Sneak Peek at Trainz Simulator 2009 front page...

...and believe it or not...I agree...

8) Great Idea, MichaelWhiteley, I am go with this, a World-Wide show of this!

I have plowed a few hours, on TRS, does it show?
Peter5 created a utility in the TRS2004 days (or was it before) that allowed you to select which content would be loaded with the game by moving content back and forth between the World folder and a backup folder.
Unfortunately, I don't think Auran are going to ditch CMP or redesign it, so I doubt that we'll see those days again.

And of course there's the content that's locked up inside the JA files.
This is where TRS2006 is bloated (IMO) and there's nothing we could do about this even if they did bring back the World folder.

It may be personal preferrance, but I for myself don't really like such "hacky" approaches of content management, and it becomes even worse when 3rd party tools come in that clutter your harddisk and drastically increase fragmentation (therefore slowing it all down in the long run) by moving content between 2 folders.

Did you know that you can Enable / Disable content from within the CMP ?
Just right-click on the unwanted content and select "Enable / Disable". Done.

What I would like to see is a more Database driven approach (NOT saying that I would like to see it running on MySQL or SQLExpress or similar DBs).
Streaming needed content not from the filesystem, but custom ZIP-like archives is more efficient in my opinion. (of course while also giving us the possibilities to pack and unpack such content too.

I really like the way Crysis is doing it. (look it up on the net if you know nothing about it. In the worst case I'll explain it in some length)

I always used multiple installations for various maps, and if they could just program CMP or whatever replaces it to allow us to set up unlimited installation directories.

It would go something like this:
I have my main installation at c:\TRS09, which CMP names "Main" upon installation.
I then copy over the whole TRS09 folder to another location and rename the folder "TRSHB", run CMP and set up a second installation from inside CMP using the location c:\TRSHB and the name "Heartbeat Route"

Do this for as many routes (or collection of routes) as you want, and then when you double-click a CDP file, a window pops up with the details of the CDP, with a drop-down box listing all the installations that have been set up with CMP.
You could then select "Heartbeat Route" from the list, and click OK, and the asset(s) would be installed into that installation of the game.

There's no need to clutter your computer with multiple TRS installations with about 4 Gb each.
All there needs to be is the possibility to create "Profiles".
Then each profile could have it's content associations, settings, etc.

Anyway, my point was, :D, that if they left out all the "bloatiness" (?!?) from TRS09, we could have multiple installations with as much or as little content as was required by that particular installation, but if the JA file are packed with "old" content, then we have no choice but to have multiple "bloatie" installations, however little we installed into them.

I don't like 95% of the default content either, as it's just of too low quality and does this game no justice.
What I'd like to see in the TRS2009 / TRS-X versions is content that's really well done, by default. (animated bogies for all railcars, at least 3 LODs for everything, better textures, etc.)
If the engine can now better keep up with higher polycounts and such, then the content used should reflect that.
This, and the possibility to start trainz without the default content (the holodeck texture aside).

I think the key aspects should be a clean start, and also making it easy to upgrade content for compatibility.

I suggest no backwards compatibility, backwards compatibility can really limit a products new feature set. Releasing or re-releasing content is fun in it's self :D. I wouldn't want to use most of the older content due to the texturing being too dated now.

A separate new DLS with only new content or upgraded content.

Rather selfish don't you think?
Did you know that you can Enable / Disable content from within the CMP ?
I should do.
I beta tested it during it's development.
But the point is it's an unreliable and unstable program, and we are discussing the alternatives, so there's no point in trying to show a solution that involves CMP.

It may be personal preferrance, but I for myself don't really like such "hacky" approaches of content management, and it becomes even worse when 3rd party tools come in that clutter your harddisk and drastically increase fragmentation
If you DeFrag weekly, it takes minutes, and there is no slowdown on any software.
If you DeFrag monthly or yearly, it takes hours, and you only have yourself to blame. :hehe:

And people generally turn to 3rd party tools when the supplied software doesn't meet the requirements.
The suggestions in this thread are aimed at Auran so that they can put this right.

What I would like to see is a more Database driven approach
This is exactly what CMP was aimed at doing, and the idea behind CMP is a good one, except it's implemented very poorly.
If they fixed CMP, or rewrote it from the ground up, then it would be a great tool, and wouldn't need to copy any other games way of doing things, but they won't fix it because too many people say that it works fine, outnumbering the people who have a problem with it (therefore, those with problems have to lump it).

A word of warning: I had very few problems with CMP during the whole of testing TRS2006, and found myself telling the few beta testers that did have problems with it that it must be their fault.
Towards the end of testing, I started to experience problems, and have never had anything but trouble since (which is why I'm back to TRS2004).
So, be careful.
If CMP stops working for you tomorrow and onwards, be prepared for people like yourself to say that there's nothing wrong with it, and that it must be your fault it's not working.

There are many people here like myself, who have been programming for more years than half of the people here have been alive, and yet we have to listen to these people trying to explain to us that it's something we're doing.
It used to be annoying, but now I find it hysterical. :D

There's no need to clutter your computer with multiple TRS installations with about 4 Gb each.
It's not clutter.
I have nearly 300 Gb still free on my main computer, and it's there to be used for whatever I deem to be required.

I don't like 95% of the default content either, as it's just of too low quality and does this game no justice.
Which is why I said that the game should get rid of most of it.
As long as they leave in plenty of the basics that are required for route creation, that's all that's needed.
If people want more, then the Download Station is there.

High quality content takes time to make, and development costs have to be kept to a minimum, especially in Auran's current state, so maybe the 3rd party group will happen again.

This wasn't a great success last time IMO, and I would rather see them make a call for content NOW from all creators, wihout the "behind closed doors" group mentality that was created last time, and Auran can then pick and choose which content they've been sent they want in the new game.

All content that's sent to them, but isn't accepted for inclusion in the game, can then be sent to the DS by Auran, so when the game is released, you have plenty of new assets built-in to the game, and plenty of new content already on the DS waiting to be downloaded.

It's a win/win situation, but this sort of thing has to begin now, not a few months before release, and the public will need plugins for all the major 3D packages well in advance.

Let's see what happens.


P.S. While I'm at it, let's appoint some "Download Station Police", so that items uploaded without screenshots, descriptions or with incorrect location/genre data can be booted off there. :D:D:D:D:D

P.P.S While I'm still at it, I'd like to see an end to the "Demo" features that seem to get included with Trainz.
If there's going to be a route included in TRS2009, let's have a complete route. If there's going to be scenarios included in TRS2009, let's have real, fully blown, complete scenarios, not watered down adverts for where you can get the real thing. :(

I'm sure there's some attraction to including some demo of a payware asset with the game, but in my eyes, it cheapens the whole game.

There's plenty of talented individuals out there who are willing to contribute their assets to the game for free, as they do when they upload to the DS.
Auran built this game up by building this community, and it's a credit to them, but it does amaze me how many times they've refused to utilise their greatest asset.
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Weird Al at his best.

For those not familiar with Weird Al's music (and for those who are):
And of course, many, many more. LOL


Ah Smiley for a minute I thought that said Weird AI :D something we may hopefully see the back of in the new products.

Actually most of those titles would fit in with weird AI too:)

I'm actually quite excited about the newly announced products. If it all goes according to plan the new Trainz products will contain those features the core of the community has been pleading years for.

Ah Smiley for a minute I thought that said Weird AI
Lol, I hadn't thought of that.
That certainly describes most of the drivers in the game. :hehe:

Yeah, there does seem to be a good vibe about the new game, so let's hope it happens this time.

I promised not to be cynical for the whole of this month, giving Auran the benefit of the doubt, allowing TC3 to be a sign of things to come, so good luck to them.

But they need to get it right this time.
Patience is not an unlimited virtue. :p

Smileylan's Last Post (er... perhaps I should rephrase!)

Well posted Smiley:)

You lot - you know it makes sense!
Let's see what happens.


Well explained, Smiley.
I was merely bringing up some alternatives, as there are for sure multiple ways to solve things, which I'm sure you as a developer yourself may know.

Auran should take note of the existing problems (not just CMP) and fix them, which in the end is one of the main reasons for ServicePacks, Patches or even new versions, anyways.

Only time will tell what the new sim will be like, but if it's worth it, I'll definately place my Order again.

It's no were near that simple, it's about ten time more work and would require a total re-wright of all the code. MS Office 2008 is the first Office to use more that one CPU, most games may never use more than one CPU. 64bit software is a lot more likely.

Your absolutely correct... been there... done that... with industrial simulators. I thought that if I played dumb (easy for me), I might be able to plant a seed into the mind of a masochistic Trainz programmer. :hehe:
To cut a long story short, and to use the Mac version of TRS2006 as an example.....

No, Maybe, Yes, Here's some screenshots, It's on it's way, It's nearly finished, NO.


ROLF :hehe: :hehe: :hehe:

I really needed a good laugh and you delivered Smiley.

Thanks !

New Generation Locomotives And Companies.

Will There be new generation Locos? Like sd90Macs or GE dash9s, and Companies like Automanufacturers, (i.e Auto Assembly plants)? and Other Interesting Things?
TRAFFIC!! Keep it coming!

I am certainly hoping that in TRS2009 that the TRAFFIC will continue to drive on the roads, even after I have stopped my loco for a signal or a yard, etc. In TRS2006, after being stopped for about a minute, the traffic slowly disapates and eventually disappears. Oh, sure, you can go to MAP VIEW For a few seconds and it will return, but I don't like having to do that. I want traffic on the roads all the time... and maybe even a little more traffic than usual.;)
To cut a long story short, and to use the Mac version of TRS2006 as an example.....

No, Maybe, Yes, Here's some screenshots, It's on it's way, It's nearly finished, NO.

I remember everyone of those steps, but there was a lapse of quiet between it nearly finished to them finally admitting no.