The patching went very smoothly from build 110491 to build 111341. The data base rebuild went as expected. After all of this there were no errors and no missing or open assets, so everything appears to be fine in the database.
The issue of the AI driver problem appears to be a problem so far in only one route. Everything works as expected in build 110491 so this would suggest that the track work, track marks, signaling, etc is all OK.
The same route works as expected in build 111341 if I do directly to the drive command in the menu, so I have to assume that everything is still OK with the route, the driver commands, and the consists.
I usually like to start out in the surveyor mode because it loads up quicker, both in builds 110491 and 111341, then just starting up in the driver mode ( not sure why this is). I then activate the driver mode from within surveyor and things start out OK.
In this one route in particular strange things happen. Some consists run as expected, some start out OK and then after a short time just stop running, and some consists never start. If I focus on one consist that is stalled I can get it running by going into the manual mode. I drive it for a while and then stop it. If I then go into the mode which has the AI instructions and then activate the "continue schedule" instruction the consist continues on its way following the AI commands.
This appears to be one of those nightmare situations where the issue can be consistently reproduced but effects only one route, which works fine in build 110491.
Not sure how to debug this one.