Dragons Pass Railroad 2023

The organ story of Greenhill: Back in the late 1930s, a man and his wife lived in a cabin on the large hill overlooking the bay; the man's name was Edward J Green; he was a quiet man and friendly, often going for long walks down the hill to the station, after he would pick up his mail and a 14 pond fish to take home to his wife, Edward was the village doctor and had his office on the 2nd floor of the station. On one rainy day, Edward never returned home, and the village, saddened by his death, was renamed Greenhill after Edward in honour of the Doctor who saved many lives throughout his life and the friends who loved him.
Progress on the new Rockwell and yard: I wiped the old city out and started to rebuild it; right is the Sunnyside Brachline, behind the roundhouse. The yard will be three times larger than it was. The plan is to make Rockwell a railroad hub.
It has been a long time since the HO model was completed. Here are the shots of the 3D Trainz model and the HO model. I built the Ho model and installed the DCC and Lights, and a good friend painted and added details to it; this model was a lot of work.
