@Tony: Apologies for the late reply. timezone difference is the culprit here
splines and tracks updating is getting slower again now my route is getting bigger.
Ron, please provide specific details of what you are seeing.
Big_b described exactly what I am noticing:
I've got something similar . When I delete track I don't get a freeze but quite a long pause before the track deletes
As well nearly all spline objects in about a 300mtr radius from the deleted track vanishes as the deleted track deletes then re appears maybe about 2-3 seconds
Is this during laying of track only?
track -and- splines
How slow is slower?
tracks and splines disappearing and re rendering as big_b said and it gets progressively longer when I add (merge) another layout ( my own layouts) to the route. ( up to appr. 10 seconds before I am able to continue ) and/or adding/deleting tracks and splines
What are you actually seeing (the track will be re-rendered each time you add a new spline).
yes, track and splines re rendering
How long are the track segments you are laying? (100-500m lengths are recommended)
length of splines/tracks doesn't seem to have any impact. happens with very short splines ( 5-10m ) as well as 100/200m, etc.
Is this build slower than older builds when comparing like for like? If so how much slower?
as far as I can remember this behaviour started with the release of SP2
Is anyone else having problems laying splines in this build?
Also, is anyone else having thumbnail issues in CM?