Rotating / Tilting Scenery Objects


Is it possible to subsequently configure scenery objects so that they can be rotated (tilted) in the transverse axis?

There is a tag 'rotate-yz-range' . With this tag, however, the scenery object can only be rotated in the longitudinal axis.

In Gmax/3dmax I can rotate the object by 90 degrees and then export it. Now I can also rotate / tilt the scenery object (car or tank) in the transverse axis and set it to an increasing height, for example.

But only the creator of the object can do this.

So I'll ask around. - Is it possible to change a scenery object afterwards so that it can 'drive' uphill/downhill?

hadotwe (Herbert)
If you are using Surveyor 2.0 (Trainz Plus and TRS22PE) then you can rotate, pitch and roll most objects in 3 dimensions. The only exceptions (that I know of) are Speed Trees and rolling stock. The Fine Adjustment Tool has a 3D Anchor Frame that allows you to easily rotate and move an object or a group of selected objects in all 3 dimensions. The Info Palette has Position co-ordinate controls that do the same thing.

See the Trainz Wiki Page at How_to_Use_S20_Tools#The_Fine_Adjustment_Tool and How_to_Use_S20_Tools#Rotation_Info_and_Controls for the details.

A "driveable" object such as a moving car would be classified as rolling stock so you would not be able to rotate it only for the hill sections of its path.
If you are not the asset's creator and are using one of the pre-Surveyor 2.0 versions of Trainz, you can configure the mesh to be rotated from its initial direction using an orientation tag in its mesh-table (in the sub-container that specifies the mesh that you want to rotate).

This of course would be a local change seen only on your computer. For some insane reason, the angle of rotation must be in radians, not degrees. 90 degrees is pi/2, so 1.5708 radians. You would need to test the asset in Trainz to make sure the vehicle is driving in the right direction, not backwards or sideways.


Type: Floatlist (radians)
Default: 0,0,0
Compulsory: No
Desc: Orientation of X,Y,Z axes. Allows a submesh to be rotated relative to its insertion point. To reverse a mesh by 180 degrees about the Z axis, add the tag: orientation 0,0,3.14159

orientation tag
Thanks for the answer. But it was not what I meant.
There is e.g. the tag 'rotate-yz-range -180,180' .
With this I can, for example, roll the truck around the longitudinal axis with shift+rotate button .

I want to place the (scenery) truck on a slope (ramp or hill). To do this, I need to be able to rotate the truck in the transverse axis. But that's exactly what I can't do.

I have now rotated the tank that I am currently building in Gmax. Of course it works that way too.

'pware' pointed out to me that I need Surveyor 2.0.
His tip has made another trainzer happy.

Thanks for the answer. But it was not what I meant.
There is e.g. the tag 'rotate-yz-range -180,180' .
With this I can, for example, roll the truck around the longitudinal axis with shift+rotate button .

I want to place the (scenery) truck on a slope (ramp or hill). To do this, I need to be able to rotate the truck in the transverse axis. But that's exactly what I can't do.

I have now rotated the tank that I am currently building in Gmax. Of course it works that way too.

'pware' pointed out to me that I need Surveyor 2.0.
His tip has made another trainzer happy.

I think you misunderstood @Dinorius_Redundicus's post.

Adding the orientation tag in the mesh table will allow you to rotate along the vehicles longitudinal axis.

I have done this with several of my own vehicle models that I decided to add rotation to late, after they were already on the DLS.
It's a much faster solution than re-exporting the model with an axis correction, and re-uploading.

This is how it should look @hadotwe :

mesh ""
auto-create 1
orientation 0,0,1.5708

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Yes, okay,

but the tilt angle can only be changed BEFORE Trainz is started.
NOT while Trainz is running.
With 'rotate-yz-range' you can change the angle while Trainz is running.

Yes, okay,

but the tilt angle can only be changed BEFORE Trainz is started.
NOT while Trainz is running.
With 'rotate-yz-range' you can change the angle while Trainz is running.

@hadotwe >>> I can change the tilt while I'm in Surveyor using Shift and the rotate tool. Is that what you mean @hadotwe ?
That's how I was able to rotate the vehicles in real-time in my example pic in post #5.

I have the rotate-yz-range and the orientation tag both, and a rollstep tag set to .01. Rollstep allows for fine rotation control

rollstep 0.1
rotate-yz-range -90,90
author "ricomon35"
organisation "SillyGuys Graphics"
contact-email " "
license "Free to use. Reskins on DLS only. Credit author in config"

mesh ""
auto-create 1
orientation 0,0,1.5708
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Hello ricomon35,

Sorry for my late reply.

I have just tried your tip and it works perfectly!

Thank you for this tip!

Please pass this tip on in the forum.

I had already turned my Leopard in Gmax so that it can also 'drive up the hill'.

But the tip is a great extension for users who want to tilt an object in a different direction than the known one.

With kind regards
Herbert aka hadotwe

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