Would it not make more sense to receive from someone, and send to another? Like one big network.
Example: Spawn want's to send a train to you, jimmy, so he would send it through to apache, and it would travel his layout to get to me, then It would go from me to you.
Sort of like this:
Jimmyp4 Sends to kcdowndey, receives from borg
Kcdowdey sends to spawn_of_chaos, receives from Jimmyp4
Spawn_of_Chaos97 sends to Apache62, receives from Kcdowdey
Apache62 Sends to borg, receives from Spawn_of_Chaos
Borg7of10 Sends to Jimmyp4, receives from Apache62
Because if I just send and receive from apache, its pritty much what I do now anyways, and it's not really a big iportal meet if you only trade with 1 person.