[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]This Post was originlly done by [/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]philskene[/FONT].
I found it with goolge .
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Tutorial - making older steam locomotives fully TRS2004 compatible[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Following several requests, this “Tutorial” describes a process for making older steam locomotives work as TRS2004 steam locomotives, with sounds that reflect speed rather than throttle setting and full cab control.
What follows might appear complex, but in essence all that is involved is some copying and pasting to alias the older locomotive to the sound, enginespec and cab of a TRS2004 steam locomotive.
The example that follows aliases the Frisco Mountain Type (available on the Download Station) to the sound, enginespec and interior of the default QR PB15. I have chosen this for simplicity. In practice, aliasing to the enginespec of the default SAR 520 ARHS and using the cab of the UP Big Boy might be more appropriate. The same process applies in all cases. My sound of choice is Prowler’s RGS #20, but this is just a personal preference.
kuid 79097:1001 Frisco Mountain Type
kuid 79097:1002 Frisco Tender
kuid 130855:10006 BR 3000gal Tender
Make sure that the Frisco locomotive is installed and working correctly.
Do the following:
Open TrainzObjectz.
Place a tick in the box next to “Rolling Stock” at the bottom left of the page. A list of rolling stock appears.
Find Frisco 1522 4-8-2 'Mountain Type', and highlight it by left clicking on the row (click once only).
At the top of the screen, click on the fourth button from the left, the one that looks like a folder – “Open Object Folder”.
Windows File Explorer now opens at kuid 79097 1001.
Double click on the file “ config.txt ”.
Windows default Text Editor (probably Notepad) should now open.
Leave both File Explorer and the Text Editor open, but return to TrainzObjectz by clicking on it in the Task Bar at the bottom of the Windows screen.
In TrainzObjectz, click on the tab “Built-in Objects” at the top of the screen.
A list of all the default rolling stock appears.
Scroll down to “QR PB15” and highlight the row by clicking on it once.
RIGHT click on “QR PB15” and from the new menu select “Show required RS parts”.
This shows the assets needed to make the PB15 work.
Highlight the kuid for Enginespec. Do this by using the mouse to place the cursor just to the right of the left arrow bracket and, while holding down the left mouse button, dragging the mouse to the left of the right arrow bracket. “KUID:44179:51002” should now be highlighted in black.
Copy this to the Windows Clipboard by pressing Ctrl-C (press the “Ctrl” key and while holding the “Ctrl” key down press the “C” key).
Go back to the Text Editor by clicking on it in the Task Bar at the bottom of the Windows screen.
In the Text Editor look for the line “enginespec” and note its kuid – it is “kuid:79097:51001”
Look for the same kuid in the kuid-table. In the kuid-table delete the characters (just the characters, not the line) “kuid:79097:51001”.
Place the mouse cursor between the now blank arrow brackets and press Ctrl-V (press the “Ctrl” key and while holding the “Ctrl” key down press the “V” key). The contents of the Windows Clipboard will be pasted between the arrow brackets.
The line should now read:
3 TAB {KUID:44179:51002}
- I had to replace the arrow brackets that are in the config.txt file with the curved ones shown just above because this Forum does not seem to accept the arrow brackets;
- Likewise , tabs do not show up in this Forum, so I have used TAB to show that the "Tab" key should be used to align text in the config.txt file.
Find the line “enginespec”, delete “kuid:79097:51001” and once again paste the contents of the Clipboard between the arrow brackets.
The line should now read:
enginespec TAB {KUID:44179:51002}
(Note - same comment as above.)
You have successfully aliased the enginespec of the Frisco locomotive to the PB15.
Follow the same procedure for aliasing the Enginesound:
Highlight and copy to the Clipboard “KUID:-3:10105” from the PB15.
Paste this in both the Frisco kuid-table and the line “enginesound”.
You have successfully aliased the enginesound of the Frisco to the PB15.
Repeat the process once more for the interior. Copy the kuid of the interior of the PB15 to the Clipboard. However, because the Frisco is not fitted with any cab, add below “hornsound” the line:
interior TAB {KUID:-3:10191}
(Note - same comment.)
Once again, use the “Tab” key to align the new text beneath the existing text.
Close the Text Editor by clicking on the X in the top right corner. When asked to save the changes, select “Yes”.
Close the Windows File Explorer by clicking on the X in the top right corner.
Return to TrainzObjectz and click on the tab at the top “Custom Objects”.
Now open the config.txt file for the Frisco tender AND open the config.txt file for the BR 3000gal Tender (TrainzObjectz, scroll down, click fourth button from left, double click the config.txt file).
From the BR 3000gal Tender document, copy and paste the lines:
queues {
load-coal {
size 5000
initial-count 5000
animated-mesh "load"
load-water {
size 13600
initial-count 13600
to the Frisco tender document.
- The formatting shown above is not exactly how it appears in the text file;
- I think that exactly where the pieces of text are placed in the Frisco config.txt file is not critical, but I suggest trying to keep the location approximately the same as in the BR tender text file.)
Close the Text Editors, remembering to answer “Yes” to save the changes for the Frisco tender.
Close Windows File Explorer.
Finally in TrainzObjectz, click on “Menu” (bottom left) and select “Delete ‘Dispatcher.chump’ ”. Confirm the deletion by selecting “Yes”.
(Note: “Dispatcher.chump” is a highly compressed file containing all the information in the kuids that have been added to the Dispatcher folder by installing assets from the Download Station and other sources. Dispatcher.chump must be deleted after changes have been made to any kuid. Trainz then reconstructs it by reading through all the kuids in the Dispatcher folder.)
Other sound, enginespec and interiors can be used, as long as they are from TRS2004 steam locomotives. Mixing and matching from TRS2004 locomotives is allowed.
The quantity of coal and water can be altered.
On my “Austral Bay” route which has coaling and watering facilities at all the stations, I use values for coal and water of 15000 and 5000. These values provide sufficient coal to run the route end to end, but require filling the tender with water at most stations. Try “Austral Bay” if you are a keen steam locomotive driver – just remember to set up the TPR Engine Tracks in Surveyor to provide water before beginning a session.
The chuff-chuff sounds with this config.txt will only be heard in Cab Mode. To hear these sounds in DCC Mode:
Open TrainzObjectz, place a tick in the box next to “RS Parts” and scroll down to “Frisco 1522 4-8-2 Mountain main bogey”.
Open the config.txt file and, above the line that starts with the word “description”, add the line:
direct-drive TAB 1
Once again, use the “Tab” key to align the new text.
Note - with some older locomotives, adding the direct-drive line of text may result in the wheels revolving backwards in Cab Mode. In this case, a choice has to be may about using either Cab or DCC Mode.
The tender will dump coal at power stations and all other industries that consume coal.
To prevent this, the file “steamtender.gs” needs to be added to the Frisco locomotive kuid folder and following lines added to the locomotive’s config.txt:
script TAB "steamtender"
class TAB "Steam_Tender"
Note: steamtender.gs is available from decapod's BR 3000gal Tender, kuid 130855:10006, and the above lines of text can be copied and pasted from the tender's config.txt file.
To copy the file “steamtender.gs” from one kuid folder to another:
Return to TrainzObjectz, click on the tab at the top “Custom Objects”, and place a tick against "RS Parts".
Find "BR 3000gal Tender".
At the top of the screen, click on the fourth button from the left, the one that looks like a folder – “Open Object Folder”.
Windows File Explorer now opens at kuid 130855:10006.
Copy the file “steamtender.gs” to the clipboard (right click on the file and select "Copy").
Using TrainzObjectz, find the Frisco tender, click on the fourth button from the left, the one that looks like a folder – “Open Object Folder”.
Windows File Explorer now opens at the kuid for the tender. Paste the file “steamtender.gs” to this folder (right click on the kuid folder and select "Paste").
Steam locomotives without tenders (tank engines) should have the coal and water que added to the locomotive’s config.txt file. To stop these locomotives dumping coal, an additional file “steamtank.gs” should be added to the kuid folder and the following lines added to the config.txt:
script TAB "steamtank"
class TAB "Steam_Tank"
Note: steamtank.gs is available from decapod's 0-6-0 tank engine, kuid 130855:2, and the lines of text for the coal and water ques and for the script and class can be copied and pasted from this locomotive's config.txt file.
The above process can be used for Shays and Garrats, though some care is needed because these are multiple-part locomotives. Experimentation is needed - it may not be for the faint of heart.
If disaster strikes, use TrainzObjectz to delete the offending locomotive or tender (the X button towards the top left of the screen), delete Dispatcher.chump and re-download the item.
Good luck!!
I found it with goolge .
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Tutorial - making older steam locomotives fully TRS2004 compatible[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Following several requests, this “Tutorial” describes a process for making older steam locomotives work as TRS2004 steam locomotives, with sounds that reflect speed rather than throttle setting and full cab control.
What follows might appear complex, but in essence all that is involved is some copying and pasting to alias the older locomotive to the sound, enginespec and cab of a TRS2004 steam locomotive.
The example that follows aliases the Frisco Mountain Type (available on the Download Station) to the sound, enginespec and interior of the default QR PB15. I have chosen this for simplicity. In practice, aliasing to the enginespec of the default SAR 520 ARHS and using the cab of the UP Big Boy might be more appropriate. The same process applies in all cases. My sound of choice is Prowler’s RGS #20, but this is just a personal preference.
kuid 79097:1001 Frisco Mountain Type
kuid 79097:1002 Frisco Tender
kuid 130855:10006 BR 3000gal Tender
Make sure that the Frisco locomotive is installed and working correctly.
Do the following:
Open TrainzObjectz.
Place a tick in the box next to “Rolling Stock” at the bottom left of the page. A list of rolling stock appears.
Find Frisco 1522 4-8-2 'Mountain Type', and highlight it by left clicking on the row (click once only).
At the top of the screen, click on the fourth button from the left, the one that looks like a folder – “Open Object Folder”.
Windows File Explorer now opens at kuid 79097 1001.
Double click on the file “ config.txt ”.
Windows default Text Editor (probably Notepad) should now open.
Leave both File Explorer and the Text Editor open, but return to TrainzObjectz by clicking on it in the Task Bar at the bottom of the Windows screen.
In TrainzObjectz, click on the tab “Built-in Objects” at the top of the screen.
A list of all the default rolling stock appears.
Scroll down to “QR PB15” and highlight the row by clicking on it once.
RIGHT click on “QR PB15” and from the new menu select “Show required RS parts”.
This shows the assets needed to make the PB15 work.
Highlight the kuid for Enginespec. Do this by using the mouse to place the cursor just to the right of the left arrow bracket and, while holding down the left mouse button, dragging the mouse to the left of the right arrow bracket. “KUID:44179:51002” should now be highlighted in black.
Copy this to the Windows Clipboard by pressing Ctrl-C (press the “Ctrl” key and while holding the “Ctrl” key down press the “C” key).
Go back to the Text Editor by clicking on it in the Task Bar at the bottom of the Windows screen.
In the Text Editor look for the line “enginespec” and note its kuid – it is “kuid:79097:51001”
Look for the same kuid in the kuid-table. In the kuid-table delete the characters (just the characters, not the line) “kuid:79097:51001”.
Place the mouse cursor between the now blank arrow brackets and press Ctrl-V (press the “Ctrl” key and while holding the “Ctrl” key down press the “V” key). The contents of the Windows Clipboard will be pasted between the arrow brackets.
The line should now read:
3 TAB {KUID:44179:51002}
- I had to replace the arrow brackets that are in the config.txt file with the curved ones shown just above because this Forum does not seem to accept the arrow brackets;
- Likewise , tabs do not show up in this Forum, so I have used TAB to show that the "Tab" key should be used to align text in the config.txt file.
Find the line “enginespec”, delete “kuid:79097:51001” and once again paste the contents of the Clipboard between the arrow brackets.
The line should now read:
enginespec TAB {KUID:44179:51002}
(Note - same comment as above.)
You have successfully aliased the enginespec of the Frisco locomotive to the PB15.
Follow the same procedure for aliasing the Enginesound:
Highlight and copy to the Clipboard “KUID:-3:10105” from the PB15.
Paste this in both the Frisco kuid-table and the line “enginesound”.
You have successfully aliased the enginesound of the Frisco to the PB15.
Repeat the process once more for the interior. Copy the kuid of the interior of the PB15 to the Clipboard. However, because the Frisco is not fitted with any cab, add below “hornsound” the line:
interior TAB {KUID:-3:10191}
(Note - same comment.)
Once again, use the “Tab” key to align the new text beneath the existing text.
Close the Text Editor by clicking on the X in the top right corner. When asked to save the changes, select “Yes”.
Close the Windows File Explorer by clicking on the X in the top right corner.
Return to TrainzObjectz and click on the tab at the top “Custom Objects”.
Now open the config.txt file for the Frisco tender AND open the config.txt file for the BR 3000gal Tender (TrainzObjectz, scroll down, click fourth button from left, double click the config.txt file).
From the BR 3000gal Tender document, copy and paste the lines:
queues {
load-coal {
size 5000
initial-count 5000
animated-mesh "load"
load-water {
size 13600
initial-count 13600
to the Frisco tender document.
- The formatting shown above is not exactly how it appears in the text file;
- I think that exactly where the pieces of text are placed in the Frisco config.txt file is not critical, but I suggest trying to keep the location approximately the same as in the BR tender text file.)
Close the Text Editors, remembering to answer “Yes” to save the changes for the Frisco tender.
Close Windows File Explorer.
Finally in TrainzObjectz, click on “Menu” (bottom left) and select “Delete ‘Dispatcher.chump’ ”. Confirm the deletion by selecting “Yes”.
(Note: “Dispatcher.chump” is a highly compressed file containing all the information in the kuids that have been added to the Dispatcher folder by installing assets from the Download Station and other sources. Dispatcher.chump must be deleted after changes have been made to any kuid. Trainz then reconstructs it by reading through all the kuids in the Dispatcher folder.)
Other sound, enginespec and interiors can be used, as long as they are from TRS2004 steam locomotives. Mixing and matching from TRS2004 locomotives is allowed.
The quantity of coal and water can be altered.
On my “Austral Bay” route which has coaling and watering facilities at all the stations, I use values for coal and water of 15000 and 5000. These values provide sufficient coal to run the route end to end, but require filling the tender with water at most stations. Try “Austral Bay” if you are a keen steam locomotive driver – just remember to set up the TPR Engine Tracks in Surveyor to provide water before beginning a session.
The chuff-chuff sounds with this config.txt will only be heard in Cab Mode. To hear these sounds in DCC Mode:
Open TrainzObjectz, place a tick in the box next to “RS Parts” and scroll down to “Frisco 1522 4-8-2 Mountain main bogey”.
Open the config.txt file and, above the line that starts with the word “description”, add the line:
direct-drive TAB 1
Once again, use the “Tab” key to align the new text.
Note - with some older locomotives, adding the direct-drive line of text may result in the wheels revolving backwards in Cab Mode. In this case, a choice has to be may about using either Cab or DCC Mode.
The tender will dump coal at power stations and all other industries that consume coal.
To prevent this, the file “steamtender.gs” needs to be added to the Frisco locomotive kuid folder and following lines added to the locomotive’s config.txt:
script TAB "steamtender"
class TAB "Steam_Tender"
Note: steamtender.gs is available from decapod's BR 3000gal Tender, kuid 130855:10006, and the above lines of text can be copied and pasted from the tender's config.txt file.
To copy the file “steamtender.gs” from one kuid folder to another:
Return to TrainzObjectz, click on the tab at the top “Custom Objects”, and place a tick against "RS Parts".
Find "BR 3000gal Tender".
At the top of the screen, click on the fourth button from the left, the one that looks like a folder – “Open Object Folder”.
Windows File Explorer now opens at kuid 130855:10006.
Copy the file “steamtender.gs” to the clipboard (right click on the file and select "Copy").
Using TrainzObjectz, find the Frisco tender, click on the fourth button from the left, the one that looks like a folder – “Open Object Folder”.
Windows File Explorer now opens at the kuid for the tender. Paste the file “steamtender.gs” to this folder (right click on the kuid folder and select "Paste").
Steam locomotives without tenders (tank engines) should have the coal and water que added to the locomotive’s config.txt file. To stop these locomotives dumping coal, an additional file “steamtank.gs” should be added to the kuid folder and the following lines added to the config.txt:
script TAB "steamtank"
class TAB "Steam_Tank"
Note: steamtank.gs is available from decapod's 0-6-0 tank engine, kuid 130855:2, and the lines of text for the coal and water ques and for the script and class can be copied and pasted from this locomotive's config.txt file.
The above process can be used for Shays and Garrats, though some care is needed because these are multiple-part locomotives. Experimentation is needed - it may not be for the faint of heart.
If disaster strikes, use TrainzObjectz to delete the offending locomotive or tender (the X button towards the top left of the screen), delete Dispatcher.chump and re-download the item.
Good luck!!