OK i am needing to learn how to proceed to reskin or retexture objects, engines and cars for 2004, i have found a nice tutorial by Mr Neal on how he suggests we alias his fine engines:
I am unclear from his explanation exactly how to set up the folder for the new engine, or car.
So do i create an entire copy of the engine KUID folder IN the Custom/Alias directory? or do we just put all of the various altered files in there together? may get very confusing.
Can anyone give me some step by step instructions on how to create a re skinned engine or car? also i need to know what entries in the CFG to change? some tests i have made have shown the new created car in the Train surveyor with my new designation but some also do not show up and kept their original name.
As i am hoping to make a number of new cars for a route i am working on, up to like 40 or so custom numbered freight cars and passenger cars and engines, and I do NOT want to use the automatic numbering system developed by some here, i just want to create individual KUIDS for them, is there a limit to the number of cars or engines you can load? was not sure how that was done if you dont want to use the auto numbering system. that system is too complicated for me to understand and I just want simple KUID cars and engines using either my own new models or re skins ..always of course with the permission of the original creator first.
thanks for adivce on this it will be a huge help.
If a car HAS the auto numbering system as part of it, can anyone tell me what parts of the CFG to remove so that it is not called for? several cars i have tried to load without it wont load and have a icon saying they need number.
thanks for advice on this.
IF i create a new version or a retextured version of a landscape object like a tree or a building, do i just need to change the KUID for it to load? or does it have to be entirely newly created using some tool or program or by hand?
here is the CFG of a tree:
kuid <kuid2:33404:22725:2>
kind scenery
region TRS World Trees
rgb 0,0
rotate 1
rotate-yz-range -180,180
kuid-table {
obsolete-table {
asset-filename Canary_Is_Date_Palm2_8m
description Canary Island Date Palm 2 8 meter
trainz-build 2
category-class FT
category-region-0 US
category-era-0 2000
username Canary_Is_Date_Palm2_8m
author David Drake
organisation Tall Trees and Boardwalk Railroad
contact-email dave@surfsedge.com
contact-website http://www.surfsedge.com/TTBWRR.htm
license "When you improve these please include their source.
a person
kuid <kuid2:63290:35102:1>
region "USA"
type "People"
light 1
height-range 0,10
mesh-table {
default {
mesh "Person_Western_Man_9K.im"
auto-create 1
description "USA western man 9K, sitting. Height adjustable in TRS."
category-class "OH"
category-region-0 "US"
category-era-0 "1800s"
category-era-1 "1810s"
category-era-2 "1820s"
category-era-3 "1830s"
category-era-4 "1840s"
category-era-5 "1850s"
category-era-6 "1860s"
category-era-7 "1870s"
category-era-8 "1880s"
category-era-9 "1890s"
category-era-10 "1900s"
category-era-11 "1910s"
category-era-12 "1920s"
category-era-13 "1930s"
category-era-14 "1940s"
category-era-15 "1950s"
category-era-16 "1960s"
category-era-17 "1970s"
category-era-18 "1980s"
category-era-19 "1990s"
category-era-20 "2000s"
trainz-build 2.4
asset-filename "Person Western Man 9K"
username "Person Western Man 9K"
author "Elvenor"
organisation "&"
contact-email "Elvenor38@comcast.net"
contact-website ""
license "This Trainz object was created and is copyrighted by Max Nelson (Elvenor).
No warranty, expressed or implied, is included with this object. Neither the author nor Auran may be held responsible for any damages that downloading or using this item may cause.
The user may modify this object for his/her own use in any way.
The user may NOT use any of these texture, sound, or other custom files in their own uploads without first obtaining explicit permission from the author."
kind "scenery"
a building
kuid <kuid:47439:223>
kind Scenery
region GP&W
type Industrial
light 1
kuid-table {
obsolete-table {
trainz-build 2
category-region-0 US
category-era-0 1990s
category-era-1 1950s
category-era-2 1940s
category-era-3 1930s
category-class BI
asset-filename LobsterCompany
description Port Lobster company and wharf. Low-res reskin by Michael Sutton (sirgibby) with permission
username LobsterCompany_low-res
author Dalliance - texture modified by Sirgibby
organisation Trainzone
contact-email mjsutton@clear.net.nz / daliancessc@aol.com
contact-website www.trainzone.co.nz
By downloading and using these files you agree
to these conditions of use:
· This model is freeware and may be included with a route
You accept the risk and consequences arising from the
use of these files.
· You accept that these files may not work on
any particular system or version of TRAINZ
train simulator.
. The author George Robinson retains the
copyright (c) of his original material.
. A copy of this agreement must be included in a
document included with the model and with
any route that includes the model.
a texture
kuid <kuid:57230:21280>
region Denver
trainz-build 2
category-class GA
category-region-0 IT
category-era-0 2000
asset-filename acquazzurra
kind groundtexture
username acqua azzurra
author Jango
organisation TrainZItalia
contact-email jfrank@alice.it
contact-website trainzitalia.com
license Qualsiasi modifica od uso diverso da Trainz deve essere concordato con l'autore.
advice on how to make new versions or reskin much appreciated.
How to reskin these
Create a new folder in your TRS2004/World/Custom/Trains directory, and name it to whatever you like (let's use aliasexample). Copy the *_art folder from the original asset into aliasexample; Copy text.texture.txt and text.tga from the original asset's *_body folder into aliasexample; And finally, copy the config.txt and any scripts (ending in .gs) into aliasexample.
Now that all the files are copied, open config.txt. Change the line kuid to alias. Then add a new kuid line above it and fill in your own kuid. Change the Name, Company, Origin, and Description tags to taste.
After modifying your config, you can edit the texture. This is the break down of the text.tga for a tender while this is the break down of number.tga for a locomotive.
For TRS2006, do the above, but change TRS2004/World/Custom/Trains to any folder you want, then drag onto CMP when you are done.
For any Trainz Classics release, the engine probably doesn't work.
I am unclear from his explanation exactly how to set up the folder for the new engine, or car.
So do i create an entire copy of the engine KUID folder IN the Custom/Alias directory? or do we just put all of the various altered files in there together? may get very confusing.
Can anyone give me some step by step instructions on how to create a re skinned engine or car? also i need to know what entries in the CFG to change? some tests i have made have shown the new created car in the Train surveyor with my new designation but some also do not show up and kept their original name.
As i am hoping to make a number of new cars for a route i am working on, up to like 40 or so custom numbered freight cars and passenger cars and engines, and I do NOT want to use the automatic numbering system developed by some here, i just want to create individual KUIDS for them, is there a limit to the number of cars or engines you can load? was not sure how that was done if you dont want to use the auto numbering system. that system is too complicated for me to understand and I just want simple KUID cars and engines using either my own new models or re skins ..always of course with the permission of the original creator first.
thanks for adivce on this it will be a huge help.
If a car HAS the auto numbering system as part of it, can anyone tell me what parts of the CFG to remove so that it is not called for? several cars i have tried to load without it wont load and have a icon saying they need number.
thanks for advice on this.
IF i create a new version or a retextured version of a landscape object like a tree or a building, do i just need to change the KUID for it to load? or does it have to be entirely newly created using some tool or program or by hand?
here is the CFG of a tree:
kuid <kuid2:33404:22725:2>
kind scenery
region TRS World Trees
rgb 0,0
rotate 1
rotate-yz-range -180,180
kuid-table {
obsolete-table {
asset-filename Canary_Is_Date_Palm2_8m
description Canary Island Date Palm 2 8 meter
trainz-build 2
category-class FT
category-region-0 US
category-era-0 2000
username Canary_Is_Date_Palm2_8m
author David Drake
organisation Tall Trees and Boardwalk Railroad
contact-email dave@surfsedge.com
contact-website http://www.surfsedge.com/TTBWRR.htm
license "When you improve these please include their source.
a person
kuid <kuid2:63290:35102:1>
region "USA"
type "People"
light 1
height-range 0,10
mesh-table {
default {
mesh "Person_Western_Man_9K.im"
auto-create 1
description "USA western man 9K, sitting. Height adjustable in TRS."
category-class "OH"
category-region-0 "US"
category-era-0 "1800s"
category-era-1 "1810s"
category-era-2 "1820s"
category-era-3 "1830s"
category-era-4 "1840s"
category-era-5 "1850s"
category-era-6 "1860s"
category-era-7 "1870s"
category-era-8 "1880s"
category-era-9 "1890s"
category-era-10 "1900s"
category-era-11 "1910s"
category-era-12 "1920s"
category-era-13 "1930s"
category-era-14 "1940s"
category-era-15 "1950s"
category-era-16 "1960s"
category-era-17 "1970s"
category-era-18 "1980s"
category-era-19 "1990s"
category-era-20 "2000s"
trainz-build 2.4
asset-filename "Person Western Man 9K"
username "Person Western Man 9K"
author "Elvenor"
organisation "&"
contact-email "Elvenor38@comcast.net"
contact-website ""
license "This Trainz object was created and is copyrighted by Max Nelson (Elvenor).
No warranty, expressed or implied, is included with this object. Neither the author nor Auran may be held responsible for any damages that downloading or using this item may cause.
The user may modify this object for his/her own use in any way.
The user may NOT use any of these texture, sound, or other custom files in their own uploads without first obtaining explicit permission from the author."
kind "scenery"
a building
kuid <kuid:47439:223>
kind Scenery
region GP&W
type Industrial
light 1
kuid-table {
obsolete-table {
trainz-build 2
category-region-0 US
category-era-0 1990s
category-era-1 1950s
category-era-2 1940s
category-era-3 1930s
category-class BI
asset-filename LobsterCompany
description Port Lobster company and wharf. Low-res reskin by Michael Sutton (sirgibby) with permission
username LobsterCompany_low-res
author Dalliance - texture modified by Sirgibby
organisation Trainzone
contact-email mjsutton@clear.net.nz / daliancessc@aol.com
contact-website www.trainzone.co.nz
By downloading and using these files you agree
to these conditions of use:
· This model is freeware and may be included with a route
You accept the risk and consequences arising from the
use of these files.
· You accept that these files may not work on
any particular system or version of TRAINZ
train simulator.
. The author George Robinson retains the
copyright (c) of his original material.
. A copy of this agreement must be included in a
document included with the model and with
any route that includes the model.
a texture
kuid <kuid:57230:21280>
region Denver
trainz-build 2
category-class GA
category-region-0 IT
category-era-0 2000
asset-filename acquazzurra
kind groundtexture
username acqua azzurra
author Jango
organisation TrainZItalia
contact-email jfrank@alice.it
contact-website trainzitalia.com
license Qualsiasi modifica od uso diverso da Trainz deve essere concordato con l'autore.
advice on how to make new versions or reskin much appreciated.
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