South Australian railway content

SAR North Line Stations Coming



Looking at this as a single station asset with texture group and script. Edit identity via properties to change the look to represent the actual location including name board to cover these locations
Farrell Flat

These are not my photos. Unknown photographers but credit to them if I knew their names (sorry)

Once again, totally different color scheme in these stations from the Willunga line ! Why did they do this , run out of paint? The colorado midland tended to use whatever paint was around at the time, that surely wouldn't apply in SA ?
Yes there are differences BUT I also suspect some of the differences are simple age, faded paint and probably photo quality/storage. The line up to Pirie has many similar stations to that of Willunga but the colours are more green looking than the blue of your stations. I showed that I think with the photo of Mallala. Possibly started the same as Willungae but not in the photo
Yes there are differences BUT I also suspect some of the differences are simple age, faded paint and probably photo quality/storage. The line up to Pirie has many similar stations to that of Willunga but the colours are more green looking than the blue of your stations. I showed that I think with the photo of Mallala. Possibly started the same as Willungae but not in the photo
Ive noticed that close to the cbd,signal box roofs can appear green or a brown tint, some of the keswick waiting rooms were blue walled, the newer station buildings built when the line was doubled tracked are often dark cream , verging on ochre, and as the line goes further out into the country, the color scheme has the blue walls. BUT on the hills line,at mitcham at least, the wall color is an ochre with a red roof ..... brown trim, no sign of blue there .It is somewhat confusing.
Consider that the SAR was a state government department, the Ways and Works branch filled in their requisition for whichever colour paint was needed. When they received their order they painted with whichever colour they were delivered.
Consider that the SAR was a state government department, the Ways and Works branch filled in their requisition for whichever colour paint was needed. When they received their order they painted with whichever colour they were delivered.
I actually asked my contact at the Port Dock Museum about this, he had no answer as to when which liveries were used and why, he told me the colors used , but not where or when they were utilised. The ARHS Mt Barker line uses maroon and cream throughout on their buildings , but precisely why they chose that is , once again, something of a mystery as i cant find examples of that color scheme around on other SAR buildings near Adelaide, although not looked past the lower hills line . .