TRS19 - Cornish Session Pack - OFFICIAL


DLC developer for Trainz
Hello everyone!

I'm Hiawathamr, the author of the 8 sessions for Cornish Mainline and Branches (route was made by Robert3a0 - route creator).
These sessions were created in TANE to add some extra fun to the freeware version of the route. Instead, they found their way into TRS19, which is my first time having something being built-into Trainz - (if anyone starts assuming they stole, they asked me for permission).

This thread is to allow all TRS19 owners to stay up-to-date with any updates the sessions may have.
Also, feel free to leave comments about the sessions below to help shape the direction for any session updates (please note that this is a built-in item, so updates may / may not become available ASAP; it all depends on how N3V sees fits). I can only try though.

The following issues are known and an update has been sent to N3V - whether they accept it or not is unknown.

  • The environment settings that are now released needs fixing - this has been fixed and sent to N3V
  • Some messages don't appear and therefore not giving the user the points - fixed
  • Some passenger coaches are displaying "Your text here" - replaced and fixed
So while the updates are waiting to be reviewed, now is the time to post any other bugs that might've been missed
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I ran the session "Working on the Falmouth Docks" yesterday. I found that the bridge rails near junction 1158506 were not connected to the main line properly. But, when I ran it today, the bridge is fine. I guess some of the mysterious goings on that I've seen in TANE that magically correct themselves have transferred over to TRS19. :D

I did find that the floating rails near the oil loading area on the docks where you pick up the tanker cars were still floating, like yesterday, but that didn't really mess up the immersion for me.

The closeness and confining aspect of the line has been captured very well by your sessions. I've got tree branches scraping against my train cabin in many places. It is really cool.

Thanks for your very nice work on this.

Thank you for the kind words Heinrich505:)

Unfortunately the bugs that you had reported here are beyond my control, as they're part of the route, not the actual session:( - (if they were bug reports to begin with lol).

My goal was to try to cover every possible spot the route had to offer, as it has offered quiet a few session opportunities:).

Glad you enjoyed the run!


Problem with the out of place looking coaches is still present as reported here when will this be updated ??

Also at the station Marazion isa floating bench.

Truro station platform 3 and 4 roof is floating

Also last platform at Truro which should be 4 the one that ends there has no interactive passengers platform while all others do.

Passengers sinked into the platforms at Redruth station

Passengers sinked into platform 2 at Cambourne

Floating passengers at Gwinere Road station, platform 3 is the worse but is hard to adjust or they will sink, i think a different invisible platform of smaller size would work better here

On route to the next station from Gwinere road station so that is Hayle, on the way there is a bridge that is only half done, you got a floating road there

At Hayle station again floating passengers and some passengers are half way inside buildings

At St. Erth station, some passengers are sinked into the platforms, not that bad though in this case but still forsome maybe an eyesore

This route is a real beauty but it needs a lot of fixing of small minor things listed here, to make it complete and done before this game should release with it since a lot of gamers will judge the game on the routes that come with it. The things I listed here are easily fixed as I fixed them on my own version within half an hour i cluding adding a working platform 4 at Truro because i Wanted to play the route with self made sessions. So im sure you can get the route fixed up before release
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Patrick31 -
Problem with the out of place looking coaches is still present as reported here when will this be updated ??

Also at the station Marazion isa floating bench.

Truro station platform 3 and 4 roof is floating

Also last platform at Truro which should be 4 the one that ends there has no interactive passengers platform while all others do.

Passengers sinked into the platforms at Redruth station

Passengers sinked into platform 2 at Cambourne

Floating passengers at Gwinere Road station, platform 3 is the worse but is hard to adjust or they will sink, i think a different invisible platform of smaller size would work better here

On route to the next station from Gwinere road station so that is Hayle, on the way there is a bridge that is only half done, you got a floating road there

At Hayle station again floating passengers and some passengers are half way inside buildings

At St. Erth station, some passengers are sinked into the platforms, not that bad though in this case but still forsome maybe an eyesore

This route is a real beauty but it needs a lot of fixing of small minor things listed here, to make it complete and done before this game should release with it since a lot of gamers will judge the game on the routes that come with it. The things I listed here are easily fixed as I fixed them on my own version within half an hour i cluding adding a working platform 4 at Truro because i Wanted to play the route with self made sessions. So im sure you can get the route fixed up before release
Most of those bugs are out of my control (as they're route objects, and not session objects), as I only made the sessions to go with the route, not the route itself;)
As for the session bugs, yes I did fixed those. The session updates might come out later, as N3V has content locked, which means they aren't releasing the updates yet... but hopefully soon-ish...

Whitepass -
I got missing content, unknow, kuid:661281:44158, kuid2:124017:27011:3, kuid:661281:85193, and 5 more.
Now that's weird. I would try to reinstalling the DLC and see if it continues to show up.
To uninstall, go into the area where you have TRS19 storing your content (can be viewed from the install tab in the settings) and locating and deleting the 14 folders. Then do a DB update so TRS19 will remove the deleted DLC from the listings, then file > download purchased items and install.
If its still showing as missing, then I would try installing TANE's version of the route and see if that fixes the problem.
If worse comes to worse, I would also suggest contacting the helpdesk and see if they can sort things out

Cornish is SC490x.

If you remove just the SC490 folder, run a db repair, restart Trainz, the other missing folders should appear for download.
Patrick31 -

Most of those bugs are out of my control (as they're route objects, and not session objects), as I only made the sessions to go with the route, not the route itself;)
As for the session bugs, yes I did fixed those. The session updates might come out later, as N3V has content locked, which means they aren't releasing the updates yet... but hopefully soon-ish...

Whitepass -

Now that's weird. I would try to reinstalling the DLC and see if it continues to show up.
To uninstall, go into the area where you have TRS19 storing your content (can be viewed from the install tab in the settings) and locating and deleting the 14 folders. Then do a DB update so TRS19 will remove the deleted DLC from the listings, then file > download purchased items and install.
If its still showing as missing, then I would try installing TANE's version of the route and see if that fixes the problem.
If worse comes to worse, I would also suggest contacting the helpdesk and see if they can sort things out


So who will be fixing the route then ? Because in this state it just cant be released, it will make trainz 19 look bad and many new Trainzers will go by what they see
Try asking the actual routes creator?

So we have to do the job that N3V suppose to do ? I thought we were suppose to report bugs and they would take care of fixing the problems ?? Now we the User have to chase down someone who made the route to fix a route that has problems that is being uncluded in a release of a game. Just saying it's gonna make TRS19 look bad if routes with problems like this are being included without them being fixed.
N3V have sent me the source route for the TRS19 builtin Cornish Mainline and have asked if I can update it with some / any requests from the community so that N3V can release patches every few months. I will open a [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]separate Thread for this purpose. I have taken on board the comments above and will rectify issues as they arise. Please keep in mind that this route has been created across five versions of Trainz, so I am not surprised there are faults appearing.

N3V have sent me the source route for the TRS19 builtin Cornish Mainline and have asked if I can update it with some / any requests from the community so that N3V can release patches every few months. I will open a separate Thread for this purpose. I have taken on board the comments above and will rectify issues as they arise. Please keep in mind that this route has been created across five versions of Trainz, so I am not surprised there are faults appearing.


Thank you Bob, much apreciated