TTC Discussion

what routes were you looking on for the newlooks? and if you weren't on the YUS line, you couldn't be able to find 5796 anyways, you might of found an H4 though if you were on the BD line;)
I was loooking for them at Kennedy and Scarborough Centre. :eek: I waited for like 30 minutes at Union for 5796, and I saw no H4's, either. You could say, the hunt was not succesful. :p
well i am kinda shocked that both Kennedy and Scarborough Town Centre did have any newlooks!:eek: There would be no H4's on the YUS line, i thought you were on the BD line:p . so i guess they weren't using it today or something? were you looking at both sides of the platform? and what time were you at Union?;)
I was at the YUS line, but to get there and back home I had to take the B-D with no H4's. It was around 1:00 PM when I was at Union. :confused:
oh...:( well i think you have to go on a weekday, maybe rush hour in order to get an H4;) and the H5, i can only guess they weren't using 5796 today... and i asked what time you were at union, was because yesterday i was also at Union, but at 3:00-4:00.;) :p :)
Also, have you dropped a comment in greekguy1326's comment box asking him if he could do a tour of Rosedale station? If not, could you ask to put the bus terminal/stop (if there is one) in a seperate video please?
i already asked, him, so far no reply, and he would usally put the subway area, and the bus area in the same video...
For Don Mills, he made the subway seperate from the buses...thanks for that about 5796...I'll look out for her in Wilson...:wave:
i guess once your done all the subways/ buses/ streetcars, you will start the stations, starting with Rosedale?:)
I wouldn't think so, they didn't do it for any other subway.. they did it for the G1 because that is the TTC/Canada's first subway, so they would of corse to a farewell trip;) though i wish they did a H4 trip...