TS 2012 seems to be deleting my last 3-5 Route edit saves (under new names)


Well-known member
involuntarily. I have a habit of using the alphabet to name edit revisions in order. To save disk space, I generally retain only the 2-to-4 previous Route letters.

The last route name showing in my content is Revision X.

I had some trouble saving edits this morning and ran Ext. Db. Repair and that seemed to fix everything for a while, anyway.

I did a couple of test saves with minor edits under the names Revision Y, Z and AA and they were showing up in CM this morning and I deleted everything BEFORE Revision X (Revisions S, T, U, V and W).

Then right afterward, I closed Trainz, ran some anti-malware program scans, fixed Windows Registry, got Windows Updates current, did a CCleaner clean-up session.

I just opened up CM again this evening here in California time and Revisions Y, Z and AA are now GONE!

However, the stuff i deleted (Revisions S, T, U, V and W) BEFORE Revision X earlier showed again

Everything up to Revision X is still there, however. Trainz, for some reason, won't let me save new Route names past the letter X for any reasonable length of time.

By the same token, Trainz won't let me get rid of everything before X for good also.

I am running Ext. Db. Repair again. What could be happening?

What is the "Letter X" conspiracy in my case?

Should Trainz be reinstalled from scratch?

Trainz is doing other weird things against my will: I suspect the program may have been become corrupted and broken down over time.

-even when Trains is opened up as Administrator, all the saved routes that are showing up are locked out of edit by default.

-I set Trainz display properties to DirectX but Trainz keeps changing it back to OpenGL as well as changing screen resolution back to default.

Could some bad downloaded assets have botched up Trainz completely? Is malware known to be propagated from the Download Station? Does Trainz staff even verify that assets submitted by third parties to the Download Station are malware-free before approving them for distribution via its Download Station?
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I just finished running XDR again, this evening, and Revisions Y, Z and AA are back again.

I am afraid to do any more serious editing for fear that this same trouble may continue and I lose all my future work.
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A bad download, or content can cause Trainz to crash. I had this occur on a route of mine, which took me until just today to repair it. It was a bad Speed Tree which I found as I was replacing updating assets. That said, for the most part it's pretty rare.

Trainz won't delete something unless it's truly corrupted and the DBR (database repair) process has moved the corrupted data to the backups folder. That is also a very rare occurrence.

There are a few things here that can cause this:

1) You have recently performed a DBR.
When you perform a DBR, some assets are marked as faulty even though they are not. If they are marked as faulty, they will not appear in-game.

Go into Content Manager and search for faulty assets. There should be a filter already for faulty assets. Anything that appears in there, after a repair, is most likely good. Highlight the list. Right-click and choose view errors and warnings. The list should clear up. If there is anything remaining, these will need to be repaired.

2) Assets are open for edit.

This happens if the game crashed while you were editing. Again, go into Content Manager and choose Open for Edit from the tab. Anything in this list needs to be committed in order to be viewed in game. Highlight the list, and press CTRL+M at the same time to commit the assets. Once this is done, you should be all set.

3) Favorites...

This is in Trainz TS12 its self. The gold star next to a route and session will only display those items. If you want to see other routes, click on the gold star at the top of the list to unhide all the routes and sessions. If this is the case, your backup routes should be there.

Hope this helps...

I tried everything above and still troubles. Trainz will have to get reinstalled from scratch and I will have to go through all those dam patches all over again after one month. I hope I will be at least able to load back my routes up to revision X. This is the cut-off point for saving new work.
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I have been experiencing save trouble for a couple of days now. This relates to Session edits which I save with multiple names. When going back to routes the sessions have disappeared. Good job that I have cdp's created after each edit session.
Thing is, I customarily save an edited route as a new route/session combination. Should I get in the habit of saving ROUTES only when editing Routes?

What are cdps?
You can save your route as a simple 'Edit Route' or save it as a 'Session' and merge with the route later.
Take a look at your backup file..............................I think you will see why.
If you are in a route on the route layer, only save the route, never save the session.

If you are creating a session, never save the route, only save the session.

Since you are getting all these weird errors, my bet is that you are
A) Not running your game as Administrator all the time
B) Closing your PC down without letting the DBadmin process stop by itself first (aka "taddaemon"). This usually takes a minute or two after you close the game (or are you not even closing the game normally?) and the process can be made visible via settings (search for how)
Hello JonMyrlennBailey,

Within sessions I'm often using the date within the session name. For ex Route270715A. Never did some changes on one day and arrive at Route270715X. So I cannot tell you what is happening after X.
However I would wait with reinstalling Trainz 12 from scratch. Some time ago, I did a quick database repair and some of my sessions were also gone, however some deleted sessions were back again.

Something must have gone wrong during the database repair. So, I started an extended database repair and didn't do anything else with the computer. After the extended database repair was done, I closed TS12, restarted it and all created sessions were back again.

Nevertheless, I also had a backup ready, just in case the database repair didn't bring my sessions back.

Some other strange thing happened - for some strange reason - TS 12 created an autosave of my route and it was called BE_ROUTE_TRTR - autosave .

Last week, the route BE_ROUTE_TRTR - autosave was suddenly gone without having done a quick or extended database repair.

Best regards

Kurt :wave:
I think you'll find the Autosave file will switch to whatever Route you are working on.

Hello Roy3b3,

I have never had this autosave phenomenon before in TS12. I'm still working on the same route - the autosave version of the route has disappeared.

Best regards

Kurt :wave: