Doesn't anyone really know, about Trainz chat?

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Well-known member
Did you anyone here at all realised that we can all chat to each other using the in-game chatroom in Trainz?

At the top right of the screen is a green bubble icon, right next to the ? icon for Trainz help. Click on this and click the #trainz to join the Trainz chatroom, type in your message and say G'day! Every day and night I have noticed over 600 + users joining the chatroom and leaving, probably because they have no idea what it is about. Hence the reason why I decided to make this tread.

I have created another chatroom for Australian Trainzer's type, however anyone and everyone is more than welcomed, click on the + icon and type in #TrainzAustralia. I don't think anyone moderates the chatrooms, I do strongly advise users who are over the age of 18+ to join
Every day and night I have noticed over 600 + users joining the chatroom and leaving, probably because they have no idea what it is about.
That's because you "technically" always join the chat.
What you effectively see is people starting and quitting the game. Or at least that's was my experience the last time I used it (years ago).

I hate that chat with a passion and have send complains about it to N3V a lot in the past as there is (or at least was) no moderation at all and yet a lot of kids thinking they can just say everything hiding behind their screen. In rare occasions N3V have banned people from using it. Did anything change?
Yeah man, Trainz ingame chat is ok. I prefer to use a live mic in my own Discord Channel.
Not too long ago, we had TeamSpeak as the chat and voice standard. I used that as well.
That's because you "technically" always join the chat.
What you effectively see is people starting and quitting the game. Or at least that's was my experience the last time I used it (years ago).

I hate that chat with a passion and have send complains about it to N3V a lot in the past as there is (or at least was) no moderation at all and yet a lot of kids thinking they can just say everything hiding behind their screen. In rare occasions N3V have banned people from using it. Did anything change?
@oknotsen - Still the same. Very toxic chat, full of little kids, LOL.
That's because you "technically" always join the chat.
What you effectively see is people starting and quitting the game. Or at least that's was my experience the last time I used it (years ago).

I hate that chat with a passion and have send complains about it to N3V a lot in the past as there is (or at least was) no moderation at all and yet a lot of kids thinking they can just say everything hiding behind their screen. In rare occasions N3V have banned people from using it. Did anything change?
All this hatred simply because it's a trainz area that you have no power in?

Hatred isn't a good thing
I once tried a Pink Floyd chat room, many moons ago, it was chock full of what appeared to be 14 year olds insulting each other, I lasted 10 minutes,perusal of the previous conversations indicated no one had ever contributed anything of note , it was virtually wall to wall insults.
Illustrates what occurs with no restraints. People can be a nasty bunch when left on their own. The aggressive types will always dominate while the more moderate are driven away. Chat rooms best serve doctors studying modern social behavior.
@moderators I don't think this thread really serves any purpose. I thought that many user's were not aware about the in game chat room, I am starting to have regrets on creating this thread. If you can lock this thread to prevent further replies, I would appreciate it :)
All this hatred simply because it's a trainz area that you have no power in?

I can not care less that I don't have power in it. I really have no clue what made you get that idea.

For the record:
I also don't have any "power" in the Trainz Discord, but at least Discord is moderated.
I happen to be a volunteer that keeps most of the spam and idiocy out of the Trainz forum. Volunteer, as in "doing it for the greater good without receiving pay or other type of reward" (and as a side effect have people like you complain about it).

The in game chat has no moderation or control by anyone. That is the / my problem with it.
Sure, in theory an N3V employee could block people from using it, but the only way to get that action taken is by collecting screenshots and sending in a helpdesk ticket. In other words: That thing is very badly designed and should either be removed or have an active moderation system put in place (and no, I am not interested in that "job" at all).

I made exactly that same comments about the in-game chat to N3V well before they decided to make me moderator on the forum.

Hatred isn't a good thing
Neither are making assumptions or adding images to your signature that break the CoC (see warning send). I guess nobody is perfect.

Problem with my moderation? Contact @ZecMurphy . He gets paid for that.

@moderators I don't think this thread really serves any purpose. I thought that many user's were not aware about the in game chat room, I am starting to have regrets on creating this thread. If you can lock this thread to prevent further replies, I would appreciate it :)

Locked on request of the OP.
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