Is it possible to subsequently configure scenery objects so that they can be rotated (tilted) in the transverse axis?
There is a tag 'rotate-yz-range' . With this tag, however, the scenery object can only be rotated in the longitudinal axis.
In Gmax/3dmax I can rotate the object by 90 degrees and then export it. Now I can also rotate / tilt the scenery object (car or tank) in the transverse axis and set it to an increasing height, for example.
But only the creator of the object can do this.
So I'll ask around. - Is it possible to change a scenery object afterwards so that it can 'drive' uphill/downhill?
hadotwe (Herbert)
There is a tag 'rotate-yz-range' . With this tag, however, the scenery object can only be rotated in the longitudinal axis.
In Gmax/3dmax I can rotate the object by 90 degrees and then export it. Now I can also rotate / tilt the scenery object (car or tank) in the transverse axis and set it to an increasing height, for example.
But only the creator of the object can do this.
So I'll ask around. - Is it possible to change a scenery object afterwards so that it can 'drive' uphill/downhill?
hadotwe (Herbert)