Hi Stouthm,
OK, all sorted good!
As for TANE, I'm sure you will get a lot of differing views. There's no question it runs smoother than TS12. The 'freezing', (stuttering?) I got in TS12 is gone in TANE and the draw distance is huge. The shadows on everything looks good, flashes of light and dark as you pass a tree etc. Procedural Junctions are good, though I wish they didn't flash when changing. Not used the Interlocking Towers feature yet
My main gripes are the sun 'specular'? effects can cause an almost white-out when viewed through some cabs which look bad in certain directions. Also the 'track condition' which causes sway in the train is set too high for me. It's great on slow trains but run at anything over about 60 mph and its too much. I have to turn away on my 125 mph trains to stop feeling sick. You just can't run them. This setting can be changed but each track section has to be changed manually. At least at the moment. Hopefully a HotFix will include a Route-Wide bulk mod for that.
Like all new versions of Trainz, I always prefer the previous one at first.... but the new one grows on me. If you get TANE, you must update to SP1. Don't bother with the base version.
All the best,