Show off your reskins!

Metrolink: eat your heart out....


Patches and patches and patches.... lol
I reskinned Talgo Pendular from DLS to Las Vegas and Cascades paint schemes, added fins and covers to tail cars and covered european couplers with alpha map.

for the GT locos, my opinion is they look simply marvelous! What was the original model used to reskin them from?

I reskinned Talgo Pendular from DLS to Las Vegas and Cascades paint schemes, added fins and covers to tail cars and covered european couplers with alpha map.
Just curios are those the same fins that peter and I used from the TRS forum (author gave free usage rights before anyone asks) I'm just curios as to if you did them yourself or if they were the same ones.
now all you gotta do is slap an attachment point for an american coupler on there and be done with it ^.^
montanawestren: Nice job on those GT units, you have talent :).

Nice skins from everybody else too.

// Erik from Sweden
Grand Trunk SD38s, tried to be as accurate as possible with the textures on these.

Any opinions and/or improvements I could make?

WOW these are really good! Trainz is in dire need of some GT stuff. I sooooo wish these good be released :'( But keep up the great re-skins so the rest of us can droll and dream.
Dave Snow's Cylindrical Hoppers for the Pioneer Valley

Will be on the DLS after the depends are approved.

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