Iportal run


New member
I Have a plan for a big Iportal meet this weekend, I thought we could all join up a create a huge Iportal rally!
I have these times set up
Saturday and sunday 5:30PM - 7:30PM (possibly later)

I need this information
1. Your Iportal username
2. What route you will be using
3. Commoditys you can SHIP
4. Commoditys you can RECIEVE

I'm still working on my route and stuff, I just want to see how many people will turn up.
We need to devise what kind of equipment we will be using (not default [yuck!}), Its dosn't have to be from the united states or any contry in peticular, just that piticular train can't be hooked to a train from another country.
Just a quick FYI, iPortal names are the same as our names here on the forums.

I'm using the "custom" UM E-W Humpyard w/ added iPortals (and a bit of other fun stuff XD). I can ship/recieve all standard stuff + ProtoLARS 1 and 2 (maybe more not sure).

I have a few custom locos I'd be happy to share, they make yardwork a BREEZE by moving stuff around at oh say 300 MPH?
i got a mid sised route that can send coal woodchips logs cotainors gengoods lumber crude and fule if you guys have idea on better route not bigger than 15 baords that has more let me know
Ok, i decided to give up on making my own route. I'm now useing TPR's Clinchfield route with Iportals installed. I have PLENTY of coal to give out so don't worry about putting any mines on any of the routes.

One thing we should work on passenger trains! We should set up who will be where in the chain, then make up real world times to send them out. Probalbly not on this weekend, just sending train to and from each other

Spawn_of_Chaos: Those sound like some great engines! shure we could use them!

Ok list so far
1:Spawn_of_Chaos97 with optomised UM-Hump yard (what are you receving and shipping exactly?)
2:Jimmyp4 with Industrail wasteland. Ships and recieves all commoditys default
3:Apache62 with some route: ships: coal, woodchips, logs, containers, general goods, lumber, crude oil, and fuel.
4:kcdowdy with what route? Ships: Paint tankload, Barley, HP Ignots, HP Slabs, Hp Coke,Anything on a centerbeam, recieves:I tragers, and TOFC
5:Borg7of10 with depot. Ships:- diesel fuel- crude oil- lumber- logs- general goods- automobile_crysler (if applicable)- coal- grain. Recieves:- crude oil
- diesel fuel
- logs

We can probably take one more person for Saturday.
NOTE: Final sign up for Saturday is tonight! Final signup for Sunday is Thursday night.

Ok, Rules
1. Have fun!
2. You can use engines and cars from differnt countrys, they just Cannot be hooked to a train or car from a differnt country.
You can request other rules to be added

Ok route list (with routes in order of best operation)
1.Industrial wasteland (The layout is a big oval so I have to be at an end)
3.Spawn_of_Chaos97 with hump yard (in the middle so he can sort trains)

Equipment needed for downloading
CN C44-9W #2522
CN C44-9W # 2527
CN C44-9W #2642 (We need Kuids or where to get them)
Zorronov's SP Light pacific kuid 267178:1264
Zorronov's SP USRA tender Kuid 267178:1269
Magicland's SP daylight set Kuid 58843:95 "Click View Pack"
SP Grey P70 Coach kuid 58843:1065
SP P70 coach kuid 58843:1064
Spawn_of_Chaos97's DD70AX, SW7200, GP78-32
The SW1500 Pack search 98966:263356:1 and download pack.
centerbeams CN, BN, BC, MeC
BN 3 Bay Coal 1 95761:15259
Tanker CPAX23962(LARS) Unable to find on DLS
CN AUTO1 95761:15401
50FT Boxcar CN 146523:218
CN Dash9 #2522 95761:201
CN Dash9 #2527 95761:200
CN Dash9 #2642 95761:202
Susq 8-40b #4002 113556:70020:2 "download pack"
FURX SD40-2 Pack search 113556:1500072:1 "download pack"
SP SD40-2 #8376 113556:900008:1 "download pack"

Anymore trains let me know WITH A KUID OR WHERE TO GET THEM!
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I might be..... I DO NOT GARUNTEE THIS AS I MAY NOT BE HOME! if i do join, i will be using my route NJ commuter with Iportals added, and i will be using all NJT Equippment, all on the DLS, The F40 PH by magicland, my NJT Comet Cars (all) and maybe a few F7's or GP40's (or whatever the ones on the DLS are)
Uh, Paint tankload>, Barley>, And HP Ignots>, HP Slabs>, Hp Coke>, I tragers< Anything on a centerbeam>, TOFC<

That's off the top of my head.

> Means I can give you.

< Means i need.
Equipment I'm using
1. all the clinchfield custom equipment
2. Zorronov neat USRA engine on the DLS
3. Magiclands SP coaches.
4. Defualt stuff

Could people post lists of stuff their useing
Well I did. I will also be using Magiclands SP Equipment, just because i can, and I will also most likely be Using the SP Daylight from the DLS. I had some help converting it to live steam so it is fun to use lol. Anyway, it looks like i sadly won't be able to come on, but there is a small chance of it. If i do, my NJT Stock will be most used.
TOFC is the stock flatcar.

Get all the centerbeams and sporbust's SP 100 ton boxcar, And his Tank FF's And The Sun one and his SP one.


My route. Is the route. Also I can get the I Tragers, I need TOFC And Coal And Propane. To make it interesting. I might not be able to come on.

Edit: I'll hold one for the french.
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well i have well cars bn,bnsf,cn,cp,ttx
chicago northwestren coalcars
bnsf locos
every thing eles default or in game stuff
I should be able to join.
I am mainly a receiving depot however, I prefer to have trains sent to me, then I load them, and send them back. I would prefer doing that during this, instead of deleting the 500+ custom cars that are in my main yard.
My username is borg7of10 (duh),
I'm using my own custom route.
Can ship:
- diesel fuel
- crude oil
- lumber
- logs
- woodchips
- automobile_crysler (if applicable)
- coal
- grain
Can receive:
- crude oil
- diesel fuel
- logs
I have access to centerbeams CN, BN, BC, MeC, and the blue one (forgot the name :()
My 3 main engines for export are-
CN C44-9W #2522
CN C44-9W # 2527
CN C44-9W #2642
- That said, Yes, I can only do one run at a time.
Those who have Phill_C's CN C44-9W, CN ES44DC (on order), and CN SD75I, let me know, I am egar to use these in an iportal session.
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Ok, I have made some changes, I can no longer use Clinchfield as Trainz and Vista are having an issue with new routes. Now I'm using industrial wasteland that came with Trainz.
Now I can ship and recieve every commodity thats default!

I just have to work out a few problems of keeping other people and me supplyed
The 3 engines I have listed, (the dash 9's), are avalible on the download station, made by cnr. You should be able to find them by searching keyword: CN or dash9, with locomotives as the section.
Jimmyp4 - can you please remove woodchips from my list, and put general goods up instead? My lumber industry is having problems, and I cant make enough woodchips to export, and do general goods, and I have no room for a second facility.
A list of what I will use for rolling stock (very sorry, I forgot to include this, it isn't much.)
- BN 3 bay coal1 - found on DLS
- CN grain hopper - built in
- BNSF flatcar - built in
- Tanker CPAX23962(LARS) - found on DLS
- 50ft Boxcar CN - These are a pack on the DLS, should be 6 cars, different numbers
- Those wishing to send automobile_crysler should have atleast CN auto1, which can be found on the DLS, OR trainzproroutes.

- If ANYONE has the following payware locomotives from Phill_C, please let me know ASAP.
- Loco C44-9W Canadian National
- Loco SD75i Canadian National
- Loco ES44DC Canadian National (These are on order, I am not sure if they will arrive in time for saturday, should be ready by sunday)
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This is the end of Saturday sign-up.
If you are coming to join us on Sunday please signup!
sorry about falling behind but I had a margrain and those things are
1.jimmyp4 with modifyed Mc Call Yard (Will get the commoitys down)
My yard doesn't do industries except it has a power station that needs to be kept going or else all the signals and lights will go out (except on the trains).

So if you ever wind up with some extra coal, fire it my way!

Oh, one thing EVERYONE needs to know. Whoever is sending to me MUST PUT MY USERNAME INTO THE iPORTAL in SURVEYOR! Otherwise, it won't fit!

I'm working on that problem lol...

And here are the three locos!

Note: The DD70AX is the base loco for all of these; NONE OF THE OTHERS WILL WORK IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THE DD70AX!




They look the same as always, but they sound different. Oh yeah, they're FAST. Like as in with DCC mode don't go past oh the 2nd "notch" or you'll be blazing at like 250 MPH...

DD70 is the best for mainline stuff as it's the heaviest; GP78-2 comes in a close second.

Now for a bit of "lore" about these locos...

GM-EMD-Fred Smith DD70AX

When diesel traction took over from steam, Union Pacific required lash-ups of several units to equal
the power of a single 4-8-8-4 type steam locomotive; and it's management made consistent efforts to find a more simple solution by increasing the power of single units.

UP experimented succesfully with gas-turbine power for some years, but as diesel engine technology developed, it concluded that there were distinct advantages to buying standard equipment from locomotive suppliers.

In the late 1960's UP decided to celebrate a century of continuous operation by ordering the largest and most powerful single unit locomotives in the world. Constructed almost entirely from standard General Motors parts, the DD40AX, or "Centennial," combined 2 x 16 cylinder prime movers on one chassis.

As modern powered railroad operations evolved in the US, standard practice on most sytems became to calculate the required horsepower per ton to move a train over a given route, and issue a suitable number of conveniently rated units to form the motive power. Large, indivisible units such as the behemoth DD40AX were less than suitable for these practises, and were eventually made redundant by less striking examples of locomotive technology.

Later, an independant buyer bought one of the last few DD40AX's and put his own prototype of a magnetic impulse drive in it. He billed this new, incredibly powerful locomotive as the DD70AX in honor of its DD40AX lineage but to set it apart as well. This locomotive has never been repainted and is currently on lease to UP anyways.

Model: DD70AX
Horsepower: 69,600
Engine: 1 Magnetic Impulsive Drive
Max.Speed: Unknown
Built: Fictional

Following the success of his DD70AX, Fred Smith went on to patent and license his Magnetic Impulsive Drive (MID) to Union Pacific, who slapped it into everything they had, even their switchers. UP decided to use a 7 in the place of the first number of each locomotive they remotored with the MID, so the SW1200s they remotored became SW7200s and their remotored GP38-2's became GP78-2's.

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Thks Spawn_of_Chaos are you signing up for sunday too? I have a fairly good size coal mine on industrial wasteland so I will supply a specile train for that