Trainz Plus Beta TLR Phase 2 - 128449 & 128443


Hello Everyone,

As Christmas and the end of the year fast approaches, we have a new update which should resolve the rare case of assets failing validation during installation and update. This build has also had another content rebuild (and should be the final before SP5 release) as well as some minor fixes for TLR and Mac localisation. Shaders remain precached, so performance should remain unchanged, but Assertion Errors have been re-enabled for this build, which will pause Trainz when triggered.

Please use to report any bugs or issues found.

NOTE: This build has Assertion Errors enabled.

Change log (128360 to 128449)
  • [Fix] Drivers incorrectly shown as idle for TLR Sessions run on unsupported TLR builds
  • [Fix] Mac symbol keys missing for Indonesian and Chinese localisations
  • [Fix] Content occasionally being marked as Faulty during installation
  • Assertion Errors have been enabled

New Feature: Dispatch Manager

Where to find it:
Dispatch Manager can be located via Tools menu or opened via “Show Dispatch Manager” found under Driver properties, Dispatch Status

What you can do with it:
  • Easy way to monitor all dispatch tasks and identify any issues
  • List all Drivers and their dispatch status
  • List all the industries and dispatch status
  • List all Trains and the list can be broken up into rolling stock and powered trains, or both
  • Find rolling stock for a product
  • Find and claim a task to drive as the player

New Option: Claiming a Task (TLR)
  • Claiming a task will behave differently depending on whether it’s an active task or not.
  • If an active task, the current driver commands will be cleared, and the train will be brought to a stop. The train control mode will be switched to either DCC or Cab control, depending on the session/player default
  • Tasks can be claimed via Dispatch Manager or via Driver Details, under Dispatch Status

In addition to the Dispatch Manager, there is a new vehicle queue editor with reworked UI, and a new Activity Journal.

Update: New Vehicle Queues Editor
  • A new UI can now be found for vehicles. This replaces the old script and will resemble the interface used for Industry queues
  • Accessed by CTRL + Right click on rolling stock in Driver or Edit Details in Surveyor
  • Can add commodities directly
  • New copy and paste feature to copy commodities to other rolling stock

Activity Journal Script API
  • A more compressive logging system in order to track activity with dispatch and AI driving behaviour

How to try TLR Phase 2:
  1. Install the latest Trainz Plus Beta update (128360)
  2. Install "Coal Country (HDT)" (simc:1663)
  3. Drive "<kuid2:661281:110131:1> Coal Country TLR Session"
  4. Feel free to watch the drivers carry out tasks or claim a task for yourself to perform

Key Features:
  • Dispatch Manager
  • New Vehicle Queue Editor
  • Activity Journal Script API
  • Access to Coal Country HDT
  • New Build version 5.6

** Please ensure you have a backup of your local data folder before using it with Trainz Plus Beta **


For Trainz Plus Beta via the Trainz Plus Beta Stream
Trainz Store Only:

PC: Requires Trainz Plus 128360 (PC). This is a large patch 12.2 GiB for build 128443

Mac: Requires Trainz Plus 128359 (PC). This is a large patch 12.2 GiB for build 128449

Please report any bugs using this link:

Change log (128230 to 128360)
  • [Fix] Clutter Effects assets appearing darker and ticker
  • [Fix] Flora assets rendering at lower resolution
  • [Fix] Turntable causing derailment in specific scenarios
  • [Fix] Missing localisations
  • [Fix] DirectX 12 setting causing crash
  • [Fix] Trainz Launcher help link updated
  • [Fix] MPS: Junction creation leading to desync
  • [Fix] MPS: HD ground edits causing regular desync

Change log (128152 to 128230)
  • [Fix] Delay for Main Menu 3D Train
  • [Fix] Delay on Route listings for first run
  • [Fix] HD Baseboard occasionally not loading correctly
  • [Fix] MPS: Dispatch Manager changing to disabled on idle servers
  • [Fix] MPS: Missing AI Drive commands
Change log (127542 to 128152)
  • Imposters completely disabled
  • Shaders prebuilt
  • Assertion Errors disabled
  • DirectX 12 option has been disabled
  • Content update
  • [Fix] Merge Route causing trains to appear offset
  • [Fix] Stall after saving route/overwrite session
  • [Fix] Overlapping of commodity icon
  • [Fix] Copy Load not working for double stack containers
  • [Fix] Screenshot and Session black thumbnails
  • [Fix] Brake pressure being lost
  • [Fix] Independent brake getting stuck on
  • [Fix] Several localisations issues
  • [Fix] Slow down when changing Filter Visibility
  • [Fix] Scenery assets flickering with camera rotation
  • [Fix] Asset Preview reporting increase triangle and draw count
  • [Fix] Street light night time textures rendered differently
  • [Fix] Track and trains not rendering from saved game
  • [Fix] Opening Edit menu causing lag spike
  • [Fix] MPS Rolling stock not updating commodities
  • [Fix] MPS Assigning Drivers causing Activity Journal error
  • [Fix] MPS Industry commodity adjustment
  • [Fix] MPS Dispatch Manager missing item name
  • [Fix] MPS Driver commands missing from initial route upload
Change log (127161 to 127542)
  • Imposter use is now limited to speed trees
  • Fix: Car movement on roads
  • Fix: Derailments due to coupling with slow performance
  • Fix: Duplicate Commodities shown in vehicle commodity overlay
  • Fix: Failed to take exclusive lock - Rolling stock commodities
  • Fix: Overlapping textures on HD baseboard error
  • Fix: Tutorial 5 AI behaviour change
  • Fix: Bookmarks are no longer cleared when exited from driver
  • Fix: Classic rename assets
  • Fix: Trackside issues
  • Update to Built-in Content
Change log (127058 to 127161)
  • Fix to trackside assets height after track adjustment
  • Fix to cars having wrong orientation on road
  • Fix to cars not disappearing when they reach road end
  • Fix to Scrapbook paste HD to non HD texture overwrite
  • Fix to Scrapbook paste forming ridges when pasted over baseboard edges
  • Fix to Undo of HD edit low-res tile flagged as promoted
Change log (126280 to 127058)
  • Dispatch Manager (new)
  • Living Railroad Dispatch Disable/Enable option under Session Options (removed)
  • Claim Task option (new)
  • Vehicle Queues Editor (new)
  • Activity Journal Script API (new)
  • DirectX12 Beta option (returned)
  • Validation change - validation errors were in specific cases, sometimes hidden from the output, and should now be shown reliably in those cases
  • New Build 5.6
  • Misc Bug fixes

Known Issues:
  • Assertion Errors are enabled for this build. Trainz will pause until Assertion Errors are closed. Users can select Continue and Ignore Errors. (Reporting when these occur with bugs will help with troubleshooting)
  • First Spline placement will cause an AnimationResource and ClientMaterial Assertion Error.
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Ah, thank you for responding. Can we assume that Coal Country HDT and the TLR session will be part of SP5 as well then? It is great platform to demonstrate Trainz Living Railroad.
Correct, once SP5 is released, all Trainz Plus users will have access to Coal Country HDT. It requires build 5.6 which is why currently, only those on Trainz Plus Beta can access it.
Downloading for 128449 for Mac now. Thanks to the n3v devs and staff. Happy Holidays.
Crashing and Burning on Mac. Have to Force Quit. Unusable on my machine. Tried DBR and EDBR..wont finish..Locks up
Faulty assets everywhere prior to DB/EDBR repair. Rolling back to prev version and BU of Data Folder/DB. Database blown from trying DB/EDBR Repair and it locking up.
Back to 126293 All good again.
Issue at hand:
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I had no trouble with this build. It is running very smoothly. I have been letting the TLR session run for the last nine hours, no problems at all.
Downloading for 128449 for Mac now. Thanks to the n3v devs and staff. Happy Holidays.
Crashing and Burning on Mac. Have to Force Quit. Unusable on my machine. Tried DBR and EDBR..wont finish..Locks up
Faulty assets everywhere prior to DB/EDBR repair. Rolling back to prev version and BU of Data Folder/DB. Database blown from trying DB/EDBR Repair and it locking up.
Back to 126293 All good again.
Issue at hand:
This is an Assertion Error, it hasn't locked up but rather Trainz has been paused while this is showing. If you click on continue, Trainz should resume, without the need to force quit.
This is an Assertion Error, it hasn't locked up but rather Trainz has been paused while this is showing. If you click on continue, Trainz should resume, without the need to force quit.
Out of respect I am not going to argue with you. Yes I clicked Continue. It locked up, my CPU temp jumped to 109C and CPU/GPU jumped to 95% when I had to Force Quit in Activity Monitor. It's beta software so things happen, but don't treat me like an idiot. I am back to a previous stable version and none of my data was lost as I used my backup. Enough said.
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It's beta software so things happen, but don't treat me like an idiot.
How was his answer treating you like an idiot?

He stated what he believed to be the cause (and what was possibly the most likely cause). In the absence of any further evidence what else would you have expected?

At least you recognised that it is a beta and therefore prone to all sorts of "issues".

I have been using this new beta for several hours so far and, like @wreeder, have not experienced any errors and, except when the beta was initially launched, no assertion errors.

My thoughts.
One other possible thing to try: You have a choice of 3 buttons; "Continue", "Force Quit Trainz", and "Continue and Ignore Errors". From reading your post, I am assuming you are clicking on the "Continue" button. Try clicking on the "Continue and Ignore Errors" button and see if that works. I do that and have never had any problems crop up. Just one thought.
No changes in the FPS humping issues. The FPS is still very poor.
KSC2 still has the severe FPS Hitching when moving around the Map.
But not in the build 411.
Any reason why the driver will not proceed in the same direction as the direction marker.?
The direction marker is on the other side of the crossing, the driver has to cross tracks.
Direction (and Priority) markers are only active from one junction to the next. I do not know what effect the road crossing would have on that but it may possibly act as a break in the track and therefore in the effect of the marker. In other words is the road crossing acting like a track junction but without the switch and joining track?

Try putting another direction marker on the approach side of the crossing and see if that makes a difference.

My hypothesizing.
Direction markers only control the entry to a track segment. Once on the track segment, the train can travel in any direction.

Direction (and Priority) markers are only active from one junction to the next. I do not know what effect the road crossing would have on that but it may possibly act as a break in the track and therefore in the effect of the marker. In other words is the road crossing acting like a track junction but without the switch and joining track?

Try putting another direction marker on the approach side of the crossing and see if that makes a difference.

My hypothesizing.
Interesting idea, will see what happens.
Out of respect I am not going to argue with you. Yes I clicked Continue. It locked up, my CPU temp jumped to 109C and CPU/GPU jumped to 95% when I had to Force Quit in Activity Monitor. It's beta software so things happen, but don't treat me like an idiot. I am back to a previous stable version and none of my data was lost as I used my backup. Enough said.
Have noticed that the Assertion Error are a separate screen, if you look at your taskbar , you will see it there. Just open it and click on which option you want and Trainz will start running again.