
New member
I just spent most of today installing TS2010 that was sitting on my shelf for the last 14 months. My Trainz computer died 14 months ago and it needed a motherboard.

I got is running in January and have been using TS2009 to continue work on my series of three huge routes. I was lurking around here to see what the comments were about TS2010. It seemed favorable.

I installed TS2010 and updated to latest patch. That took over 3 hours. Another couple hours disabling content that is not U.S. stuff. I imported my content from TS2009. That took another 2 hours.

It took me an hour to figure out why my routes sessions were not showing up. It turns out that they only showed up after Imported them as CDP files.

I was finally ready to see my routes in TS2010. A while back, I asked what everyone thought of TS2010. One of the response talked about "automatic tree replacement" on imported routes. I thought that would be a bit hard to believe that a software will automatically ALTER your route.

I am a HARD CORE route builder. I've spent hundreds and hundreds of hours building my series of 3 routes. First thing I loaded up was an hour and a half "Tour" session that I created for one of my routes.

A picture is worth a thousand words . . . check it out


2009 . . . BECAME THIS !!!

2009 . . . BECAME THIS !!!


There is another MAJOR ISSUE !! On my routes I used the "CNR junctions" and the "UK switch motor" junctions on all my routes. I used the motors in the main yards where things can get pretty tight in places, but I used the "CNR junctions" everywhere else. NONE OF THE "CNR JUNCTION" showed up anywhere . . . they are ALL MISSING !! So most of my junctions don't work. I went into Surveyor to see if I can place one of the "CNR junction". I can pick one . . . they all show up and selectable. I can even place one on the track . . . BUT THEY WON"T WORK . . . ALWAYS DOUBLE RED ARROWS !! They don't show up as RED in the selector . . . and they don't show up as faulty in the Content Manager.

ALL of my junctions are named . . . so all the names are lost. ALL my crossovers that are not on the mainline are ALL LINKED junctions . . . so all my links are lost. Thats many hours of work and planning lost !!!

I'm sure what happened to me isn't going to happen to most of you. I was unlucky enough to have used on of the built-in trees in 2006. All the trees I used were different version and sizes of the "poplar" trees. There are a good number of people that used these trees . . . I've seen them used in the screenshot forum.

Whats worse is that the IDIOTS who decided to do this in the software didn't even use same species or sizes of trees that replaced the old ones from 2009 !!! NOT TO MENTION THAT THESE ARE SOME OF THE MOST ARTIFICIAL LOOKING AND THE UGLIEST TREES EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last but not least . . . I have to run in "compatible" mode. As you can see from my pictures . . . I'm an "ALPHA-TREE-HUGGER". I was hoping for a little improvement in the FPS compared to 2009 . . . NOPE !!! For the few minutes my AI was driving, the FPS number was nearly IDENTICAL to 2009. I have always battled with the FPS number so I know what the FPS number should be everywhere on my routes.

"Compatibility Mode" in TS2010 . . . THATS A JOKE :hehe::hehe: !! As far as my experience goes . . . Its only compatible to itself !!


I would have dearly loved to have embraced 2010 . . . but I'm left with no choice but stay with 2009 for now.

Hope you'll having better luck than I did.

I don't blame you for being angry. 2010 really did a number on your trees. I trust that your routes still run intact in 2009.

Knowing how much passion, effort and imagination can be spent on a route you have my full sympathy. That must feel totally heartbreaking!:eek:

Like tomurban, here's hoping all is well with your fine creations in the earlier version.

One of the response talked about "automatic tree replacement" on imported routes. I thought that would be a bit hard to believe that a software will automatically ALTER your route.

Okay so what or rather who destroyed your routes?
What don't you have the little gnomes that come out of hiding each night and mess with your computer, and tangle all the cords back up and such? And in this case mess your route up?

Yes, but they have never sat upon my shoulder and convinced me to do something that I already had been advised NOT to do!
You think that is bad. Wait until 10 decides to (for no apparent reason) change all you setting and options one day when you close the program. And forget about the "helpdesk". It should be called the "no answer your ticket desk" or "No helpdesk".
All routes should be periodicly (several times per month or week) backed-up on a RW-DVD, as a CDP file ... just in case your PC or routes go Pfffppptttt :p into cyberspace.
Hi all:wave:

TRS 2010 changed some of the built in trees for Speed trees which at the best of times suck and look like something out of a nightmare in summer and in winter make it look like our routes have been attacked by creatures from Mars. Maybe someone who designed them, who had been smoking some really weird stuff he found under the floorboards; took it to Auran and it was his lucky day because guess what?
They had some really weird stuff under their floorboards as well. And so the speed trees where born. And because they where all on funny stuff one off them said “I know how to confuse the whole lot of them. Let give the aliens the same kuid’s as some or our built in trees, but the good bit is we won’t tell them”.

Now this is why my fellow Trainzers; if you ever find any of the trainz designs people. You should take them to the nearest forest, tie them to a tree and leave them. so that they can spend some time looking at a tree so that they know what they are.:)

I found myself skipping all of the Speed Trees when working on my route. They are too creepy. Yes, I think CREEPY is the appropriate word. Also, It is difficult to judge thier appearance on your layout, considering the unusual way that they shift about... :eek:
Hello everyone,

Yes, all my routes are fine in 2009.

I wanted to install 2010 as a "standalone install" so I said NO to the question . . . "Would you like to install TS2010 as an add-on to your current install . . . ?"

I actually have TWO installs of 2009 on my computer. Whenever there is an update, I leave one without the latest update. Its been my experience that installing patches can sometimes do unexpected things . . . like assets suddenly becomes invisible, etc. . . . etc. My routes are intact. I have an external drive where I back up my routes as CDP, every day I change things on my routes. With every update, more assets shows errors and warnings, and a few will stop showing up on your routes. Having two installs of 2009 has saved me from minor disasters many times.

From what I understand, I guess the trees change color and lose their leaves depending on the time of the year. Well, thats all fine and good, but I'm in Southern California. We DON'T SEE much of a seasonal change here. My routes are modeling the height of spring when everything around here is very green and lush . . . my favorite time of the year. So . . . now Trainz is telling me that having a favorite time of the year is no longer allowed ??

Remember the first "Hi-res" tree we got when we 2009 was released . . . the one where everyone laughed at ?? Well, I'm laughing again at the "moving trees". :hehe::D:hehe: Hundreds of hours in R&D spent on making trees sway . . . and its a feature that you can barely SEE while you are driving in a session !! Its only visible if you are driving in a hurricane force wind ! What next . . . Occasional rain & tornadoes ??? I have to admit, I might enjoy seeing trees fly around in circles at 100 MPH and disappear into the sky . . . :hehe: Instead of "living trees", we would have appreciated a fix on the age old problem hearing a train horn everywhere on the route!! How about some R&D on making AI a little bit smarter and predictable? How about allowing us to SLOW DOWN the clouds in the sky? Adjustable contrast amount between sunny side and the shadow side?

We really don't need new useless features . . . we just want what we have to work like they should. I know . . . I'm asking waaaaaay too much :':)'(

I can't wait for the 2010 update to do away with "automatic tree replacement" and a fix for disappearing junctions.

I'm going to keep the 2010 install on my computer . . . well, ya never know. For now, its just another asset back up.

Take no chances!

If you are a legacy user, and have Paint Shed, just build a few of these tankers, skin and mark appropriately, and attach some decent bogies in the config.txt file.

Then fill all of your available land and airborne sprayers and apply regularly across all baseboards as frequently as possible.

So far my routes have remained totally immune from an outbreak.

Belkenn, you could well be right about ‘certain substances’ being involved. I’ve never been convinced that the use of the word, “ Speed”, in the name was totally to do with their movement!

They play no part in any realistic sim!


From what I understand, I guess the trees change color and lose their leaves depending on the time of the year. Well, thats all fine and good, but I'm in Southern California. We DON'T SEE much of a seasonal change here. My routes are modeling the height of spring when everything around here is very green and lush . . . my favorite time of the year. So . . . now Trainz is telling me that having a favorite time of the year is no longer allowed ??

Were your routes created with TransDem or using some other Geo referenced material? If you just selected USA when you started to build technically trainz wouldn't have a clue whether you are in Southern California or in Maine.

If the trees you were using were from treez expansion pack or were seasonal that could explain a lot of the issues.

I really think the title of the thread is rather a misnomer, instead of "TS2010 DISTROYED MY ROUTES !!" it really should have been "I imported my route created with trainz 2009 into trainz 2010 and there seems to be a compatibility issue."

Because I'm not going to say that you built your route wrong, just that you built it using 2009, there are quite a few subtle differences between 2009 and 2010.

While everybody may not think they are for the better, they're there nonetheless. I just believe the title of this thread could lead people to believe that there's actually something wrong with TRS 2010 when in fact more than likely it was operating correctly...
After reading the posts in this thread I have come to to conclusion that TS2010 is public enemy #1 and I shouldn't have brought it. It seems everybody hates TS2010 more than they hate Railworks. I think I will stay away from Trainz for a while and stick with MSTS and I don't think even railworks had these problems.:(
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I really think the title of the thread is rather a misnomer, instead of "TS2010 DISTROYED MY ROUTES !!" it really should have been "I imported my route created with trainz 2009 into trainz 2010 and there seems to be a compatibility issue."

Because I'm not going to say that you built your route wrong, just that you built it using 2009, there are quite a few subtle differences between 2009 and 2010.

While everybody may not think they are for the better, they're there nonetheless. I just believe the title of this thread could lead people to believe that there's actually something wrong with TRS 2010 when in fact more than likely it was operating correctly...
I wish I read this before submitting:confused:
I mean this is what I was lead to believe. Now is 2010 good or not?
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Hi all:wave:

TRS 2010 changed some of the built in trees for Speed trees which at the best of times suck and look like something out of a nightmare in summer and in winter make it look like our routes have been attacked by creatures from Mars. Maybe someone who designed them, who had been smoking some really weird stuff he found under the floorboards; took it to Auran and it was his lucky day because guess what?
They had some really weird stuff under their floorboards as well. And so the speed trees where born. And because they where all on funny stuff one off them said “I know how to confuse the whole lot of them. Let give the aliens the same kuid’s as some or our built in trees, but the good bit is we won’t tell them”.

Now this is why my fellow Trainzers; if you ever find any of the trainz designs people. You should take them to the nearest forest, tie them to a tree and leave them. so that they can spend some time looking at a tree so that they know what they are.:)


I think you are under the mistaken impression that the designers at Auran/N3V somehow created speedtreez. They didn't, all you have to do is go here to find out all you want to know.

Personally I don't have much of a opinion either way on them, but for years people have complained about the lack of realism in the 3-D engine, then when they actually do implement something new, people complain that they must've been smoking something and created them.

I look at 2010 as it is what it is, I didn't try to import any of my older content that I created with older versions, all the routes I've created using it, I try my best not to use any assets older than version 2.9, and by doing so really haven't had too many adverse affects.

I've come to find that a lot of the features that 2010 offers such as layers are actually quite nice and a welcome improvement.