Is my data corrupt? CM has hung then crashed to follow with a "Updating Trainz Asset Database" the last 3 times I've tried to open things for edit to makes repairs. Not right away but it doesn't take long. Makes me want to give up on Trainz. Such a "cuss word" annoyance!! Of course it's a three hour wait every time it crashes. I've seen this behavior before when editing content from time to time but now it seems habitual. If the data is corrupt I don't understand how I could open my personal routes and everything seemed to be there and in working order.
Is the "Updating Trainz Asset Database" the same as a EDR? Is there a chance with each "Updating Trainz Asset Database" it actually gets better and fixes the data?
Is the "Updating Trainz Asset Database" the same as a EDR? Is there a chance with each "Updating Trainz Asset Database" it actually gets better and fixes the data?