the Coal Country HDT route as some of the new Treez on it? I'm seeing trees with smooth curving branches rather than the straight branches of speedtrees.
I don't think that the session on Coal Country is a very good example, in fact... I think it is a very BAD EXAMPLE of what TLR can do.

On my of my own routes, I have several trains running at the same time without any of them reversing or fighting over a junction.
BECAUSE I have it timed correctly by the use of triggers, wait for rules and run-a-round rules.

TLR will only become effective with proper planing.
My network connection got interrupted while downloading installation data, and now I get an error message saying the patch is not viable...
Trainz Plus 128230 updated to 128360 with the poor FPS still remains no changes from the build 128230 Load a large map and scroll around for awhile and then the FPS humping starts and all of the fps smoothness drop way down. Carz hump down the the roads, water falls with jerking animations.
Build 122411 and the Trainz platinum does not have this issue with the FPS humping.
The same exact FPS issues on my other GTX1080 PC. No overheating on my PCs
Main PC FPS issues.
RTX 3080 Ti
Latest drivers 566.36

Why other testers are not reporting this issue has me baffled as it is very obvious in comparison to the other older builds.
What route are you running? I have about as low spec setup as you can have and I see no shudders at all running the Coal Country HDT route for hours.
First gen i7 950 and a GTX 1050ti
Why other testers are not reporting this issue has me baffled as it is very obvious in comparison to the other older builds.
I tried your method - loaded my largest route (351MB in CM), started some trains running and then scrolled around for quite a while. No FPS issue at all. I don't have carz running or waterfalls (its a largely arid and flat area) so cannot test those issues.

It does have high detail which causes some stuttering in some areas on my low end machine (GTX1050Ti) but it does that in the retail Trainz Plus release and in previous betas as well. No FPS stuttering at all on my RTX desktop and laptop.
Performance settings are identical on both builds.
I have compared KSC2 on 3 builds the 122411 and the 128230, 128360 and KSC2 runs butter smooth when scrolling around on the 411 build.
KSC2 runs just ok on the 128360 but does have a lot of stuttering when scrolling around in a circle, and the 122411 has no stuttering.
My large 854mb Custom Map has very good smooth frame rates on the 411 build, but on the 230 & the 360 build it has the severe fps humping effect and it never smooths out once it has started.

I am basically going to take pware's advice and stay on the more reliable build for my continued work on my Map.
I very much appreciate all of the replies that I get from the forums and the awesome Dev's.

What is very strange is that something always changes with updated builds, but no one see the issues.
I have asked the Dev's or anyone that would like to see these issues in action to join me on DISCORD for a screen share to clearly see this issue that does exist.
But no one wants to go to that point of seeing it in Realtime with the screen share, my friend Lewiscc65 we screen share on a daily basis has seen it with me on Discord and he stated to me. Yes it is definitely there, I can see that humping fps effects very clearly. He said I can see the leap frogging carz going down the road.
Would any one be interested in being a witness to these issues? So I do not have to feel all alone. LOL!

I have made several desktop Video screen captures for the Dev's of the 2 builds that clearly show these issues that I had sent to the Trainz bug report, along with the Profiler showing a lot of Red color issues in the Draw section as it is running in the Trainz Menu, The 411 build has a very clean Profiler as it is running in the menu and also my 854mb Custom Map the Profiler is clean.
Kind Regards!
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One thing I will point out is that beta builds (128230 and 128360) are not optimised for performance like the retail builds (122411). So you are not actually comparing like with like even though you have set the same performance settings.

The comparison should be between retail builds - 122411 and whatever the build number of the next retail release will be.
Thank You pware! That is very good to know.:)
I did not consider that it may have not been optimized.
After they get done with their work on it then it probably will be optimized. (y)
stay on the more reliable build for my continued work on my Map
N3V have always advised that route creators stay away from beta versions if they are only interested in developing their routes. Beta versions are for testing to find the bugs, not for serious route/session creation. You should be prepared to throw away anything that you create using a beta.

Many years ago I made the mistake of not following their advice and continued developing a large route using the beta versions that were out at that time. A major bug in the betas caused me lose weeks of work. Lesson learnt.

The initial "new beta" announcement post in this thread also carries the warning ...
** Please ensure you have a backup of your local data folder before using it with Trainz Plus Beta **
BTW, I spent about 4 hours testing the stable build against the test build and there does seem to be a performance issue that develops with the test build after a couple of hours of scrolling around the map in roaming camera mode. I used the KSC 2 TRS22 route and started creating a new session using Surveyor 2. I scrolled around the map, flipped into Driver and scrolled around for a while and returned back to Surveyor 2 often. Basically, simulating doing work on creating a new session such as changing industry settings, placing rolling stock and so on. I was also streaming YouTube videos while doing this on another monitor and after about an hour I noticed that using Trainz Plus beta would effect the video stream by disrupting the sound of the video when ever I scrolled around in Trainz Plus beta. To me this indicates excessive CPU and or GPU usage. This sounds like what you were seeing with the profiler display. I repeated the test with the stable release of Trainz Plus 126280 and after two hours, I never saw the same effect on streaming videos.

So there is something going on but the average user might not reach the level of use to trigger the problem at least with a beta version. I'm glad you reported the issue.
Thank You wreeder for your reply, at least now I am not the only one to see these FPS issues.
As pware stated, it is a beta update and basically can be ignored for now as I am not doing any Map editing with these Trainz builds.
Using the KSC2 with my i7700 and nvidia geforce 2070 maximum setting on high and nothing on ultra: no problem with CPU which usually works abt 40% but the GPU often jumps up to 80/90% and more than once my GPU temperature went up to 82 degree Celsius which I think it's a little bit too much. Partially solved with the outside camera at more than 50 meters from the ground but I don't think that would be the right solution.
Not everyone will see the issues that everyone see, as not everyone uses Trainz the same way.....
Not everyone pushes their systems to the max
Everyone HAS different Specs on their systems.
Some people expect Trainz to run perfect on their systems, but will not configure either Train or their systems so that it can.

I could go one, but most users will get the idea.
Everyone HAS different Specs on their systems.
.. and not everyone keeps those specs updated (i.e. through Windows and driver updates).

Bugs do exist in Trainz - in fact there is no such thing as "bug free" software - but if the "big boys" like Microsoft, Apple, Adobe, etc cannot eliminate bugs then what hope is there for small developers such as N3V?

That is why Trainz has a beta testing process. The more people who get involved in beta testing, with all their different hardware and software specs, and report their discoveries via the Bug Reporting System then the faster those bugs will be found and eliminated.
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Is anybody else have driver reverse at high speed coupling up.?
Have noticed that any loco will do 8kph when coupling up and then Trainz will say excessive speed.
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