CM Hanging, crashing, then Updating Trainz Asset Database


Trainz Luvr since 2004
Is my data corrupt? CM has hung then crashed to follow with a "Updating Trainz Asset Database" the last 3 times I've tried to open things for edit to makes repairs. Not right away but it doesn't take long. Makes me want to give up on Trainz. Such a "cuss word" annoyance!! Of course it's a three hour wait every time it crashes. I've seen this behavior before when editing content from time to time but now it seems habitual. If the data is corrupt I don't understand how I could open my personal routes and everything seemed to be there and in working order.

Is the "Updating Trainz Asset Database" the same as a EDR? Is there a chance with each "Updating Trainz Asset Database" it actually gets better and fixes the data?
Updating the Trainz Asset Database is just a quick database repair that Trainz its self is running due to the hang. Your best bet is to cancel it and run it from CM, from the menu.

Start CM, go to the File menu and database repair...

If you cannot start CM, you can run this from a command prompt. yes!

Start a command prompt with admin rights. I find it fastest to go to accessories then right click on the command prompt and choose run as administrator. Windows 8.x has a link for it by right clicking on the start menu button...

Anyway, navigate to where your TS2010 is installed then to the bin folder in the command prompt.

cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\N3V\TS2010\bin" --- yes, use quotes because there is a space in the path if this is where you have it installed, otherwise, use whatever your path is for Trainz. For mine, using TS12 as the example, I have d:\N3V\TS12\bin

Type trainzutil repairdatabase then press Enter. (Yes, there is a space between Trainzutil and repairdatabase (which is one word)).

It will run in the command prompt and will show things happening. I can't remember if a progress bar comes up, but when it completes, the command prompt comes back.

It will run for a long time so do something else like sleep or go away for the time. We'll you should know this by now. ;)

Thanks for the feedback John. I can still access CM but am I running any risks by doing a EDR? Should I back up all my data before I run the EDR?
Thanks for the feedback John. I can still access CM but am I running any risks by doing a EDR? Should I back up all my data before I run the EDR?

There are risks when running an EDR as it can munch server login information, etc., so I run this only as a last resort. Think of it as the shot an ER doc would give you as you're dying on the gurney. :)

Having said that, yes, always yes do a backup anyway, whether EDR or QDR. It's safer in case things croak badly. With a backup, you can do anything and have that safety net hanging there. :)

So, try the QDR first and see how it goes. I have a feeling that you'll be all set afterwards.

Remember... You'll have some reported pseudo-faulty assets in the end so don't panic. Highlight the assets and view errors and warnings and these will go away. In case you had anything open for edit when the crash hit initially, you might as well as check for open for edit assets as well. This will hopefully solve your missing dependencies as well if there are any.

Again thanks John. Why does the risk go up so much when using CM and CCP to edit and fix errors? What are we supposed to do?
Again thanks John. Why does the risk go up so much when using CM and CCP to edit and fix errors? What are we supposed to do?

It's the fact that opening and closing of the assets in big chunks is what causes the problem particularly with TS2010 which isn't quite as stable, even with all the service packs as TS12. Yes, TS12 actually has a better handle on the database. I have actually kept CM open, even edit assets, while having Trainz open in Surveyor. I need to change categories to refresh the database, but the edited and committed assets then appear. In fact I just did that now with some roads I wanted to duplicate and replace textures on.

CCP was always a bugger and still is today. In fact I've only used it once or twice and then had it crash CM. According to Chris B, (Windwalkr), this program will be going away because of its buggy nature.

The only around this is you need to do things in smaller chunks. :) I've noticed that even with TS12 CM, that you sometimes have to wait a little bit before hitting too many keys, otherwise the screen turns white and the program appears locked. This is TADDaemon and TrainzUtil kicking and doing things. TANE's CM is much better in this respect and is a lot faster at what it does.

You are welcome. I'm glad you got up and running.

I'm not even trying chunks but have been patiently editing content to get it error free one at time. I've had CM crash three times today and go to a QDR. What a bucket of crapola. So frustrating. About 9 hours of waiting today. Something must have happened or changed. I've never seen CM so unstable. I haven't done a full EDR yet but I'm not sure that will be a magic fix. Wouldn't it make sense to back up my local folder after I run the EDR overnight. The EDR is supposed to fix everything I thought. Hence back up my data after it's fixed.
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I'm not even trying chunks but have been patiently editing content to get it error free one at time. I've had CM crash three times today and go to a QDR. What a bucket of crapola. So frustrating. About 9 hours of waiting today. Something must have happened or changed. I've never seen CM so unstable. I haven't done a full EDR yet but I'm not sure that will be a magic fix. Wouldn't it make sense to back up my local folder after I run the EDR overnight. The EDR is supposed to fix everything I thought. Hence back up my data after it's fixed.

Have you checked your hard drive its self after all this?

Your drive could be suffering from issues which can cause the database to crash such as a bad sector. Go to computer (my computer), right click and choose properties, tools, then check disk for errors.

Are you running any disk utilities that "optimize" the performance in the background?

I had this issue with Disk Keeper. The default setting is to do some background optimizing as data changes. With Trainz running or even CM, the folders are opened and closed, thus, the data is changing. The background optimization feature ended up causing database crashes and subsequent QDRs and then I did an EDR before I realize what was happening. I saw this occur in the database process window I setup in TS12 options.

I highly recommend opening only a few items at a time and see if that works. You might be just taxing the system too much, causing CM to crash.

An EDR does an extensive test and verification of the data, and can cause you to lose certain settings such as keywords and your login information. Having a backup of your User Data folder first is a great idea because you can always restore the complete folder should things go awry.

My HD checks out OK and I'm not running any disk tools in the background.

I backed up my user data folder overnight then ran an EDR early this morning before daylight. I'm planning on doing some more editing today so we'll see what happens. Fingers crossed.
What ya know. Freaking CM what's do another QDR. Unfreaking believable! That's what my whole weekend has consisted of. Waiting on QDRs. It's gotton to the point where Im gunshy about just opening then commiting a single asset with CM. Im starting to feel much more frustration with this software than enjoyment and I've been using it since 2004. There has to something totally wrecked. I don't understand how my routes and assets seem to be fine in game but CM is acting like a worthless turd. What could have changed? I used not have this problem.
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What ya know. Freaking CM what's do another QDR. Unfreaking believable! That's what my whole weekend has consisted of. Waiting on QDRs. It's gotton to the point where Im gunshy about just opening then commiting a single asset with CM. Im starting to feel much more frustration with this software than enjoyment and I've been using it since 2004. There has to something totally wrecked. I don't understand how my routes and assets seem to be fine in game but CM is acting like a worthless turd. What could have changed? I used not have this problem.

Something definitely has changed. I too have been using TSxxxx since the same version and have gone through the same frustration.

What have you done differently other than try to open up a bunch of assets at once?

I saw your post on the general forum and responded to that too. If the EDR has fixed your problem, then good and awesome. Relax and hopefully you can get into the swing of things again.

Re-enter your username in and see if that solves the login issue. This sometimes comes up after an EDR.

Hopefully things are resolved after that, and as I've said it's a last resort kind of thing because of the pain.

If not then there's something else going wrong, perhaps a fresh install might be in order. Then again, this is a really, really last resort.
