WOODS.....let's see what you've got

Hi Jim,

Your screens seem like real photos :love: !
I'll bet you have cancelled the shadows in TrainZ, as this can ruin the appearance of the trees ...


Hi Jim,

Your screens seem like real photos :love: !
I'll bet you have cancelled the shadows in TrainZ, as this can ruin the appearance of the trees ...


Hi Philippe,
Thank you ! I have the shadow quality set at Medium / 2048. I didn't know shadows effect the appearance of trees. I'll play around with that, but I do like having the shadows on.
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Mohawk River bridge by the railyard in Utica, NY. The bridge is still there but a few decades ago, they built a freeway overpass almost right over it . I turned up the brightness on the monitor a little, but then it begins to look too washed out. View is looking south on the 1st image and north on the 2nd.

JimDep, do you have trouble finding the bushes and shrubs for the understory? There doesn't seem to be a lot out there.
JimDep, do you have trouble finding the bushes and shrubs for the understory? There doesn't seem to be a lot out there.
A long time ago, I did. I ended up taking vegetation by JVC, st_rmm and Roy's...and cloning them so I could get the right shades of green for the region I'm trying to model. After cloning, I used an old version of Paint Shop Pro to redo the color shading and reduce the color saturation. On the old JVC vegetation, it was necessary to take the alpha texture and boost the contrast on it, so that the black would be darker and white's to be brighter, so they wouldn't be as transparent on the newer editions of Trainz.....plus they have old build numbers but still work in TANE. There were some that just didn't work for some reason. Depending on the lighting, at dusk they'd get a really weird bright look, so I didn't use those and I could never figure a way to fix that using Paint Shop. The older bill board type vegetation, I'll put off in the distance. I'll still use them as they are easy on the frame rates and don't look too bad some distance away.
JimDep, do you have trouble finding the bushes and shrubs for the understory? There doesn't seem to be a lot out there.
I want to mention too, something I did to help organize the vegetation, whether it be trees, shrubs, grass, etc.
I made a single baseboard route and called it "Asset Island". I put the vegetation I use in rows, including a few houses along the way to give it size perspective in comparison. All the similar trees are in one row, from small to large, did the same thing with the pine tress, shrubs etc. When working on a scene that needs a certain type of vegetation, I'll save and close my route, open up the" Asset Island" and cruise around to pick out what vegetation I want to use. If it's several, I'll stick them in the bookmark area so they'll be there when I get back to my regular route. If you want to see any pics of this Asset Island library of veggie's, let me know.
You bet. Happy New Year to you too. The importance of the vegetation for my route was getting the coloring right. In their original appearance, for the region I'm doing in the US north east, the original coloring was too bright ( most of the time) and too color saturated, like having the color turned up too high on your TV, making things look like a cartoon instead of real life....to my eyes anyway. A lot of the vegetation in their original state , I wouldn't have considered using, but changing the coloring and darkening most of them a bit suddenly made them usable. Now all the vegetation had a more unified look when putting them together, closer to the same way I see these shades together in real life.

Maybe I see colors and shades differently than most people, I don't know ....LOL....that's one reason why I'm doing this woods thread thingy here.....and not just to get feedback on my stuff , but also to see what others are putting together to exchange ideas.
BTW, on JVC's assets, in his licensing spot in the Config file, he says it's ok to modify and share his stuff as long as he's credited.
When I modify anything somebody else did, I always have their names in everything. So sharing his stuff shouldn't be a problem, as long I'm not charging for it. ...which I wouldn't.
I'll put some " before and after" shots in here, so I can demonstrate the coloring changes made.
So here's some side by side comparisons of the coloring shading.
These are for the st_rmm vegetation.....just to give an idea for what looks right....to me......in the region I'm doing . The darker shading one's are the modifications done.
On the 3rd picture of st_rmm's Kust, I know the darker shading looks like over kill when presented like this, but when you put them in some heavily wooded area that doesn't get a lot of light, they blend in pretty well, which for me works out a lot better.
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Real nice, the best woods I've seen yet.
Thanks for the comment. Appreciate it !
Always a lot of downed trees along the wooded areas and some wild flowers here and there. In this region you get the purple fire weeds close to water and boggy spots.
Also putting the lighter colored shrubs / dead grass types closer to the track and go darker the deeper in the trees you get.
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Whats needed are blinking fireflies at night........gotta figure out a way to do that. Spring Peepers isn't a problem, just need to make the sound file.