Trainz Plus Beta TLR Phase 2 - 128449 & 128443

Trying again.. Have to do one update from where I'm currently at in order to get to this beta. I do not like my system going from 50C/122F to 109C/228F temps and 95% CPU/GPU just starting the game. I run multiple 30+B parameter LLMs/AI at once and they have never done such a thing. If 109C/228F is the new "starting normal" I can't image what it will do when running. Again I realize this a beta and I'm just reporting my findings.
Trying again.. Have to do one update from where I'm currently at in order to get to this beta. I do not like my system going from 50C/122F to 109C/228F temps and 95% CPU/GPU just starting the game. I run multiple 30+B parameter LLMs/AI at once and they have never done such a thing. If 109C/228F is the new "starting normal" I can't image what it will do when running. Again I realize this a beta and I'm just reporting my findings.
Please submit a bug report:

Please include your performance settings used, along with which Route and Session you saw this occur. I'm assuming it was while driving a session or editing a route rather than just Trainz Menu/Start of Trainz.

Please also check if the high load occurs when Driving a KSC2 (Built-In) session.

I also suggest you double check that the fans are working for your computer.
Pic shows the other 2 assertions errors were already logged. The above 2 as well as this one after my 2nd install. Still having issues with any change to Performance Settings where it locks up and have to force quit thru activity monitor. DebugHelper even locked up and needed force quit. Hope this helps.

Dear team,

Strange as it may seem, I am unable to place any track objects to any of the tracks i have with the exception of a few JR tracks.. And this happened after i updated to SP5. I get the in game message "incompatible spline".. Did anybody else face this issue ?

My update is Build 128486

Chirag Shah
Dear team,

Strange as it may seem, I am unable to place any track objects to any of the tracks i have with the exception of a few JR tracks.. And this happened after i updated to SP5. I get the in game message "incompatible spline".. Did anybody else face this issue ?

My update is Build 128486

Chirag Shah
mods please delete this post, this was posted on the wrong thread. I believe a lot of folks are facing this issue.
Today I updated this build via the beta patch stream to the same build as the main SP5 stream, 128486.
Just a 26Mb download (compared to the 12.9Gb for the main Trainz Plus 2022 version) and the Client refresh took just 26 seconds instead of the 382 seconds experienced on the main branch.
As there are a couple of bug fixes, recommended. Hopefully, this one won't experience the non-placement issue affecting some trackside objects mentioned in the forums today.
The difference between the two update processes can be explained by the fact that this beta build: Trainz Plus Beta TLR Phase 2 - 128449 & 128443 included the updated Content Set so all users needed was code changes. People using the last stable build needed the code changes and the updated Content Set which is why the size of their update was so much bigger.
