AI instructions


New member
Help please. I have a layout with forestry to lumber mill.The instructionns are MMwait 1 min(RT) drive to forestry PU logs(load) drive to Lumber mill for log dropoff.As soon as the latter command is issued the program bombs with a fatal error which I don't understand except that the Bin jetlog shows that same error.Short of changing industry, what can I do to fix? Barry
Fatal error

Hi baz66,

Post your jetlog message, not the whole thing but about the last 4 or 5 lines before the error message and the error message itself.

Thanks bill, following is the message
Jet vRRRRR.RR Build 1234.5.QQQQQ on Oct 19 2004 at 15:00:50.
! 00000418 Err 0:00.3 ExceptionHandle : Critical Shutdown ...
! 00000418 Err 0:00.3 ExceptionHandle : Exception ...
! 00000418 Err 0:00.3 ExceptionHandle : Class: Hardware
! 00000418 Err 0:00.3 ExceptionHandle : Reason: Access Violation
! 00000418 Err 0:00.3 ExceptionHandle :
! 00000418 Err 0:00.3 ExceptionHandle : Exception @ 00000000 in 0ˆA~ÿÿÿÿ*ˆA~?ÆA~
! 00000418 Err 0:00.3 ExceptionHandle :
! 00000418 Err 0:00.3 ExceptionHandle : Recoverable exception: Yes
! 00000418 Err 0:00.3 ExceptionHandle :
! 00000418 Err 0:00.3 ExceptionHandle : EAX: 3A010105 EBX: 01280864 ECX: 014E2474 EDX: 014D4C47
! 00000418 Err 0:00.3 ExceptionHandle : ESP: 0012FC28 EBP: 01280A94 ESI: 01281B8C EDI: 014E2474
! 00000418 Err 0:00.3 ExceptionHandle :
! 00000418 Err 0:00.3 ExceptionHandle : DS: 00000023 FS: 0000003B
! 00000418 Err 0:00.3 ExceptionHandle : ES: 00000023 GS: 00000000
! 00000418 Err 0:00.3 ExceptionHandle : SS: 00000023 CS:EIP: 001B:00000000
! 00000418 Err 0:00.3 ExceptionHandle :
! 00000418 Err 0:00.3 ExceptionHandle : Flags: 00010246 (CF:0 ZF:1 SF:0)
! 00000418 Err 0:00.3 ExceptionHandle :
! 00000418 Err 0:00.3 ExceptionHandle : Call Stack:
! 00000418 Err 0:00.3 ExceptionHandle :
! 00000418 Err 0:00.3 ExceptionHandle : 00000000 - 00000000(+0) Unknown

Hi baz66,

Sorry maybe I didn't make myself clear. I would like to see the 4 or 5 lines just previous to the error message. They usually tell what the problem is caused by.

sounds a tad strange you can load the logs then at the mill cant unload
by any chance did you change or are you missing anything from the mill?

I use the same scenario for those 2 and no problems.........
right click on the lumber mill to see if its set up properly to except logs...
thnks bill Ithink I know what you want. Will post tomorrow.I'll check what mtldrum posted but I tried 2 different custom lumbermill and both caused the same problem.By the way .this is 2004 sp4 I'm using
AI Instructions

Bill Here is the error message in entirety. Had to write it .
Reason:Access violation
Exception@0055dd91 in E:\auran\bin\trainz\.exe
recoverable exception:yes
eax:0000000 ebx:14072b20 ecx:15052588 edx:006fdf78
esp:0012ea48 ebp:1072a0dc esi:15d52588 edi15052424
ds:00000023 fs:00000003b
es00000023 gs:00000000
ss:00000023 cs:eip:001b:0055dd91
flag:00210206(cf:02f:0 sf:0)
call stack
0055dd91-00000001(+15cd91) E:\auran\bin\trainz.exe
OK? baz66
Hi Baz66,

That still does not help, but I suppose it is lost now since you will have run trainz again. The bit of the log file that tells what has caused the shutdown is only in the log file after you have shut down. Once you start trainz again it writes a new log file. Thimage below will show the bit to look for, the relevant info is in the first three lines of this image. I know it's not the same as your problem, it's a problem I engineered to show what to look for. This one was caused by more than one loco whistling at the same time, signaled by a whistle board.

It will be too late to get the log for your shutdown now but if it happens again have a look there to see exactly what caused it.

AI Instructions

Thanks Bill.I'll keep working on 1 possibilty at a time.It is funny that it was all working ok till I got some new RS/locos and decided to change them.It must be in that mod somewhere.
Thanks heaps
AI Instructions

Hey Hey.
I found the problem.All I can say is don't use a variety of levers on the points. I used whatever was nearest and when the bombs came I decided to do some tidying. I replaced all levers with the aus track switch lever,the AI smiled out of the front window and went about his Business?
I Have my layout back and working .6 months worth! Halleluya. Now if I can just fix all those missing thingos.Thanks fellas