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    • H
      HPL replied to the thread Texture Issue?.
      No "little boxes" on any RRMods locomotive, nor any locomotive at all (Trainz Plus SP4 126280). So the issue doesn't come from the textures.
    • H
      I see the same in Trainz Plus (despite I own TRS22 PE too).
    • H
      HPL replied to the thread Ok my fault it seems.
      Trainz Plus installs as... TANE (reported many times in the past years), so when you uninstalled "TANE" you might have in fact...
    • H
      HPL replied to the thread 3 faulty assets in WK&S route.
      You can't import "Packaged" assets. All three are from "C&O Hinton Division" DLC route, that you must install in TRS19 to get them.
    • H
      HPL replied to the thread Missing Kuids? Post them here..
      <kuid2:50722:21076:4> Texture FET gravier 02 <kuid2:50722:21078:4> Texture FET gravier 04 <kuid2:201734:10184:1> filet camouflage...
    • H
      For anyone having performance issues (bad FPS), you can try Lossless Scaling (on Steam). It works perfectly with Trainz. And as it is on...
    • H
      HPL replied to the thread Missing Kuids? Post them here..
      <kuid2:50587:46:2> big shed3 FRom payware routes: "Bairnsdale to Orbost Line C1970-80s", "Canadian Rocky Mountains - Columbia River...
    • H
      HPL replied to the thread Fall Harvest Nebraska.
      No, thank you, all is fine. It is a CM issue/bug.
    • H
      HPL replied to the thread Fall Harvest Nebraska.
      As I said above, I have the sessions installed for the Redux version (and they do appear when opening the route). The old revisions dont...
    • H
      HPL replied to the thread Missing Kuids? Post them here..
      What they are should help you to find them: <kuid:338604:100191> Dash9 Rear Bogey-Electric Black <kuid:52779:55020> AC44_CP_int...
    • H
      HPL replied to the thread Fall Harvest Nebraska.
      I have them, the issue is that despite of this CM shows previous versions as "Out of Date" as if the newer are not installed.
    • H
      HPL replied to the thread Difficult to edit routes.
      Your camera must be set to "Free Cam".
    • H
      The route has a big issue in SP4. Please see here.
    • H
      HPL replied to the thread Trainz Update Announcement (SP4).
      "PT Yellowstone Mt. & Central Railroad" DLC route in Trainz Plus SP4 126280: all bushes are gone, only trees remain. It looks so... empty!
    • H
      HPL replied to the thread Missing Kuids.
      Best to post here.
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