Your workspace.


New member
Whats your workspace look like?


My desk

My computer


Map of the entire Eastern fright railroad district

One of the Naval Drawings my dad got from work (this is NOT supposed to be circulated, supposed to stay in the Navys vault)
Whats your workspace look like?


One of the Naval Drawings my dad got from work (this is NOT supposed to be circulated, supposed to stay in the Navys vault)

I wouldn't worry about the Hurricane plans falling into enemy hands. That old warbird has been out of commission since WWDeuce.

Here's my workspace. So I'm not neat, so what?
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Which one runs Trainz? :p

(pics to follow eventually--read: once my teachers stop giving me so much **** homework!--...)
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Well, It wont hurt.

My Desk. Nice and neat.


That thing you see in from of the screen is a lego shrinking machine. Yea, I watch too many movies. And off to the side is my Lego model of the P51 Mustang. I made that from scratch. (Up close)



Under my desk...not so clean.


Finally, my buddy and protector, Tiki Man. :D :)


And the USS Constellation in Lego. (Yes I'm a lego nut.):p


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I take the prize for the dirtiest desk

my desk....
or place place the magic happens....
my desk, kinda neat(yeah right)...surronded by books(some trainz, some horror books.:eek: )and my CD collection i have almost every bruce springsteen CD.:p :D

under the desk, lets do that later,
pics will follow



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Count the computers... (forget the iPod Nano G3 for now!)





You should see 7, the 6th and 7th one is between the desktop and the monitor, one exposed (Mobile Pro 880) and one in a black wallet (Mobile Pro 800), both identical, but one has a slower processor than the other, that is it!

EDIT: You may also want to note the KVM switch, not an expensive bugger to have, especially when I got it for free. Someone threw it in a scrap skip at Ropley, so I had to take it home with me to see if it works. The idea was to use 4 computers from one screen, using 2 laptops, the P3 server (On the left) and the main desktop (Right). It works very well, nothing wong with it and I think that is probably the best scrap find I had. It also came with all the cables needed, 2 VGA leads, 4 PS2 leads, but no power supply. I had plenty of them anyway. When I got home, I didn't need one anyway. :)

Worth a mention. :)

That is a British Railways Locomotive Engine Protection Key (Aka "Loco EP key"). This is for any driver to insert into a socket by the master controller, which would then allow him/her to select the master controller from off to neutral or Fwd/Rev if the engine is running. If you don't have an EP key, you cannot move the train. Theres only 2 other keys I need, that is a British Railways No.1 Locomotive key (For Class 45 'Peaks') and a British Railways Carriage Key (for Class 27s, Class 33s, Class 117s, Class 122s and Class 205s). I could do with a shunters spanner (Class 08 and Class 11) if I am to start shunting. :)
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A couple of months old these photos are but nothing has changed really.


Desktop and Latop, I use the laptop a fair bit for rendering things so I can continue working on my desktop without interruptions. Take note of one comfy swivel and tilt leather executive office chair. [Borat] Its NICE! [/Borat]


Shot of my desktop computer, getting on a bit now what with it being over 5yrs old. Still havn't got round to stealthing the DVD-RW drive, the floppy and other DVD-Rom drive are stealthed though.


A shot of the PC's internals. Nothing fantastic at all by today's standards.

Now the next shot is nearly a year old but I like to think of it as showing of my ingenuity when presented with a problem.

June 2007 saw large scale flooding in the UK and my house I was currently living in was affected. Luckily I was warned about the flooding and I and my house mate where able to get all our possessions from downstairs upstairs. With little space to move up my table upstairs I had to create a new table for my laptop, and so my server and Marantz receiver turned on their sides made ideal 'legs' for the table surface, which was from a shelf. My current abode is on top of a hill so I now have no worrys about flooding :D.

I wouldn't worry about the Hurricane plans falling into enemy hands. That old warbird has been out of commission since WWDeuce.
How about the A10 and F-18? I have the A10 one up behind my desk and the F-18 rolled up in my closet, plus some naval drawing disks with a TON of stuff on them (but my dad made shure I could not load them before he gave them to me). I also have a drawing of the naval stealth boat based in San Diego somwhere in here (the only time people are supposed to see that is when it leaves the harbour)

Night time exposure anyone? Yes, all this lot, does keep me up at night!
DANG! Got enough computers running at one time?
I own 6 (2 on loan to friends), 2 laptops, my super computer (with trainz), a 2003 dell tower, a 2002 HP, and an old 1994 (or was it 95'?) custom job by my moms friend.
ANG! Got enough computers running at one time?
I own 6 (2 on loan to friends), 2 laptops, my super computer (with trainz), a 2003 dell tower, a 2002 HP, and an old 1994 (or was it 95'?) custom job by my moms friend.

All 5 are owned by me, the other 6 are PDAs, 3 Mobile pros (780/800/880), 2 Jornadas (680e/710) and a iPAQ (3870)