Trainz Team
As our community grows and expands it has become apparent that we need to specify what constitutes suitable content for distribution by Auran through the Download Station, website and forums in general. Auran is a commercial business with responsibilities to its multicultural and international customer base and we must respect the multi-faceted community which we serve. Therefore we are implementing these guidelines as to what content is considered inappropriate to upload to the Download Station and other online areas. Please note that we are not altering our policy relating to content approval, simply publishing the guidelines which we use to approve content.
Content uploaded to the Download Station, chat areas, website and Community Discussion Forums may be rejected if it contains things such as:
- trademarks, logos, slogans, company names, get up, copyrighted material or brands of any third party
- advertising or promotional material, or branded products
- celebrities, actors, musicians, sportspeople, cartoons or public figures
- copyrighted works of art
- phone numbers, addresses, URL addresses, UserID's or web account information
- provocative or sexual material
- violent or other offensive, obscene or indecent material
- nudity or semi-nudity
- bigotry, racism, hatred, profanity or obscenities
- alcohol, tobacco, gambling, firearms or pharmaceutical products
- images that show illegal or anti-social behaviour
- culturally or socially insensitive images
- images that display the symbols, opinions or beliefs of political groups, religious groups or other ideologies (e.g. political images, gangs, party banners)
- libellous or defamatory content, or content which is otherwise in violation of any rules, regulations or laws to which the images are subject
- content not acceptable for persons under 18 years old
Auran may reject any content at the sole discretion of its appointed moderators and representatives.
These guidelines have been introduced for the benefit of the community as a whole. If you have any questions or concerns relating to the suitability of your own content, please contact us at prior to uploading.
Content uploaded to the Download Station, chat areas, website and Community Discussion Forums may be rejected if it contains things such as:
- trademarks, logos, slogans, company names, get up, copyrighted material or brands of any third party
- advertising or promotional material, or branded products
- celebrities, actors, musicians, sportspeople, cartoons or public figures
- copyrighted works of art
- phone numbers, addresses, URL addresses, UserID's or web account information
- provocative or sexual material
- violent or other offensive, obscene or indecent material
- nudity or semi-nudity
- bigotry, racism, hatred, profanity or obscenities
- alcohol, tobacco, gambling, firearms or pharmaceutical products
- images that show illegal or anti-social behaviour
- culturally or socially insensitive images
- images that display the symbols, opinions or beliefs of political groups, religious groups or other ideologies (e.g. political images, gangs, party banners)
- libellous or defamatory content, or content which is otherwise in violation of any rules, regulations or laws to which the images are subject
- content not acceptable for persons under 18 years old
Auran may reject any content at the sole discretion of its appointed moderators and representatives.
These guidelines have been introduced for the benefit of the community as a whole. If you have any questions or concerns relating to the suitability of your own content, please contact us at prior to uploading.