my fences need gates


New member
How can you put gates in the fences? The Splines won't leave a space, they insist on closing, and just adding the gate to the fence looks silly, since you can see the fence through the gate.

At the moment this noobe is having more fun creating the scenery than learning how to make the trains run. I'll get the eventually - I hope. :confused:
Holding down the shift key while laying the spline will prevent surveyor from joining the splines.


How can you put gates in the fences? The Splines won't leave a space, they insist on closing, and just adding the gate to the fence looks silly, since you can see the fence through the gate.

At the moment this noobe is having more fun creating the scenery than learning how to make the trains run. I'll get the eventually - I hope. :confused:
Simply hold down the shift key when moving the spline same applies to rails it prevents them jumping together
Have fun
Regards Bob V
How can you put gates in the fences? The Splines won't leave a space, they insist on closing, and just adding the gate to the fence looks silly, since you can see the fence through the gate.

At the moment this noobe is having more fun creating the scenery than learning how to make the trains run. I'll get the eventually - I hope. :confused:

I have a couple of solid garden gates 6 or 7 foot high you can stick on the outside.

Cheerio John
Thanks so much, Tom, Bob and all.
Yes Butter, I realize it's much too close for production work. But I'm having fun.

John, I'll chick out your gates, thanks