Strange texture problem...(Using TRS2004)


Active member
I built a layout about 25 baseboards in size and made mountains then textured them with about 4 different textures. Then I began filling the baseboards with the same texture each time. I also used a ballast texture to put around the track. When I "finished" filling the boards with the same texture, I went back into the surveyor menu. The next day when I began adding building I noticed that some of the boards I had textures weren't showing up on the boards. This happened for 13 out of the 25 boards. I tried retexturing but that didn't work. What went wrong?

When you say "went back into surveyor menu" do you mean you went back to the launch screen? If so did you give it time to save the route before exiting right out?

Could also be a sign you have reached the ground-texture limit of 256(?) textures.

Or I suppose it's possible that some of the textures are corrupt. If you have logged out of TRS2004 in the normal way, there should be a list of the erroneous assets in the log.htm file (within the \cache\logs folder). Check and see if it mentions some of the ground-textures you have used.
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If you are using the "Fill Board with Texture" for your route, this will only work for about 3 boards before you need to save. Texture may show on boards using this method in Surveyor when you are using, but when you look at your route later only a few are done. Filling boards with texture isn't a good method of texturing, probably "cut and paste" using the tool section gives better results.