To help Auran, we should stick together

Hey Guys

There are those that would have you believe that all is over here or perhaps push they're own agenda and I'm sure they mean well. In the meantime you still have your Trainz Community and your Trainz Download Station and a whole lot of Trainzers here to help you out and post interesting new info for you.

All is well here in the Trainz Community. Remember please that Auran always shuts down for the Holidays, but the Community remains here throughout.

Enjoy Trainz and your Holidays with your family and friends.

Cheers :)

Anything we can do to help! My wife got me Trainz Railwayz for
Christmas. I wouldn't have bought it myself cause I'm too engrossed
my Trainz 2006 project over the last couple years. We were glad to do our little part to support Auran being that what they've created has greatly enhanced my life!!
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Are there some posts missing from this thread?

From the posts I can see, there seems to be two unconnected themes.
1 -- Auran is going down the tubes and needs some help.
2 -- There is a problem with FCTs.

Of course I'm fairly new here. I could be missing the obvious and if so could someone take pity on me and explain please?
What a terrific, positive thread, Its nice to see, especially with whats been going on in other parts of the Forum.

John. I congratulate and salute you for starting this thread.

Through this and the old Forum I have always looked on Trainz as 'Our Product', we have the DS and over the years I have made a lot of friends here.

This thread reminds me of an old film I once saw "633 Squadron" where they all got killed. Towards the end of the film a reporter commented. "They may of killed the men, but they can't kill a squadron".
Sorry about that; but I think its very apt to this thread.

In my own humble opinion, Trainz has too many dedicated followers to let it die. Just think; If 2009 was Auran's very last production, (and I certainly don't think it will be) we all have the ability to keep adding to it and building it up. Even to the extent of producing a new version under a cooperative effort which I'm sure the existing staff at Auran would join.

Hopefully it will never come to that, but 'They can kill a company, but they can't kill its followers'

Well, Pete, thanks for that (see my post above yours).

At least your post shows I am not seeing all posts on this thread and I am not losing my powers of reason. With just the ones I can see, the thread makes no sense at all.

I really hope this is not it for Auran, i loved Trainz 2006 when i was younger and did not even know how to work the download manager or even know that there was a community. Two days ago I found out that Trainz 2009 exsisted!:sleep: I really hope this is not it, and Trainz 2009 will thrive. Regards, Mike.

Biggest Noob On The Railroad :D
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The resurrection of this 1 year old thread is only going to cause confusion about Aurans health. Maybe a Mod should lock it ?
Deja vu all over again? Didn't we have this sort of thing going on when there where panic stations among a section of the TRS community when it was thought that Auran might go bust? There was one lot saying let's all help by buying their products and FCT's. Others were desperately trying to download the entire contents of the DLS! Really Auran can only help themselves by making better programmes, and it seems that with TC3 they have gone some way to getting back on track. For their sake let's hope that TRS2009 lives up to all it's promises. If that happens there won't be any need for "Let's all help Auran" warm and fuzzy threads.
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