TC3 Features page and Bug fixes page has been updated.

Hi all,

Thank you Ahsan for posting this thread & link - and thank you Mike10 for the update.

Now I think I will get money ready for a TC edition - judging from the fixes and new features page it sure sounds like TC3 will be way better then TRS04 for my uses, at least as I know TRS06 had a couple of things I loved but not enough to tolerate the use of CMP to add my stuff to the program.

With the TC3 list of fixes and enhancements it sure sounds like I have more good then bad (for me) in the program, and might just jump aboard when it comes out.
If only I could avoid CMP for adding "Work In Progress" stuff if I don't want to use it - ala a Custom directory for up to a certain amount of stuff... ;)

Either way, so far, so good - hope things will keep on improving!

Best wishes

Well, that all looks there a list of what is broken with this version (if anything)?
Well, actually, Rob has said that every version that has improvements also has some items that the improvements have broken. It would be great to know what these broken features are before someone ends up posting them anyway.
I would also like to know that before digging into the wallet. I am having enough problems accepting the problems that TRS06 came with. It is nice and all to know that certain features have been fixed, but I find it still not very convincing at the moment to trade in my TRS07 ( German ) version for Classics.
If anything gets broken it isn't intentional I'm sure. Mostly such things become apparent after release. I'm also pretty sure they aren't going to deliberately break something to prove Rob right ;)

(I don't think I've seen anything that's been broken yet BTW)

If I knew what would be broken in the final build then I could tell Auran and they could fix them before making the final build. Of course, if I could do that I'd also be able to pick the right lottery numbers before they draw them...

If I knew what would be broken in the final build then I could tell Auran and they could fix them before making the final build. Paul

Of course, but then when they fixed them, they would break something else, and then.......
If I knew what would be broken in the final build then I could tell Auran and they could fix them before making the final build. Of course, if I could do that I'd also be able to pick the right lottery numbers before they draw them...


In my experience most companies do not postpone a release because of some "minor" issues with the final version. So far it hasn't stopped Auran from releasing TRS06 with flaws, or Classics 1&2 for that matter.

The question Ed asked is legitimate therefore.
Nobody is denying it is a legitimate question. At the moment the only answer is 'nothing'.

I do feel we are about to experience an Ed wind-up though ;)

Nobody is denying it is a legitimate question. At the moment the only answer is 'nothing'.

I do feel we are about to experience an Ed wind-up though ;)



I sure hope it is true because then I can also migrate to TC3. I would really love to take a spin on the new route. :D
Nobody is denying it is a legitimate question. At the moment the only answer is 'nothing'.
If the question was supposed to be 'what's broken at the moment?' then the answer is we can't tell you because of the NDA. If the question was 'what's going to be broken in the final build' you need someone who can see into the future...

The item that interests me most is the improvement in Alpha channel handling. I presume the NDA will stop us finding out more until release, but I am hoping it will be more than just distant trees passing in front of nearer ones. I would love to see Trainz handle Alphas as well as MSTS so that we more incompetent modellers can make surfaces with a high percentage of windows, without it going all ghosted.
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I think a lot of folks are going to be looking forward to many of those features and fixes, as well as the route itself. I think I may invest in a copy... :udrool:

One question that those in the know probably can't answer yet...

Will TC3 have legacy content included?

I think a lot of folks are going to be looking forward to many of those features and fixes, as well as the route itself. I think I may invest in a copy... :udrool:

One question that those in the know probably can't answer yet...

Will TC3 have legacy content included?


An educated guess would be to assume that there will not be any. Just like its predecessors. It would obsolete the idea behind the Classics franchise.
I'll probably still wait for reviews and complaints to crop up here rather than pre-order it, but TC3 looks like a version of Classics that I might actually get some enjoyment out of.
Thanks for the discussion.

As perfectly qualified people have said, no one knows what bugs will escape detection in the final build, but we welcome applications from anyone who thinks they can do a better job of testing and finding the bugs. Good developers appreciate a crictical eye and we'd like to see as many of them in the beta group as possible.

Let's face it Trainz has a lot of scope by now, and it's not easy to foresee everyone's individual requirement of it.

Are you testing for us yet? Applications through Helpdesk are welcome.

As far as each new version breaking things goes; it's almost always a matter of creators relying on a bug or a buggy item, or the software compensating for bugs the creations sometimes introduce.

Progress after all, is progress. It would be better if dieselisation didn't break the steam era, and it would be more aesthetically pleasing for everyone if the NR class weren't so damn efficent at moving tonnage around Australia.

