SP1 =New Poll= What is your favorite version of Trainz -An Honest Poll SP1


might be back?
Hey guys, since there apparently was a poll about what we think is the best version of trainz where over 70% of people voted for TANE, but I can't find a single person who even remembers voting, I figured I would make my own poll.

You can vote at the link below, and the answers will be tallied after 1 weeks time, 6pm EST on Feb 21.

After fixing some bugs, I am proud to announce SP1 of the poll. This time it fixes the issue that people could vote multiple times.
What about us who use TANE without any of the TANE "features" turned on, like a 64bit-TS12+?

That is the only way the game functions.

TANE as it is advertised doesn't exist, so how can an honest poll about TANE really work.

I am glad to see Trainz 04 getting some love. Personally I went with TS12 since it has the nicest features, but I do have a soft spot in my heart for 04.

As for a non functional version of TANE, would someone really vote for TANE "broken edition?"
Poll worked great, and only allowed me to vote once

I voted TRS2006 build SP1 build 3337, as the CMP works flawlessly, and it is extremely easy to lay track in, and works on a low end PC

If I had a better PC I would probably say TS12, as it has the NKP Berkshire and other great payware, that can not be run in TS10. I should have upgraded straight from 06 to TS12, and skipped TS10

I see T:ANE makes some excellent screenshots, but has to be run with many sliders reduced in order to get acceptable framerates, unless you have a superior PC and video card
53 votes in and TS12 is well in the lead!
I went with TS2010, TS12 is very nice and probably a bit more stable too but I find it is rather demanding on my (admittedly ancient) desktop. T:ANE is even worse on this front, I hear.
Jadebullet, you should do another poll in whether people prefer buying upfront or the subscription method, but I reckon you wouldn't need a crystal ball to forsee the results...
Try using different browsers or proxy servers. The result will still not be trustworthy.

Quit being a poopsocking grognard. Nobody likes people who try and purposely mess up stuff in order to feel smug, and you are always doing crap like this. Really, using proxy settings to try and game a damn poll? God that is pathetic. Maybe if you went outside sometimes you would actually have friends and not be such a bitter person who has nothing better to do. Also, way to inflate the numbers of how much you cheated a forum poll.

Also reported for attempted trolling and attempts to disrupt other users activity.
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All polls can be by poopsockers with nothing better to do. You know, like that crappy made up poll that auran put out.

Should have tested the Blue Danube on your house.
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Well if it goes on like this with helpful hint's on how to rig it, no one is going to trust this poll either, instead of trying to wreck it how about playing fair and voting once?

but I can't find a single person who even remembers voting

Afraid I did!
So did I too Malc, I remember that I got a link of the poll in the N3V newsletter and I remember clearly voting for TANE, I'm surprised you did not ask me Jade? And I'm voting for TANE on this one as well.
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So did I too Malc, I remember that I got a link of the poll in the N3V newsletter and I remember clearly voting for TANE, I'm surprised you did not ask me Jade? And I'm voting for TANE on this one as well.

That's fine. It's what the poll is there for. I only found out recently that the poll was in some newsletter. Unfortunately, Gmail seems to think the newsletter is spam, or promotional so mine got filed by gmail.

So right now TS12 and TANE are close, with Trainz classics being disqualified from the running as that was Amigacooke poopsocking his way to smugness.
Try using different browsers or proxy servers. The result will still not be trustworthy.

This I do agree with. Have been able to vote twice. Poll trustworthy - nope.
Oh by the way I voted T:ANE x2, so pay to remove one vote..or 2 I really do not care.

As for the survey that came out a little while ago in the emails - voted - T:ANE.
What about us who use TANE without any of the TANE "features" turned on, like a 64bit-TS12+?

That is the only way the game functions.

TANE as it is advertised doesn't exist, so how can an honest poll about TANE really work.



I use it with all settings maximized. I have 80349. Windows 10, GTX 980, 24GB RAM, 1TB Samsung 850 Pro, Intel Core i7 975 EE. Works fine. Cannot tell you why, maybe because I have higher than normal specs.

Voted (once) for T:ANE. Didn't vote in the N3V poll. T:ANE works ok for me, and I haven't lost hours of game time to database repairs, like I was getting in TS12.

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Voted (once) for T:ANE. Didn't vote in the N3V poll. T:ANE works ok for me, and I haven't lost hours of game time to database repairs, like I was getting in TS12.


That is one thing I do NOT miss. T:ANE never seems to hiccup like that.