What I have in mind is a notification add-on to Content Manager export and import/commit functions. I tried to explain it in the initial TNI thread:
The necessary control flow is bi-directional here. For the flow direction towards the Trainz process (=inbound), a plugin would act as a listener, receive external messages via some interprocess communication mechanism, convert it to internal messages and use some callback mechanism provided by TNI. In my case these messages would be the commands "Import content from specified directory" and "Commit imported content". Such a plugin probably has to be loaded automatically at process startup time. Whether that can be initiated with some form of static registration, config file or the like, I don't know.
For outbound, it means that either an existing Content Manager UI command has to offer an option to register a notification with it, which, again, will probably mean that the associated plugin has to be loaded at startup time, or the plugin must be able to add a custom command to the Content Manager UI. In my case that command would be "Open for edit and notify external listener".
BTW and off-topic: I noticed Content Manager is now using a sans-serif font for its asset list. That's nice.
The necessary control flow is bi-directional here. For the flow direction towards the Trainz process (=inbound), a plugin would act as a listener, receive external messages via some interprocess communication mechanism, convert it to internal messages and use some callback mechanism provided by TNI. In my case these messages would be the commands "Import content from specified directory" and "Commit imported content". Such a plugin probably has to be loaded automatically at process startup time. Whether that can be initiated with some form of static registration, config file or the like, I don't know.
For outbound, it means that either an existing Content Manager UI command has to offer an option to register a notification with it, which, again, will probably mean that the associated plugin has to be loaded at startup time, or the plugin must be able to add a custom command to the Content Manager UI. In my case that command would be "Open for edit and notify external listener".
BTW and off-topic: I noticed Content Manager is now using a sans-serif font for its asset list. That's nice.