How to install .CMPA files


Trainz data hoarder
When i last downloaded a french train and some czech buildings, they had missing dependencies. So i searched on Trainzkuidindex, and saw this

sorry for big image.
After i installed and imported the file, the missing kuids are all marked as New Asset - Unknown Location.

How to install a .cmpa file, without the objects becoming unknown?
Krystian Cetu
I'm not sure if T:ANE actually supports CMPA files from memory. This normally requires Trainz Simulator 12 or earlier.

If you mean CMP files ..........
Download the asset to your Desktop, open Content Manager in reduced window so that you can see the asset on the desktop, drag 'n' drop the asset into the content manager window, it will then auto install.
If you cannot see the asset in content manager, check 'open for edit', if the asset is there, 'Submit' the asset.
That doesn't work here. Its just not installing anything,only giving a Done. 0 Errors and 0 Warnings.

Krystian Cetu
If I remember correctly, we were told some time ago that T:ANE doesn't support the Content Manager Package Archive - CMPA files.

As Shane says, you need to use TS12 to open these up then export the contents to a CDP, or open these assets for edit and import them into T:ANE.