Trainz Commuter Rail


FVRR member
As the title says, I/we (myself,skiingiggy,gerr,bano)Are opening a new site dedicated to commuter rail systems,as of right now its all for NJT things,but as we are just getting ourselves of the ground htats all we have. But if you are intrested and want to take a look around click the link in my siggy and your there.
UPDATE: Michael2541 has joined us and now possibly tbob.
I have also given up on Pvincent342.
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also, if you are interested in joining us (we need creators) then feel free to contact me via pm. We are accepting neew members. I am doing most of the site work so please feel free to help out.
At this point we need everything except route makers, and beta testers. Every other spot is still open for th most part seeing as Pvincent still hasn't replied to a pm. So reskinner is still a possibility as well.
EDIT: I am giving Pvincent342 2 more days to respond, if he doesn't reskinner will be totally up for grabs.
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At this point we need everything except route makers, and beta testers. Every other spot is still open for th most part seeing as Pvincent still hasn't replied to a pm. So reskinner is still a possibility as well.

Pvincent still hasn't still?
LOL Thanks. WOW this is such an old thread, But if anyone wants a position, particularly british or US gmaz artists, you are welcome, and As for my sig, I am still the most loyal person to TCR, but right now P76 is in more desperate need for railfans to join. And, Since TCR Finally has it's 100th member, I will be making a new Sig Banner for myslef. Woot Woot! lol
But skiin you forgot to note that TCR is going down for the Christmas break for maitnance.....
And thanks a lot millis!Also its Gandalf:hehe: ;)