mesh-table {
lod0 {
LOD-level 0
autocreate 1
mesh "my_mesh"
lod1 {
lod-level 1
autocreate 0
mesh ""
mesh-table-LOD-transition-distances 1000,2000
I'm away from my PC so can't verify.
edit: The mesh-detail-level-count has gone for TB4.6
Thanks but that did not work. The mesh name cannot be null or empty (ie;""). At least in did not work for me in TRS19. Here are the errors that were reported by TRS19:
- <kuid:439337:103168> VE26: The tag 'mesh' in container 'lod1' is empty.
- <kuid:439337:103168> VE27: The tag 'mesh' in 'lod1' must have a mesh file extension.
I have taken a look at some of the existing DLS TRS19 structures that are out there. One of the ones I looked at was
<kuid2:458053:100011:2> SGLM Washing plant 5. I modified his config.txt code for my just released
<kuid2:439337:103071:1> SAP Exterior Structure Light Fixture as a test. Here is the code as I used it.
mesh-table-lod-transition-distances 50,100
mesh ""
auto-create 1
lod-level 0
mesh ""
auto-create 1
lod-level 1
mesh "nightmode/"
night-mesh-base "lod0"
kind "corona"
att "a.corona0"
texture-kuid <kuid:439337:101400>
max-intensity 0.1
directional 0
mesh "nightmode/"
night-mesh-base "lod1"
kind "corona"
att "a.corona0"
texture-kuid <kuid:439337:101400>
max-intensity 0.1
directional 0
This code worked for build 4.6 without producing any errors or warnings. All the N3V documentation I have seen to date appears to
not support just having a
single mesh only under LOD. I attempted to do this using just a single mesh and got the 500 polygon error message. For the second mesh you will, it seems, have to have at least two meshes, although perhaps that is where the invisible cube someone discussed earlier comes into play. In my case I used the decimate modifier in Blender to reduce the lamp mesh to under 500 triangles for my LOD1 mesh.
I appreciate everyone's help on this and would like to refine this further so I can produce a short-and-to-the-point tutorial for content developers for overcoming the 500 polygon error message to be eventually posted in the
Content Creation Support section of the forum so others who are new to LOD, such as myself, don't have the frustration I have had over this issue.