TRS19 Beta 111341 (PC) 11347 (Steam PC) and 111343 (Mac)

Hi Tony,

Quick question - I am getting a dozen plus updates in Trainz Content Store - is this due to current asset updates in system?
On starting editing my route I get a screen with (for me) strange remarks. When I chose continue, I can work further, but I lose my fullscreen.

ALT + Enter should get you back in fullscreen.
Download and install went smoothly. Usual (expected) delay when first loading a route while "shaders complied", whatever that means.


When loading and running a previously saved Driver Game from SP2, the session clock is missing from the top right hand corner of the screen. Solution is to exit Driver to Surveyor and then back into Driver, via the UDS. Clock reappears.

Problem and solution are repeatable.

Its all fun!
Szia nálam ugyan ez a jelenség semmit nem tudok kezdeni vele 

Google Translate:
"Hi I have this phenomenon I can't start anything with it"

My Answer:
They are diagnostic messages for debugging the program. They are there because you are using a beta or test version of the SP3 release of TRS19. They are used to tell the programmers that the program has detected a problem but has probably dealt with it successfully. All Trainz beta versions come with these built in. They will be removed in the final release version.

Best solution is to click the Continue button and several more of these may appear - keep clicking Continue until they stop OR
Press Continue and Ignore Errors and they will not bother you again in this session.

Google Translate:
Diagnosztikai üzenetek a program hibakereséséhez. Azért vannak, mert Ön a TRS19 SP3 kiadásának béta vagy teszt verzióját használja. Azt szokták mondani a programozóknak, hogy a program észlelt egy problémát, de valószínűleg sikeresen kezelte. Az összes Trainz bétaverzió beépítve van. A végleges verzióban eltávolításra kerül.

A legjobb megoldás, ha rákattint a Folytatás gombra, és ezek közül még több megjelenhet - kattintson a Folytatás gombra, amíg le nem áll VAGY
Nyomja meg a Folytatás gombot, és hagyja figyelmen kívül a hibákat, és ezek nem fognak ismét zavarni ebben a munkamenetben.

Apologies for any Google errors.
Hi Tony, re the fix to "Remove green highlight incorrectly showing after copy/paste". Confirmed it works for new copy/pasting splines in this latest update... However, I have a small set of splines which remain green shaded and that i connect delete as it will instantly crash trainz when i try. I had hoped with the fix i could now delete these old splines, sadly when i try, it still causes Trainz to crash. I can copy/paste/delete exact same splines without issue. Just cannot delete the original green shaded instance(s). Any thoughts how i can remove these splines with green shading without causing trainz to crash?
Feeling very brave and intrepid I've upgraded my SP2 Plus+ install to SP3 beta. This is strange and unusual behaviour for me little Luddite that I am, - and I was more than a little surprised when nothing that was fine before broke or was marked Faulty in angry red ink. Mind you my SP2 install was only for the DLC I own and my tinware SP1 install with my own work on it is backed up away somewhere very very safe and will stay that way for a few months yet.

The pop-up diagnostic messages are very entertaining and I did realise that they are all part of the intrepid beta experience which is fine by me. Just so long as they don't start saying that they have awful pains in the diodes all down their left side.

And is it just me or have some of the 'sun-just-gone-supernova' qualities of the environmental lighting been attended to?
version 11341 install went smooth in 2 steps.

1 version 111069 seem to be better in refresh on splines roads/tracks but the new release put me back in the dark ages with only spline points and waiting long time before roads etc show...
computer runs well and was cleaned so not to blame.

2 I notice my (btw excellent) samsung tv type QA65Q80TAKXXT causes Trainz to reboot when I change my TV game mode to off , on or auto.
I never had this before and yes I can repro it.
The green spline overlay from the previous build is still present on the route. When attempting to delete the spline, the game crashes to desktop. I have tried moving the spline to another layer and then deleting the layer, crash. Moving the spine to a new baseboard and deleting the baseboard, crash. Copying and pasting ontop of the breen spline, crash.

Anyone noticed that their computer is running hotter under SP3? There's a noticeable difference between running SP1 and SP3 and the higher temperatures I'm seeing on my monitoring software are certainly a worry.

Edit: So is no-one cooking up their computer? SP3 sends both my CPU and my GPU into the high 70's which it certainly wasn't doing with SP1.
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Why does my CM continue to look like it is adding assets? The little green bar in the lower right acts like it is adding something to the system??? It just keeps doing it.

It maybe busy validating and caching and not adding assets.

Click on Developer (menu item).
Click on Clear Logs.
Click on Show Logs.

You'll see stuff scrolling by as the assets are cached.
Derailment problem with re-rail portal after installation of 111341. Never had this before :(
Yes I have. They where looking into it but we where not able to repeat the problem all the time in every route. Mine was that it would re-rail the asset 3 time instead of 1. It also seemed to send out trains that did not derail. What did you see?
<NULL> : glklib - unable to link to common data library library (cdlib) ... (file
; <NULL> : Script class: Interface
; <NULL> : Object: GSGameObject{0x1fb7ad3b0; class:GSClass{0x3fbfb068: Interface}, refcount:3}
; <NULL> : Script callstack
; <NULL> : function $void@GameObject::Exception(string), line -1
; <NULL> : function $void@GlobalLocksLib::Init(Asset), line 149
- <NULL> : EsvlibSP2 - unable to link to common data library library (cdlib) ... (file
; <NULL> : Script class: Interface
; <NULL> : Object: GSGameObject{0x1fb7ad3b0; class:GSClass{0x3fbfb068: Interface}, refcount:3}
; <NULL> : Script callstack
; <NULL> : function $void@GameObject::Exception(string), line -1
; <NULL> : function $void@esvlib2::Init(Asset), line 110

Bug report submitted.
Some consists derail before leaving the portal, but then again some others don't. Part of a derailed consists, continues without the engine, but with the driver in charge. !?!?!?!?
And another script bug STL Trainz Monitor this time.

- <kuid2:177292:204091:2> : Message Queue Overflow for node 23697 (discarded message follows)
router message from 23809 'consist_145' to 23809 'consist_145', message Train, ThrottleChanged
thread state is 0
messages already in queue follow:
router message from 23901 'consist_1391' to 23901 'consist_1391', message Train, ThrottleChanged
router message from 23903 'consist_1415' to 23903 'consist_1415', message Train, ThrottleChanged
router message from 23806 'consist_139' to 23806 'consist_139', message Train, ThrottleChanged
router message from 23916 'consist_1471' to 23916 'consist_1471', message Train, ThrottleChanged
router message from 23811 'consist_149' to 23811 'consist_149', message Train, ThrottleChanged

Script is used by the DSW 8 Trams used on my route.

This is only a portion of the output.

Bug report submitted.