I thinking of purchasing T:ANE, but I'm wondering what range of prototypes of modern locos they have up for Payware or on the DLS. Any ideas? I'm looking for post-2004...
I thinking of purchasing T:ANE, but I'm wondering what range of prototypes of modern locos they have up for Payware or on the DLS. Any ideas? I'm looking for post-2004...
I think It take some time for models to start coming out for T:ANE just becasue they're still trying to fix some issues and implement new things such as "Track Manipulation" and "Interlocking Tower/Signal Blocks" but give it some time and they'll get there. Having said that though there are a few models out there try Jointedrail.com or RRmods.com depends on what your looking for these two deal with American rolling stock to which I am a fan otherwise just look around and you'll find what your looking for.