New ATLS Slave(TF)


Get over it
I downloaded the latest ATLS items: slave, controller and trigger and that dam infamous red bug has appeared in every route I try. I get the error message - Slave TF: Thread exception: ER_ArrayOutOfBounds, line 64, file

Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

That should not happen. It looks like the Invisible Train is not being created for some reason. Can you confirm that asset is on your system - kuid2:76656:1158:2 ?

Also, what version of Trainz is giving you the problem? Can you try it in both TS12 and TANE? Are you getting any 'derailment' messages?

I did upload the wrong version of the Slave the other day, quickly changed for kuid2:76656:500012:10. This is the latest version. (Though there were only minor changes from 9 and they should make no difference to this)

I did test this asset before I uploaded but I obviously don't have a team of beta testers so there could be some situation you have found.

Is anyone else having this issue with the new Slave?

In the last few days I have changed all my non ATLS crossings which seldom functioned to ATLS crossings thanks to the help and advise from others and all function correctly. I'm using the ATLS Xing AHB and MCB series UK crossings with the built in Controller and Slave downloaded from the DLS probably Wednesday evening this week.

Many thanks to Boat also. Peter
Boat, thanks for the quick response. The Invisible Train was in the system so I committed it and everything appears to be running fine now. Now when I open a session the red bug appears but after closing it the session is fine. On my "Port of Tillamook" route there are over a hundred road crossing. Boy, that was fun installing all of them. Thanks for all your efforts towards this game.
Boat, thanks for the quick response. The Invisible Train was in the system so I committed it and everything appears to be running fine now. Now when I open a session the red bug appears but after closing it the session is fine. On my "Port of Tillamook" route there are over a hundred road crossing. Boy, that was fun installing all of them. Thanks for all your efforts towards this game.

Hi Stouthm, Glad you got it sorted.
Is the red bug you still get on opening a session still related to the Slave or something else?
I note that TANE generates a red bug just to tell you there is some content missing from the Route, (which may or may not be critical). Is it just that that's red bugging now?

Some Red Bugs, (even from unrelated assets) can kill ATLS if they drop all threads so always try to run without them. Doubt if a missing lamp post would have any effect though! :hehe:

Hey Boat, I'm only running TS12 and the red bug is gone. I've been thinking about installing T:ANE but all my routes in TS12 are running good right now and I hate the thought of having to fix things AGAIN. Is it worth the effort? I might ask this question to the other forum members and see what they think. Thanks again.
Hi Stouthm,

OK, all sorted good!

As for TANE, I'm sure you will get a lot of differing views. There's no question it runs smoother than TS12. The 'freezing', (stuttering?) I got in TS12 is gone in TANE and the draw distance is huge. The shadows on everything looks good, flashes of light and dark as you pass a tree etc. Procedural Junctions are good, though I wish they didn't flash when changing. Not used the Interlocking Towers feature yet

My main gripes are the sun 'specular'? effects can cause an almost white-out when viewed through some cabs which look bad in certain directions. Also the 'track condition' which causes sway in the train is set too high for me. It's great on slow trains but run at anything over about 60 mph and its too much. I have to turn away on my 125 mph trains to stop feeling sick. You just can't run them. This setting can be changed but each track section has to be changed manually. At least at the moment. Hopefully a HotFix will include a Route-Wide bulk mod for that.

Like all new versions of Trainz, I always prefer the previous one at first.... but the new one grows on me. If you get TANE, you must update to SP1. Don't bother with the base version.

All the best,

You can turn off the cab sway. Go to Main menu and settings.... it's in there somewhere - I remember seeing it.

You can turn off the cab sway. Go to Main menu and settings.... it's in there somewhere - I remember seeing it.


Thanks, John.

I must admit I haven't seen that. Thing is I quite like the sway for slow trains. What's needed is a bulk area condition change so the fast tracks can be 'improved' over a big area at once. I believe its been suggested in the TANE suggestions forums... so maybe it will happen.

Hey Boat, the error message is back but only in a saved session. I deleted your newest items and then downloaded them again just to make sure I was getting a good download. The good news is once I close out the red bug it stays gone. The message is occurring only on routes that I have had for awhile. Not a big deal, one extra click and it's gone.
Hi Stouthm,

You could try re-downloading the invisible train..... but if this is only happening on restoring old saved sessions, then it could be you saved these sessions using an old version of the Slave. Versions of the Slave prior to kuid issue 8 were not game-savable.... and I think one of the issues before that had problems with session saves. If you saved your session when those old Slaves were in use, it will not restore properly now.

Re-saving with the current Slave will probably cure it.
