A problem with using the water layer.
One of the issues I have come across with the new water layer is that the layer you create applies to the whole route. Thus I created a river and used HD mode to form the banks of the river. The new small radius worked wonders and the final result was, for a first time go, quite pleasing. The issue I discovered was that if I lowered the ground anywhere on the route to below that for which the water layer is set, it filled with water! Thus it seems as if creating a water layer means you can't reduce the ground height below the water layer level. From Tony's initial notes to Alpha 2, HD mode is incompatible with legacy water. Now this will create a problem for those, like myself, who create some routes as model railways. If you sink the ground level to say -60 to create a floor well, it fills with water if you have created a water layer. This means you have to use large digholes to create an operating well (I have used both methods on different layouts). As I have discovered, importing a layout with the large digholes itself creates a problem when updated to HD mode - strips of ground appear between the digholes. I am not sure if there is a solution. It would be a real pity not to be able to use HD mode with the water level issue.
One of the issues I have come across with the new water layer is that the layer you create applies to the whole route. Thus I created a river and used HD mode to form the banks of the river. The new small radius worked wonders and the final result was, for a first time go, quite pleasing. The issue I discovered was that if I lowered the ground anywhere on the route to below that for which the water layer is set, it filled with water! Thus it seems as if creating a water layer means you can't reduce the ground height below the water layer level. From Tony's initial notes to Alpha 2, HD mode is incompatible with legacy water. Now this will create a problem for those, like myself, who create some routes as model railways. If you sink the ground level to say -60 to create a floor well, it fills with water if you have created a water layer. This means you have to use large digholes to create an operating well (I have used both methods on different layouts). As I have discovered, importing a layout with the large digholes itself creates a problem when updated to HD mode - strips of ground appear between the digholes. I am not sure if there is a solution. It would be a real pity not to be able to use HD mode with the water level issue.