Transferring Trainz 12 to another computer


Hello all

I just got a brand new laptop and it works perfectly however there is one small problem:

I dont have a DVD/CD port.

So, my current predicament is this: how to get Trainz 12 onto my new laptop without the discs. I have heard that it is theoretically possible to put the entire program (or at least the installer) onto a flash drive and going from there. Is this accurate? Are there better ways?

Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks!
Install it fresh, delete the factory userdata folder ... transplant in the saved UserData folder

I guess you could send the whole Trainz installation folder over to the new PC ?

I guess there is a data cable that can connect 2 PC's ... I don't know what the difference is between that, and a standard male / male usb cable, is ?
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There are "peer to peer" network cables and probably similar USB cables that would be available from local electronic stores. I've never used one but I'm sure the electronics store staff will help and there is always Google.

You can also get USB DVDs for laptops which might be an easier option. Transferring 60GB+ is still going to take a while.
Try writing the disc image onto a usb drive to perform a fresh install. Afterwards use software to format it and use the same drive to copy content over.
I recommend UltraISO for writing the image.
If you are using a router connect both computers to it and network them.
Or network them by using a Crossover ethernet cable.
Or Network them by using a specifically made USB network cable or pair of USB to ethernet adapters and an ethernet cable, do not use a normal USB cable or you will blow something up!
Or as said use a memory stick.
Or get an external USB DVD drive which pretty much seem to be a necessity if you want to install software from disks.
I know that there are many naysayers here against portable USB 3.0 hard disks, but in cases like this they are worth the investment. A 1TB hard drive costs about $80 today and will more than hold all your data. Once your data is transferred to the new computer, you can then back this content up on to DVDs, it will take about 12 of them, unless the drive handles double sided, and the disk can be used for future backups. Don't install the backup software, instead use it like a regular drive and copy data to it. Like any hard disk, it's highly recommended to have backups of backups of critical data.

I probably should have said that I'm not exactly computer all sounds rather complex than what I am betting it actually is.

I tried to put ALL the files onto a USB drive designed for 8 GB and I quickly got up to 40.1 GB before I cancelled the transfer because I wasn't sure what would happen to the data already on the drive. So much for that...

Since my birthday and Christmas is coming up I might have enough money to do a hard drive transfer via Best Buy and then sort through everything...I was just worried about having to track down hundreds of thousands of dependencies (again) for routes that I still dont have everything for.

Thanks for all the suggestions...I'm still looking at a few options but if I run out some of these sound like pretty good backups.

Thanks again!
Seriously--- get one of those Ultra Slim Portable DVD writers

Hello all

I just got a brand new laptop and it works perfectly however there is one small problem:

I dont have a DVD/CD port.

So, my current predicament is this: how to get Trainz 12 onto my new laptop without the discs. I have heard that it is theoretically possible to put the entire program (or at least the installer) onto a flash drive and going from there. Is this accurate? Are there better ways?

Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks!

I read posts 1- 7 and as suggested by one of the other guys; how are you going to put other things in that come on a disk? When my wife's laptop optical drive went bad I looked into replacing it and it seemed like a real hassle so I bought her a USB drive and it can be used on other comps that we have around the house. I think I only paid $35-$40 for it and it is good for CDs also.

Good luck

Wild Willy the Wacko