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    • R
      rwk replied to the thread 3 faulty assets in WK&S route.
      Yes, there was a JR dirty track in the updated Reading and Northern with fixed trees that work in TANE and 19 from the DLS that was...
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      rwk replied to the thread 3 faulty assets in WK&S route.
      Installing the Hinton route fixed those three assets. I had to install it from the Content Store. Packaged or marked payware assets you...
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      And these are assets with texture errors and the PEV tool can't fix them. Like a gfisher fence. I imported the three assets from TANE...
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      Why are the windows solid and not see through on Amtrak Horizons by PerRock and others? Is that a bug in 19 that can't be fixed? There...
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      They look like they were designed by 10 year olds, not experienced route builders. You have kids, and you have Approach Medium...
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      Yes, that blows. They charge you $200-300 a YEAR for Sketchup Pro which is what you need to use the RubyTMIX plugin. There is a 7 day...
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      rwk replied to the thread Trainz Mesh Editor.
      I think there are some people who have zero knowledge of 3D modeling and animating and importing into Trainz .im format. They just want...
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      rwk replied to the thread GSMR 1702.
      No, not that I'm aware of. Nobody made a version that is allowed to be released. The model above might be a kitbash of a payware...
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      rwk replied to the thread Subpar Steamerz is... Gone?.
      Try putting the site in Wayback archive.
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      rwk replied to the thread NEC missing deps..
      I think the Trainz Pro Routes ones are building splines, like Baltimore. This is the problem that happens when a big site goes belly up...
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      rwk replied to the thread Unknown Assets.
      What do you do when you have five unknowns that can't be found anywhere and all you have is the user IDs and kuids? I have no idea if...
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      rwk replied to the thread Unknown Assets.
      What is the solution then for replacing unknown assets if you can't get them? You can't do a kuid swap in the config, because later on...
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      rwk replied to the thread ProTrainz returns?.
      Is there any way to get any of this stuff in 2024 or is it gone again? Wayback doesn't help because you needed to log in to download...
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      rwk replied to the thread ProTrainz Closed Again?.
      I think a lot of his non-DLS stuff is vaporware now and you will have to look for equivalents elsewhere. Some of the free downloads...
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      rwk replied to the thread Help with modifying mesh.
      I decided to not try to modify it because I can't figure out the programs. The headlight is fine where it is and I can paint the horns...
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