TS12 Fails to Start, and locks up when I try to sign in


Davenport Southern RR
Earlier today, I tried to start up TS12 right after restarting my computer, trainz launched, did a database update, went into the game to sign in. I entered my username, went to the password box, and the game locked up and I had to kill it through task manager. Same thing when I would try to sign in via content manager. Now when I click the icon to launch the game, nothing happens. Can someone help me fix this? Thanks.
I restarted my computer, and tried to sign in through the options menu, same thing, game locked up. Should I reinstall the game?

So your computer locked up this time, or was it Trainz?

If it's just Trainz you can do a database repair from Content Manager.

Do this before you go to bed and let it run overnight so your computer has a chance to work on the database repair unimpeded.

Only trainz locked up. This morning I set content manager to do an extended database repair while I'm at school. It said "Erasing cache"s when I left in the morning. I got home and it still says erasing caches. What's going on here?
Only trainz locked up. This morning I set content manager to do an extended database repair while I'm at school. It said "Erasing cache"s when I left in the morning. I got home and it still says erasing caches. What's going on here?

Is your hard drive still blinking? The process can take a very long time depending upon how much content you have. The program maybe doing stuff so leave it alone.

How could I tell if the hard drive is blinking, I have a laptop so is it the light on the side of the CD drive?

There should be some kind of activity light occurring while the data is being processed. On the new HP laptops, there's a light on the side that blinks while the drive is being accessed; the same with the DELL XPS-18 All-in-Ones, and other laptops have the light on the front above the keyboard near the display.

Now that you mentioned a laptop, your machine could have gone to sleep during the processing so it may have hung. Your best bet is to cancel the repair, turn off power management, through the control panel, and starting over again.
