Unable to download asset <kuid>. File not available on server, or failed to download.

Hi, i wanted to post a quick update to report that the issue seems to have been fixed on my end (probably since N3V has been working on fixing the issue), and i can use the DLS again. i hope the issue has been resolved for everyone else as well!
Hi Everyone,

We believe we've identified the cause of this issue and are currently running a process which will fix the access on the affected accounts. Unfortunately, as we don't know how many accounts have been affected we're having to run it over every MyTrainz account, and that's going to take a while. The current estimate is that it should complete in about 6-8 hours. It may also require a couple of attempts for your local connection data to refresh, so we suggest logging in and out of the game client to force this to happen.

If you're still unable to access the DLS in 8 hours time please contact the helpdesk directly at support.trainzportal.com.

N3V Games apologises for any inconvenience caused. If you had an active FCT during this period and have been unable to use it, please contact the helpdesk and we can extend it for you, but note that there may be some extra delays in processing your request.

Terry Palmer
N3V Games
Hi Everyone,

We believe we've identified the cause of this issue and are currently running a process which will fix the access on the affected accounts. Unfortunately, as we don't know how many accounts have been affected we're having to run it over every MyTrainz account, and that's going to take a while. The current estimate is that it should complete in about 6-8 hours. It may also require a couple of attempts for your local connection data to refresh, so we suggest logging in and out of the game client to force this to happen.

If you're still unable to access the DLS in 8 hours time please contact the helpdesk directly at support.trainzportal.com.

N3V Games apologises for any inconvenience caused. If you had an active FCT during this period and have been unable to use it, please contact the helpdesk and we can extend it for you, but note that there may be some extra delays in processing your request.

Terry Palmer
N3V Games
where is the game clinet on new era is it in the launcher?

Hi TWM844Coffey,

Unfortunately we've been unable to reproduce the problem here but we've just made some changes which might help. Are you able to try again now?

Thanks in advance,
Terry Palmer
N3V Games
It works now thanks!
Hi Everyone,

We believe we've identified the cause of this issue and are currently running a process which will fix the access on the affected accounts. Unfortunately, as we don't know how many accounts have been affected we're having to run it over every MyTrainz account, and that's going to take a while. The current estimate is that it should complete in about 6-8 hours. It may also require a couple of attempts for your local connection data to refresh, so we suggest logging in and out of the game client to force this to happen.

If you're still unable to access the DLS in 8 hours time please contact the helpdesk directly at support.trainzportal.com.

N3V Games apologises for any inconvenience caused. If you had an active FCT during this period and have been unable to use it, please contact the helpdesk and we can extend it for you, but note that there may be some extra delays in processing your request.

Terry Palmer
N3V Games
working again on my end
Looks to me like there are still some server issues. I wanted to reinstall TRS2019 alongside '22 as it's kinder on the hardware.

However trying to download the full installer gives a 502 Bad Gateway timeout.

Trying to run the online installer it croaks after "Reading Configuration" for about a minute then fell over with Patch Failed to read source data. Done that several times now.
Hi, i discovered that for some reason, i can't download anything from the TRS19 DLS. every time i try to do so, it searches for every kuid like usual, before suddenly showing me a bunch of errors saying "Unable to download asset <kuid>. File not available on server, or failed to download.". i am logged in, and i even have an FTC, but trainz just won't budge, and there's very little, if any help for this particular problem out there. (sorry for my potentially bad english/grammar/punctuation)

i forgot to mention, the download speed stays at 0, it never changes.
Mine is doing the same thing and i have no idea what to do
Mine is doing the same thing and i have no idea what to do
There are as many causes as there are solutions.

Check your internet connection. If it's too slow, your download will time out. Some ISPs are notorious for this, such as T-Mobile for instance.

Using a VPN can cause this. Try downloading without using a VPN.

If this is a wireless connection, try a wired connection instead. Sometimes, downloading via a wireless connection will fail due to how wireless works.

Your antivirus is eating the download and killing it. Check your firewall settings and exclude your Trainz.exe from being scanned and ensure that it's allowed through your firewall.

There could be something else but these are the usual culprits that cause that problem.
There are as many causes as there are solutions.

Check your internet connection. If it's too slow, your download will time out. Some ISPs are notorious for this, such as T-Mobile for instance.

Using a VPN can cause this. Try downloading without using a VPN.

If this is a wireless connection, try a wired connection instead. Sometimes, downloading via a wireless connection will fail due to how wireless works.

Your antivirus is eating the download and killing it. Check your firewall settings and exclude your Trainz.exe from being scanned and ensure that it's allowed through your firewall.

There could be something else but these are the usual culprits that cause that problem.
VPN was the problem… thanks so much!
i am trying to install the b40 new on jr website. it has been on the 4th try that i have reached 301 MB. i still have another to enter into the game and it has been close to a hour to get one.
what can i do to get theses assets?

There are as many causes as there are solutions.

Check your internet connection. If it's too slow, your download will time out. Some ISPs are notorious for this, such as T-Mobile for instance.

Using a VPN can cause this. Try downloading without using a VPN.

If this is a wireless connection, try a wired connection instead. Sometimes, downloading via a wireless connection will fail due to how wireless works.

Your antivirus is eating the download and killing it. Check your firewall settings and exclude your Trainz.exe from being scanned and ensure that it's allowed through your firewall.

There could be something else but these are the usual culprits that cause that problem.
i gotta ask. what is a VPN and how do i fix the problem
i gotta ask. what is a VPN and how do i fix the problem
A VPN is a private network, aka a Virtual Private Network, connection that allows you to connect to a host without other people seeing your data. These were once used mostly by corporations to allow employees to access the corporate servers. In the corporate world, they use special hardware with logins to make the connection rather than go through some online service that bundles all kinds of nifty features.

Today, they're used by many people to be able to change their connection location to be able to see movies and access the data from places where they normally can't. They have the secure features to a certain extent, but unlike the real VPN with the hardware box managed by the corporate IT group, they are far more open than the corporate VPN connections. Unlike what people think, using a VPN does not hide what the people are accessing and some keep logs and track what the people are doing. The user's local ISP will also know what connections are used and possibly have logs of where the user went and accessed.

From a Trainz download standpoint, these virtual tunnels as they're also called, can cause the connection to timeout due to the extra hops and connections. VPNs are a lot slower than a direct connection due to having to go through a different server or connection. There's also a possibility that the changing IP address may also screw things up if that's used by the server to allow connections.
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i ordered two packs of the b40-8 and it tool over two each to get them by restarting them. also had 5 downloads and now have one. they get to a point and them stop. i started trying to download the from the email page but that didn't work no ore. so i went back to JR s web and finally got them.
now i also ordered CSX et44 ac and from JRs website it stops at 51.4 mb.
this has never been a problem and i always entered assets from the email page.
after a phone call and close to 20 minutes the has reached 54.6 mbs.
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I think you may want to post on the Jointed Rail Forum below under "Third Party Partners". They are usually fairly quick to give support there.
Hey folks, I need some help. I keep getting the 'Unable to download asset <kuid:xxxxxx:yyyyyy>. Connection interrupted.' I get this message six times, with the last time being an error. We are using wi-fi and we recently changed our ISP from Spectrum to T-Mobile due to rising expenses and Spectrum was cable internet and according to a family member, cable internet is a bit outdated. We're considering running an ethernet cable from my computer to the wi-fi router. Will that fix it?
EDIT: How do I change my signature on these new forums?
Assuming, You are making download attempts using CM, check, if there is some cdp in the cache/internet subfolder with actual date/time and check if it is valid/completed cdp file (using cdp explorer for example).