Article: Community Edition & T:ANE - Q&A

"A. You will need an Internet connection for the initial install. You will then have up to 30 days access before you need online access again."

Please elaborate. I'm down for the DVD version, so I don't expect to have to sign in to use it. Why should I have to do so with what will be a temporary version of TANE?
Hi Phimat - short answer is because this is the "Community Edition" and is not "T:ANE". We are releasing this version so that thousands of people who would like access to T:ANE months before it will be released can do so IF they choose to. It is not compulsory.

So why "should" you? You don't "have" to - but you're welcome to if you like. Or, you can wait until the non-DRM box edition is released.

Btw, as a current beta tester, you are already using/restricted/authorised by the same DRM system as will be used for CE.
Has any thought been given to controlling the smoke volume with the throttle setting in steam engines? Note I don't mean the colour or the timing. The sound is controlled by the throttle setting now so why not the smoke volume. It would be nice to see the smoke decrease when the throttle closed and the engine is drifting. While I am on the subject of new features it would also be nice to have the tender loose the same amount of water and coal/oil as is fed to the loco.

Do I understand that the BOXED EDITION will NOT be DRM.
As I only have a 32 bit windows and it runs TS12 ok will I have to upgrade to 64 bit windows 7 and will TS2010 and TS12 still run on the 64 bit system
Helian43 - T:ANE (as specified in the requirements) requires 64-bit Windows. TS12 and TS2010 will run on a 64-bit system - mine is 64-bit and runs both OK.

Quick question, when the Community Edition is released on Dec. 10th, will we receive our pre-order bonus locos; the BR Blue Duchess and USRA Pacific? Also, would these locomotives be coming with rolling stock?
I'm very interested in the new point system, IE frogs-guides, is there anywhere i can test this before purchasing?
We will be releasing images/videos of various features once they are ready - procedural junctions are currently invisible in today's build (there were there yesterday and looking fine - something to do with an update to the blades that required a content update that hasn't made it into the build).
Eh? OK OK..

btw will there be a serial number and will CE appear on my record sheet?

Oh and incidentally should we not have our Alpha/Beta service likewise recorded for posterity?
Tony, do you guys have an official list of min and/or recommended specs for T:ANE and/or the CE yet? There were equipment specs listed in the TANE Hardware thread at the beginning, months ago. Didn't know if beta testing has since changed the desired requirements to be able to run TANE. Thanks!
1] Is the new TANE version meant to operate as a stand alone version even though it will contain assets from Ts12, or will it be possible to fold build 61388 Ts12 into it [which includes Ts10, Murchison 2, S & C ] so that it is all one game?

2] Are 3rd party payware routes and rolling stock made for Ts12 and Routes, Loco's and assets on the DLS with a Ts 12 tag, able to be downloaded into TANE without problems?
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Some answers:
Alpha/beta status is effectively recorded through your reward icon.

min specs haven't changed since we posted them.

Trainz has always brought older content forward into new editions. It's up to you how much additional content you import into TANE. Of course this also means that we get panned for using old content while if we removed backwards compatibility we'd be panned for making every existing route redundant. A hard battle to win but given that users can choose which content to use, we're confident we've made the right choice.
Has any thought been given to controlling the smoke volume with the throttle setting in steam engines? Note I don't mean the colour or the timing. The sound is controlled by the throttle setting now so why not the smoke volume. It would be nice to see the smoke decrease when the throttle closed and the engine is drifting. While I am on the subject of new features it would also be nice to have the tender loose the same amount of water and coal/oil as is fed to the loco.


Hi Bill
To a degree, this is a 'yes and no' one...

A few locos included with TANE have been setup to do basically what you're asking with smoke effects, however they are scripted setups. The 'basic' tags/settings in the config.txt are, at this stage, much the same. There may be improvements/changes to them that come along during development, but they are not a main focus in TANE. The default 'stack' mode will turn on/off depending on how hard the locomotive is working, but it lacks the animation effects (as is a little difficult to get working right). Where as the way the steamers on Healesville were scripted (inspired by a script posted by Rpearson from memory) has resulted in them changing dependent on the regulator, cut-off, and blower settings (this is both the velocity, and min/max sizes, plus a few other things), as well as the smoke being dependent on these and the fire temperature. There might have been a few other things thrown into the mix as well, it was a while ago that I was setting them up :)

As to the tender losing the amount of water and coal/oil, Trainz already reduces the coal/water queues automatically when you add coal to the fire, or turn the injector on. The rate of water consumption will depend on the rate set in the enginespec. You'll also need to ensure that your boiler volume, and steam usage rates, are close to the prototype so that you get an appropriate water consumption. Coal is much the same, with the 'amount' shovelled per press of the spacebar being set in the appropriate Espec tag.

I pre-ordered the the standard mac version and I was wondering when I will get it and how? I bought the digital version, not he boxed version. I'm wondering when I get it how to download it, like will it be emailed to me or what. Thanks for the help.:)

I plan on getting a laptop with two hard drives - one SSD for TANE and one (probably hybrid) for everything else. When it comes to putting a game on a SSD, I see some SSDs advertised as 128GBs x 3 or 4 w/RAID. I look at my current TS12 folder and see that it takes up 252GB, so I'm thinking a 256 would be cutting it too close. I'd like to get 512GB, but not every laptop offers a solid 512, many come with multiple 128s labeled as 512. Would you be able to install the game over multiple SSDs like that? Seems that you would need a truly singular 512GB SSD (or 256 at min). That also leads to the question - does a hard drive perform slower as it fills up? Will it run faster when it's half full than when it's 90+% full? Final question on SSDs: I'm sure it would be better to have an internal SSD, but what about putting TANE on an external SSD to plug-in? Would you see a big loss in performance that way?

I've seen people mention having two separate video cards, under the same pretense as using two hard this possible in a laptop? I'm no computer engineer, but I'd assume the laptop doesn't have space for that. If you're going with a higher-end card, such as a GTX870(M) on up through a 980(M), would that one video card be enough for the whole system? Or will I need a dedicated video card just for TANE?

Would there be much gain in performance with 16 GB of RAM, over 8? I see that 4 is required, so I figured 8 would be nice. Didn't know if splurging for 16 would be worth the extra dough. Also, if I went with 16, would I be better off with 8x2 or 4x4? Same goes for 8 - 8x1 or 4x2?

When it comes to an OS, should one opt for Windows 7 or 8 for TANE? I was hoping to wait for Windows 10, but it sounds like that won't be out until end of 2015. I'm leaning towards sticking with W7, unless the beta testers with W8 are reporting no issues... Most gaming laptops don't have touch screens - is this an issue with W8? I plan on plugging in a mouse and using it like every other laptop.

Considering that community edition will be out in about 3 weeks, I'd like to get on ordering a new laptop (especially if I can take advantage of some sales this weekend). Thanks for the help!

Chase Z.